Date: late Sunday March 20 - early March 21, 2011
Characters: Ariel Crabtree, dog Tiana + PUPPIES
Location: Ariel’s room
Status: Private
Summary: Ariel’s dog has her puppies.
Completion: Complete
When Tiana started pacing around and being unable to settle somewhere around 11pm on Sunday, Ariel felt her head thunk against the wall behind her bed. Of course it would happen before one of her busiest work days. On one hand, she couldn’t afford to call in to Serenity; on the other, she didn’t want to leave Tiana on her own.
Ariel had already prepared Tiana little box. One thing a person could always find was cardboard boxes, she’d found. A few of the other residents had donated an old pillow and an even older blanket, and she’d washed it all to make a bed for Tiana.
It didn’t seem to go badly, just took a very long time. Ariel didn’t have to help, really, though she hovered some and petted Tiana and helped with the wriggly new babies, making sure they were whole and seemingly healthy. Tiana allowed her to help like that, not even growling at her, licking her puppies around Ariel’s gentle fingers.
She’d been right. They were packed in there. At puppy number six, around six a.m., Ariel was about to wilt from exhaustion. Surely six was all, and for half an hour it seemed like it, until finally one more tiny, runt puppy came into the world, obviously smaller and weaker than the rest of them. The others held a promise of a variety of colors, a few confirming her thoughts that they were definitely mixed breed, though there might be a heavy Scotty resemblance once they grew. The littlest one, though, was white. She didn’t think it was albino, just already pale colored, with tiny pink paws and the quietest little whimper.
She had to pick up two of the others so it could root around for a teat and get its first meal. It did seem like the end of it, though, and Ariel sighed with relief. She hadn’t had to call that vet after all, yet. Though she’d call him to do a check up on all involved soon.
She looked at the clock and groaned, seeing it was seven a.m. and she had to get to work soonest. No sleep, but as she looked down at the puppies, she couldn’t complain too much. She bustled around, doing a careful job on her makeup to hide her exhaustion and ran on in to work, but not before she snapped a picture of exhausted mama dog with the puppies on her phone.