Date: September 28, 2011
Characters: Jake Abernathy, Harley Jordan
Location: Reen’s
Status: Private
Summary: Jake has the truck in for a look see.
Completion: Incomplete
Jake hadn’t had much cause to worry about his truck. He’d had it not quite a year, the guys from the station had fundraised to help get him a vehicle with the hand controls. He could have afforded it himself, and had paid part of it, but the thought had touched him very much at the time. He didn’t know what he’d do if he couldn’t drive and get around on his own. He would feel utterly useless.
Normally when a vehicle started making some kind of sound, he would investigate it himself and likely be able to tell if he needed to get it looked at or he could fix it himself. These days, however, he couldn’t pull himself up high enough to look at it, and besides, it was about time for routine maintenance anyway, so he might as well bring it in.
Just because he couldn’t take care of his car any more didn’t mean he was less of a man, he told himself silently as he pulled up to the place. Shit happened. Most people brought their cars in. It wasn’t like he knew a lot anyway.