The first of my several days off has been spent doing errands. I did some editing on an article. I dropped my sewing machine off to get serviced (sounds so sexy), restocked my dry goods (doesn't sound sexy at all) and went to the library to read books by two of the women who will be on my dissertation committee. One of the books had a structure that was remarkably like my dissertation--I suspect it was based on her dissertation. All in all, no shocking discoveries; they're both queer-friendly and smart.
I also wasted an hour looking for some clothing dye (black Rit in the box) that doesn't seem available anywhere anymore. The place I used to get it ran out of black weeks ago and has now closed up shop (due, no doubt to their lack of black Rit). I even resorted to going to American Apparel, which had Rit in some other form, but didn't have black. I anticipate their imminent bankruptcy.
I was going to go see Star Trek, but I think I ought to wait and do that tomorrow morning. I'm now fighting inside my head; the superego says I ought to take this opportunity to plant things on the roof, paint the hallway, sew a summer dress and update my website. My id wants to eat candy and watch tv.
In more fun news, I got another letter from my uncle. He's sent a wish list of movies that he can't find; not surprisingly, because they're not on dvd. He asked that i not go to any trouble or expense, which just shows how little he knows me. I like going to trouble and expense. I've given the lists to two guys who are gurus of the vhs conversion and the torrent search. I've found two titles for sale online as dvdrs. I will gladly buy what I can't get for free. The search is the fun part, overshadowed only by the sending and the glowing feeling of being able to surprise him with my movie-fu.
Last night we went to Vegetarian Haven for dinner in a belated celebration of finishing the writing stage and our 14th anniversary. It was awesome, as before. I would not get the crispy tofu again, as the pieces were too large for my liking, and the insides too melty. However, the tofu sizzler plate was awesome and the battered oyster mushrooms were reminiscent of fish and chips. I only wish I could order chips with them. I bought a new vegan cookbook from the recycled bookstore nearby. We also had a really interesting discussion about vegan food in which
mr_pugh said that living with the cats, and seeing that they have personalities and feelings and likes and dislikes, etc. has given him a different perspective on eating animals. Tonight's dinner is onions, bok choi and lima beans.