Now i understand

Feb 09, 2006 21:32

Hey, today my music career took a temporary leave of absence. Bethany, i can now sympathize with you more than ever, because today my violin bow died. I was walking around with my violin and bow, and Kristin asked me to check/tune her violin. I gave my violin to lauren (a bass player. 1st mistake), who held it while I tuned kristins violin. After that was done, lauren handed my my violin back, and then my bow. Somehow, however, i didn't properly grip my bow or something, maybe lauren let go too early, and it fell. Now, it only fell about a foot, but it's point took a direct nose dive to the ground, and it snapped in half at the tip. My very first thoughts were "man, that sucks." followed shortly by "oh well." Now it has slightly progressed to $#*&ER^&#%$*!, bc i have to drive out to alexandria tomorrow after school to get it fixed at some place called brobst. If u know somewhere better that I can drive to (claire, bam, jeslyn), i would be very garteful if u could tel me, but if not thats where i'm going. Fortunately, the break is clean, and they can most likely repair ti easily. so it's not really dead; CPR can revive it. (by CPR i mean super glue....). It will probably never be as strong tho, and i'll have to redduce how hard i play (i abuse my bow while playing. Lots of banging against strings. In a good way). Yeah, so i played with my back up fiber glass bow for chamber and for symphony today. On a higher note i volunteered to play for Oklahoma today, along with a lot fo other people. It's not concrete, just a interest list. It's different from fiddler, where no announcements were made, and there were no cellos. this time we get cellos :-) Yeah, so i hope i get a spot on the pit. Itd be cool. thats all. Human Anatomy HW time. and to study for this mean english test >:(
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