Intro | Haunted Hotel (for lulz) | 7H Curse | BYOA (if you like)

Dec 06, 2011 02:28

The loud shrill of the alarm is the first thing that wakes him, the second is the fact he's lying on his back and blinking up at a pristine white ceiling. Without thinking he arcs his arm out and slaps the alarm with his hand, fingers fumbling blindly to turn the damn thing off before it gives him a headache. He succeeds, but jerks his hand back ( Read more... )

pairing: m/*, series: supernatural, pairing: m/m

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ignoresmom December 7 2011, 18:08:39 UTC
[And cue Jo rounding the corner of the hallway, nearly stopping dead in her tracks as she spots a familiar face.

She looks frazzled and confused, having woken up in this stupid place a few minutes ago too.]



iustiviri December 10 2011, 07:25:06 UTC
Glancing up at the sound of his name he stops and stares, raising a brow at the familiar face and not liking the dread that's sinking into his stomach with the fact that Jo is standing in front of him in a place he had no idea how he'd gotten here, or where his brother was -- if Sam was even here with him.

"Jo." Dean replied as he quickened his steps to catch up to her, giving her a once over to make sure she's uninjured. "You alright? What're you doin' here?"

He looks around for a few moments, tense. "The hell is here anyway?"


sorry for the delay!!! D: ignoresmom December 10 2011, 07:54:33 UTC
She's just as confused as he is, as she props a hand on her hip, brows furrowed. "I was just going to ask you the same thing.?"

She paused, stopping in front of Dean, routinely checking him for signs of injuries also. Then follows his gaze, casting their surroundings a fast glance. "This place doesn't ring any bells..," she mutters. "Hell, I don't even remember falling asleep, let alone being moved to this place..."

A pause, concerned, yet curious gaze on Dean. "What about you? Do you remember anything?"


No problem! :D iustiviri December 10 2011, 08:04:12 UTC
"Not a damn thing. Went to sleep in a motel, woke up here. Can't find Sam either, don't even know if he's even here." Part of him hopes he isn't, doesn't want him dragged into wherever the hell they are.

"Whatever it is it's gotta be pretty damn powerful to bring us here without us knowin' it." God he hopes it wasn't some witch. He fuckin' hates witches.

Dean lets out a small displeased sound as he runs his hand down his face. "Alright, let's think about this. You talk to anyone before you showed up here? Anyone you might've pissed off that would wanna get back at you, or somethin'?" As amusing as it wasn't, he smirked at the thought -- that Jo's 'take no shit' attitude just might've pissed off the wrong person this time. Wouldn't explain how he got here, but one step at a time.


:D!! thank you! ignoresmom December 10 2011, 08:15:35 UTC
Jo paused, thinking for a short while, forehead creasing slightly. "Hey, hold on. Why is it that I had to piss someone off? You're more likely to do that than me!" So okay, he might've had a valid point about her attitude, but she was almost certain she didn't do anything that would result in them both being dumped in an overly fancy and poorly decorated hotel.

She huffed out a sigh, shaking her head. "I haven't talked to anyone but you. Actually...," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're the first person I saw here."

Then quickly contemplating, she reached over to grab his wrist, simultaneously spinning on her heel to continue walking down the long hallway. "Well, come on. Let's see what we can see?" Because walking into the 'great unknown' was the logical thing to do. Obviously.


:D iustiviri December 10 2011, 08:26:10 UTC
Dean couldn't help but grin a little at that. "Are you kidding me? I'm a goddamn joy to be around. I don't piss people off." Which was obviously a blatant lie, but whatever, it made him freak out less about being stuck in some cat house.

"Yeah, same here. Haven't run into anyone either, which to be honest is creepy as fuck." Dean opened his mouth to protest being pulled along but after a moment let it go. He wasn't the only one a little freaked out by all of this, and whatever made it easier well, he'd deal with it.


AGAIN! Sorry for the delay!! D: i blame finals. ignoresmom December 14 2011, 09:28:13 UTC
Jo let out a light laugh, rolling her eyes. "'Course. How could I ever make that mistake?"

