Date: Saturday, October 08, 2011
Characters: Josh Moore, Ty Ross, Thad Jordan, Darcy Teller, Audrey Teller, Dalton Teller, Anyone Else
Location: Arts Goggle Fall 2011 (Various locations along Magnolia & vicinity)
Status: Public
Summary: Josh checks out Arts Goggle
Completion: Incomplete
This was the first year that Josh would be attending Arts Goggle. In the spring, he’d been busy with Serenity, same as last fall. Prior to that, he hadn’t been in the area to even know about it. He liked art and music pretty well, so he was interested to see what kind of booths were set up and to hear the various bands he’d seen on the promotional material. Serenity was actually one of the sponsors for a stage event with live music later in the evening, so he knew he’d be stopping by there at some point. Other than that, he mostly planned to wander around and see what was happening.
It was still pretty early, since it had just started at four, but there were already some people out on the streets. He looked down Magnolia and could see activity happening in both directions. He could smell a food truck somewhere not too far away, but he couldn’t see where it was parked yet. The glass blowing place had an open house happening, he saw, which might be fun to check out, and several places had opened their doors to promote local artists, musicians, and writers while also promoting themselves.
It felt a little weird doing this alone, but he needed to get used to the idea that he had two feet and could stand on them reasonably well regardless of how there was an empty spot in his life that was Dylan-shaped. Cal hadn’t gotten too sick of him yet, and it was easier not sleeping in his own bed right now. He’d go back to his own apartment eventually, if only because he wasn’t going to risk losing Cal, too, by overstaying his welcome. For now, it was going okay with the way things had been the last week.
When he passed by a group of three musicians on the sidewalk by the coffee place, he stopped to listen and watched a woman in a flowy skirt dancing on the other side of the street. Josh smiled and decided that it had been a good idea to take a break to come check this event out. It was pretty difficult to be unhappy when hearing good music and seeing someone so carefree, after all.