Not having cancer is the best!

Mar 07, 2015 16:17

I have a very sore and very bruised right breast.  But that's okay.  Because it turns out that I do not have cancer. I'm fine.

For the past few months there was some concen.  I had a suspicious mammogram, then another one. Then I had a suspiciopus ultrasound. This week I got a second suspicious ultrasound and then five biopsies of the suspicious lump.  I  hung around the hospital for six hours reading a murder mystery until the results came back.  Negative.  No cancer. **Happy Dance!** Mr. Pugh and I had been being optimistic and strong for each other and now we can collapse and admit how scared we really were.  I know I had a few days where I started crying at work and had to bottle that shit up fast.

Another reason for doing the happy dance is that I've won a CIHR Catalyst Grant in Communtiy Based HIV Research.  They'll give me $30,000 to do my project, which examines how friendly the grant review process is for Indigenous researchers. I'll be doing a lot of interviews. It's a lot of work, but getting it puts me one crucial step closer to getting a permenent research job. It's all coming up Margaret this week.  Now if I can just have some time to decompress from all the stress.

grants, stress, work

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