She only released her fairly tight grip on his wrist after a few long strides down the hall, after she realized the fact that she actually was attempting to drag him along. Okay, she was kind of freaking out about this. Mainly about being in some creepy hotel. It smelled weird in here, and the place didn't seem to have a start or an end to it. That, and the fact that she was stuck with Dean. Now she felt like she had more to prove...

Jo stopped once the hallways intersected another, hands on hips, looking from right to left. Brows furrowed, she glanced back at Dean. "Ugh...which way? Should we try a door and ask someone?" Even though it was framed as a question (and most likely a bad idea), she was already heading for the nearest door, one hand closing around the handle, the other lifting to knock.


No problem! I know how busy this time of year is xD iustiviri December 15 2011, 03:50:46 UTC
Boy he had his work cut out for him today, didn't he. Not only was he stuck in some weird ass hotel with no exit in sight, but he had to keep an eye on Jo too. And nothing was worse than trying to keep tabs on a spitfire like Jo. The girl could hold her own, sure, but she wasn't as experienced with shit like this as he and Sam were.

Stalking up behind her he grasped her slender wrist in his grasp and stopped her from opening the door. "Hey, hey, hold your horses there. We don't know what's behind that door, or any of them for that matter. Jesus, you don't just go runnin' into shit like this. We don't know anything about this place, or who else might be here... what else might be here. C'mon, Jo, use your head a little, huh?"


thanks....again. xD;; also, Jo is a new use, so i'm sorry that her voice is shaky! ignoresmom December 15 2011, 04:27:21 UTC
Oh, he was lucky Jo couldn't hear his thoughts, because he'd probably get a good smack for that. She could take on any situation, thank you very much...Experience? Who needed that? Besides, it would take quite a bit of time before she would admit to anyone, especially Dean, that no, she really wasn't too sure how to handle some situations. Like this one, for example.

She flinched lightly, barely noticeable, at his grip, twisting her head awkwardly up, turning her shoulder slightly, not making a move to get her wrist out as her other hand dropped away from the door handle. Her brows furrowed, and she gave Dean a mildly pouted, but even glare. It wasn't a fully angry glare, because she couldn't really be mad at him. Especially for this. She was mostly just unhappy that...that he was right. She sighed, eyes locking on his. "...Then what should we do, Dean, huh? Do you see anyone who can tell us something?" And even though she knew he was right, she'd still try and argue her point. Force of habit, maybe?
But she paused. "Are you armed?"


Don't worry about it! This is my first time playing Dean also, so I'm not very good at it yet. xD iustiviri December 15 2011, 04:50:28 UTC
"Well we don't go chargin' in there, that's for damn sure." He said as he let go of her wrist after a moment and took a step back, pulling his gun from behind him, having tucked it into his jeans before leaving the room he woke up in.

"Course I do." He said, waving it before gingerly pushing her back away from the door. "Are you armed?" Dean then tried the handle on the door, finding it unlocked. "Just wait here." He said, and pushed the door open slowly, not wanting to startle anyone if there were people inside -- or anything else for that matter.

Pushing it open all the way, Dean stepped inside and looked around. "Empty, I think. Either that or the people staying here just checked out." The room looked perfectly fine, as if it'd just been cleaned by the staff not moments ago.


Really?! First time? I honestly couldn't tell!! 8D ignoresmom December 15 2011, 05:09:34 UTC
"Ugh, 'course i do," Jo reached behind her, to pull out her knife, or well...her father's knife, from her belt. Yeah, she didn't have her gun. But at least it was better than nothing...

Jo opened her mouth to retort, but shut her mouth as she stepped aside. She rolled her eyes. "So, knocking won't do, but just going in there works?" Her arms, crossing over her chest, she watched him enter the room, pretty much immediately following him in, not even bothering to actually listen to him telling her to wait. When did she ever?

She stepped up to stand beside him, throwing the room a glance around. "Ugh," she grimaced, lightly scrunching her nose. "It's kinda stuffy in here though..."

