Jul 08, 2012 23:48
I gave myself some sort of burns, I think they may be similar to radiation burns (since they are like a sunburn without the leaking of heat) but I can't be sure. It has happened a couple times before when I used energy but didn't maintain enough defenses to keep from hurting myself in the process. I think the problem is that I am so tired, I actually cut my self with my own fingernail the other day when swatting away a bug that was coming at me; something that shouldn't be possible considering the physical defenses that I have developed. That, and I underestimated the complexity of the thing I was doing by expecting that it would only require skill and patience rather than interaction with greater amounts of power. Perhaps this was due to the change in what I ended up doing halfway through or perhaps I simply underestimated the power of the string itself. Either way, the small blister that came up underneath the pad of my thumb is really really annoying. I must try to remember this in the future, but oh well.