I've been quiet on LJ lately (other than to rant about my lost/potentially stolen iPod), but that's because there hasn't been a whole lot going on. Which is, in its own way, a good thing. :)
Nonetheless, there are some things going on, and here they are:
- H hesitantly asked me the other day, "I've noticed you haven't said anything about it on your LJ; I hope you like it?" I was happy to reassure her that I really do! The thing is, our work is very individual work so there's not a lot of interaction with co-workers unless you actively seek them out. And when you do, people are so work-focused that you almost feel bad taking their attention away from it. It's a huge contrast to my last workplace which was The National Zoo. At times, I kind of miss that. Even the crazies, yes. But I find the actual work much more enjoyable so I'm pretty happy where I'm at. :)
- When I came back from NYC, I went on a reading binge. I really missed my library then. I've finally exhausted all desire to read anymore and the writing fever has returned. I'm happy to report that I started working on MB over the weekend. The creative juices are finally flowing; thank goodness! For a while, I feared all my creative instincts had dried up and become an oasis. That's not the case. Yay!
- My dad has a conference in Orlando in February, so my parents figured if I could swing a long weekend I might as well go down with them and go to Disneyworld with them. Hopefully, I'll be on a compressed work schedule by then so I won't even have to use a vacation day. But if not, I will. I'm excited! Me loves Disney and I haven't been since they built Animal Kingdom!
On a random note, daylight savings can be so depressing. I hated coming home in the darkness. Also, time to once again figure out how to set the timer on the front door light too. That thing is such a pain! Last year, it took me a week to get it working correctly. I wonder how long it'll take this year. ;P