With another exhale, she left Dean's side, approaching one of the bedside drawers, opening it, trying to find something. Anything about this place. With an exasperated huff, she dropped down to sit on the bed, raking a hand through her hair, looking back at Dean. "Aren't hotels supposed to have brochures or something? Can you find anything?"

[ooc;; sorry ( ... )


Pfff *blushblush* Thank you! I've only been playing him for less than a week. xD iustiviri December 15 2011, 05:31:47 UTC
Dean rolled his eyes and scouted the room, checking the bathroom and the closets just to make sure there was nothing hiding in there. No clothes, no used towels. Nothing suggesting that anyone had been staying here in the first place, which was pretty fucking creepy if you asked him.

"Yeah, it is .. doesn't seem to be any windows either... what kind of hotel doesn't have windows?" The kind that doesn't want you to leave, he thought to himself but didn't voice his suspicions

Dean then went through all the drawers in the dresser and the two on the desk that sat against one wall. "Ah, here we go." He said as he pulled out a few leaflets and flipped through them. Dean snorted softly as he tossed them onto the edge of the bed where Jo sat.

"Well, figured out where we are. A goddamn love hotel. Doesn't look like any love hotel I've ever been in." And he'd been in a few, just sayin'.

(ooc: No problem at all! Write however much or little you like~ I don't always write super long tags, either so .. rofl it works out fine. =P)


LOL wow. you're good! :DD ignoresmom December 15 2011, 06:03:02 UTC
Jo briefly watched him go through the smaller areas. Yeah, it was weird, she noticed it too. This entire place gave her the creeps.

She actually galnced up around the room at the mention of the lack of windows. "Yeah, tell me about it?" Jo watched Dean toss the brochures onto the bed, and she reached across the bed to get them, flopping onto her stomach in the process, and leafing through them, skimming quickly.

"Ugh--oh!" Her brows raised, and cheeks surprisingly flaring up, she dropped the leaflets aside, rising to sit again, uncomfortably crossing her arms. It's not that she never heard of love hotels or anything. It's just that this one was the weirdest one she ever could think of hearing about. Let alone actually being stuck in here. "Yeah, i hope not...So...ugh wait, there's no way out of here?" And what was that about aphrodisiacs? Was that why the air was so stuffy, even to some degree, sweet, in this place? And she wasn't ready to just believe there's no way out ( ... )


PFfff thank yoooou iustiviri December 15 2011, 06:15:49 UTC
"Yeah, I ain't thrilled about being stuck here either. I say we look around a bit more, then find an empty room to hunker down in for the night. We'll have to sleep eventually, maybe even find some food around here." It wouldn't help either if them if they starved themselves or something.

He really didn't wanna be stuck here and longer than necessary, especially if those leaflets were right about this place pumping out the love juice. Not that he wasn't interested in Jo, or thought she wasn't hot -- cause she was -- but Christ, Ellen scared the shit out of him. Last thing he wanted was Ellen on his ass for breaking her little girl's heart.


np! :) ignoresmom December 15 2011, 06:30:36 UTC
"Mhm," Jo nodded, standing up from the bed, hands going to her jean pockets, not letting the idea of sleeping in the same room as Dean bug her on anything. Come on, it was just sleeping. So what if she had a crush on him? No big deal... "Although I'm not really up for food..." a pause. "I mean, can we really trust this place?"

And now, she's walking over to, and past Dean, to go out of the room, before turning around, turning an index finger first to the right then to the left. "Okay. Pick a direction." Since she clearly had no idea where the hell she was going.

[ooc; also, sorry, would you want to play this pairing out, or do you not like it? xD; ]


iustiviri December 15 2011, 06:40:55 UTC
"Probably not, but we can't starve ourselves either." Dean said, tucking his gun into the back of his jeans again for the time being, scowling a little as he watched Jo head off past him and out of the room.

Following and closing the door behind him, just in case it /was/ someones room, Dean looked both ways before heading right. "Let's go, maybe there's just no one on this floor, with as many as that brochure said there was, there's got to be some people around here somewhere."

(ooc: I'm good for playing it out~ Whatever you're comfortable with. xD)


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