13 People I Respect

Mar 19, 2008 03:18

In no particular order, because I really can’t order them
1. John Grayson, my Dad. He taught me how to fly, caught me when I fell and taught me to give everything my best.
2. Mary Grayson. My mom taught me to love, gave me the nickname Robin. She managed to be my teacher, run our family and have a job. She was amazing
3. Bruce Wayne. He took me in and helped me heal from Mom and Dad dying. He didn’t take their place but he did create a new place.
4. Alfred Pennyworth. He does everything for us
5. Tim Drake. One of the smartest people I know.
6. Roy Harper has fought through things I can’t imagine and is raising a gorgeous little girl.
7. Clark Kent. An amazing reporter and unfailingly supportive even when I screw up.
8. Princess Diana of Thermiscrya is awe inspiring.
9. Selina Kyle. That whip of hers? Is only a minor part of why she’s got my respect. She makes you listen and can hold her own with the guys without sacrificing an ounce of feminity or going overboard with it, while just being a normal human.
10. Jim Gordon. Comissioner of the Gotham police, despite everything. Man has amazing dedication.
11. Barbara Gordon. If you knew her like I did, you wouldn’t question this at all
These last two count as I don’t particularly like them, although I don’t like them at all. Respect doesn’t mean like.
12. Slade Wilson. Man is deadly and fast and used to have some form of principles
13. The Joker. You’re stupid if you underestimate him because he’s nuts.

[locked to those who know Dick’s secret identity]
And just because thirteen is too few
Every single person, past present or future who has put their life on the line and answered the call of “Titan’s Togeher”

Dick Grayson/Batman comics/ comment here

!prompt set 02, fandom: batman, muse: dick grayson, journal: titans_leader, fandom: teen titans

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