(no subject)

Feb 17, 2007 07:23

Okay... get ready for another Mr. Politelli themed post.

So, I found out on Monday that today (February 17) is Mr. Politelli's birthday.

So my class does what every normal Western Civ. AP class would. Not.

For those of you who don't know, Mr. Politelli bears a shocking resemblance to Stalin. He has rewarded bonus points to his Studies of War class for someone saying that he looked like the Love Child of Marilyn Monroe and Joseph Stalin. So my friend Brendan photoshopped Mr. Politelli into a Stalin Uniform. And believe me when I say that it is perfect and amazing. Because it is.

So what we did was got a photocake made at Stop and Shop. There was actually a lot of drama about this because Stop and Shop says that they need two days notice.

But then at almost ten o'clock Thursday night I recieve some unsettling news from my friend Annika who heard from Jordan who heard from Nick (who is Mr. Politelli's nephew) that Mr. Politelli was very sick as in throwing up with a fever.

Next morning, the cake is in school.

Mr. Politelli is not.

And it turned out really nice too! It's split in half and one side has the picture and the other side says "Happy Birthday, Comrade"

And we also have this card that looks like the Russian flag. And inside we have an actual Stalin quote that says, "It is sometimes asked whether it is not possible to slow down the tempo a bit, to put a check on the movement. No, comrades, it is not possible!" (Which he has said to us almost verbatim.) Then we got everyone in the class to sign the card.

But NO! Mr. Politelli is not there.

That's the story, morning glory. That's the tale, nightengale.

On a less strange note, today is also JP's birthday! Still a double digit midget...
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