Feb 05, 2006 12:54

I got tagged by Bethany (and claire). I knew i should have ran faster. drat.

Rules: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1. Danse Macabre- Camille Saint-Saens
2. La Vie boheme- Jonathon Larson
3. The Devil Went Down to Georgia- The Charlie Daniels band
4. Black Mountain Rag- God knows who wrote this, but its excellent
5. Spiderman II main title- Danny Elfman
6. Meant to Live- Switchfoot
7. Ultimate Showdown- by someone...

now i tag joe, charlie, phil, roberto, stan, sheila, and seth. (yes, they are all fictional)

ahh now i have this huge government essay to write. ugh
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