[Lucky13] Thirteen People I Respect

Mar 18, 2008 11:04

1 - Granddad: I wouldn't be here without him. Period.

2 - Mom: even though I never got to know her well, being her daughter...she made me who I am.

3 - Snake Plissken: I owe him my life, and honestly? I've never known a finer man.

4 - Ruairi MacEibhir: I also owe him my life...and he's one of the kindest, most compassionate men I've ever met.

5 - Elle Winchester: cute as a button, and stronger than I think I would be in her situation.

6 - Joe Lawrence: Father of the Lifetime. Hands down. I wish Lucas had been half the man Joe is.

7 - Abby Lockhart: she's a doctor, which automatically makes her awesome, and? She's a great friend. Pay no attention to her...she's compassionate, loyal, strong, and one of the nicest people I know. You don't have to be sweet to be nice...ABBY, YOU ARE TOTALLY NICE. :P

8 - Nora West: kicking Mom and Dad's booties in style since...forever. Her own woman no matter what.

9 - Michael Hunter: the man that started it all and saw it through, even though it cost him a lot. I'm honored to be able to call him my godfather.

10 - Raphael The Nightwatcher: bona-fide hero. He does good work...and he's a hell of a nice guy.

11 - Sam Winchester: a good man that died far too young.

12 - Shawn Spencer: a brilliant investigator, and never stingy with his time...or his hugs. :P

[locked from everyone but Terry and members of the LAPD's Paranormal Crimes division]

13 - Theresa Riordan: for successfully evading LA's finest for the last three weeks. That's right...I know you're out there.

And I'm calling you out.


Rian Baxter
Original Character


!prompt set 02, journal: crusades_r_us, muse: rian baxter, fandom: original character

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