Room 308, Tuesday Afternoon

Apr 15, 2008 18:27

Rikku was stretched out on her bed, typing up an e-mail.


Subject: MEL'S BIRTHDAY???

HEY! It's Mel's birthday on Friday and I totally think we should do something!!! I don't know if people were already planning something or whatever but I had a nifty idea. Couldn't we have a surprise party in the graveyard? And, like, just surprise the crap out of her when she's going on patrol??? And we totally need a cake that has a stake in it and some fake blood and all that.

Please send this along to anybody that I missed who'd want to know and come hang out and all of that. BUT DO NOT TELL MEL BECAUSE THAT WOULD SORT OF DESTROY THE "SURPRISE" PART OF THE WHOLE SURPRISE PARTY GIG, RIGHT??


Sent! Now she just had to figure out talk J,GOB into making her a cake with a stake and some fake blood on it. Well, it was Fandom, they probably had way stranger requests than that, right?

(OOC: if you want to know about Mel's party, then you got this e-mail, even if you don't know Rikku, through the magic of someone handwavey forwarding it along to you. Hooray! Open if you wanna chat with the Al Bhed girl.)

places: room 308, the internet is for crazy people, sokka, mel

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