Intro | Haunted Hotel (for lulz) | 7H Curse | BYOA (if you like)

Dec 06, 2011 02:28

The loud shrill of the alarm is the first thing that wakes him, the second is the fact he's lying on his back and blinking up at a pristine white ceiling. Without thinking he arcs his arm out and slaps the alarm with his hand, fingers fumbling blindly to turn the damn thing off before it gives him a headache. He succeeds, but jerks his hand back ( Read more... )

pairing: m/*, series: supernatural, pairing: m/m

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Comments 227

Coz I had to kamisaiai December 6 2011, 20:52:34 UTC
Castiel had been cautiously avoiding the sinful games that had been happening within the building, thankfully he wasn't having his brother's problem with his angel mojo as he quickly escaped yet another awkward situation in the hotel's lobby with another 'guest'.

As the angel suddenly appeared in the room with the sound of fluttering wings, he was pleased to see his charge before him though of course he didn't show it.

"Hello Dean."


And I appreciates it~ iustiviri December 7 2011, 22:20:24 UTC
The sudden rustling coming from within the room had Dean turning, gun aimed and ready to unload a round of salt -- having no idea where the hell he was, or where Sam was, he wasn't about to let something get the drop on him. Except who he saw was the last person he expected to find.

"Seriously, put a bell on or somethin'" Dean said, lowering the weapon and taking a few steps forward. "You don't sneak up on people like that." Especially not when they're riled up the way Dean was, in some strange place with a missing brother.

The hunter gave the angel a once over, as if making sure he was alright. Which wasn't that absurd considering the last time he saw Cas the angel was about to take on some heavenly wrath himself.

"You alright?" He asked, then, "You seen Sam?" And more importantly, "The hell are we, Cas?"


Be thankful it's not either of my Gabes kamisaiai December 7 2011, 22:53:29 UTC
"My apologies Dean." He said as he stood looking confused as to why the elder Winchester looked like he was making sure the angel wasn't hurt.

"I am unharmed and I do not know currently know where Sam is." Castiel answered honestly as even if he did know, there was a highly unlikely chance that he would still be there. "We are in the Love Hotel, a den of iniquity with the mind of an actual Trickster and you combined."


I don't know whether I would cry or laugh lol What season is Cas from? iustiviri December 7 2011, 23:10:07 UTC
"Yeah well .." Dean sighed, then shook his head. Wasn't the first time Sam'd ran off, he supposed.

"Love hotel? Really?" Now that perked his interest and he couldn't help but grin a little. "Well, sounds like my kinda place." Though he made a face at being compared to a Trickster. "Now that's just unfair."

But sadly, as much as he'd like to stay here and have some fun, he had bigger fish to fry.


ignoresmom December 7 2011, 18:08:39 UTC
[And cue Jo rounding the corner of the hallway, nearly stopping dead in her tracks as she spots a familiar face.

She looks frazzled and confused, having woken up in this stupid place a few minutes ago too.]



iustiviri December 10 2011, 07:25:06 UTC
Glancing up at the sound of his name he stops and stares, raising a brow at the familiar face and not liking the dread that's sinking into his stomach with the fact that Jo is standing in front of him in a place he had no idea how he'd gotten here, or where his brother was -- if Sam was even here with him.

"Jo." Dean replied as he quickened his steps to catch up to her, giving her a once over to make sure she's uninjured. "You alright? What're you doin' here?"

He looks around for a few moments, tense. "The hell is here anyway?"


sorry for the delay!!! D: ignoresmom December 10 2011, 07:54:33 UTC
She's just as confused as he is, as she props a hand on her hip, brows furrowed. "I was just going to ask you the same thing.?"

She paused, stopping in front of Dean, routinely checking him for signs of injuries also. Then follows his gaze, casting their surroundings a fast glance. "This place doesn't ring any bells..," she mutters. "Hell, I don't even remember falling asleep, let alone being moved to this place..."

A pause, concerned, yet curious gaze on Dean. "What about you? Do you remember anything?"


No problem! :D iustiviri December 10 2011, 08:04:12 UTC
"Not a damn thing. Went to sleep in a motel, woke up here. Can't find Sam either, don't even know if he's even here." Part of him hopes he isn't, doesn't want him dragged into wherever the hell they are.

"Whatever it is it's gotta be pretty damn powerful to bring us here without us knowin' it." God he hopes it wasn't some witch. He fuckin' hates witches.

Dean lets out a small displeased sound as he runs his hand down his face. "Alright, let's think about this. You talk to anyone before you showed up here? Anyone you might've pissed off that would wanna get back at you, or somethin'?" As amusing as it wasn't, he smirked at the thought -- that Jo's 'take no shit' attitude just might've pissed off the wrong person this time. Wouldn't explain how he got here, but one step at a time.


hellhands December 9 2011, 09:17:06 UTC
"Wander freely, wander far, off beneath the Devil's star..."

The female voice was sad, but at the same time, hollow.

"In the dark, the girl so bright, got up to see the day by night..."

A soft padding of footsteps accompanied the singing.

"Her fear in hand, her fear in heart, her fear did tear her soul apart..."

Oichi was also in plain view herself; the corridor was fair straight after all.

"The white of flesh, the white of bone, the worms will leave your soul alone..."

Even for her archaic style of dress, she would have been unremarkable, save for two things.

"On and on the road does go, down into the depths below..."

Her movements, which resembled something between rigor mortis and a puppet with a drunk behind the strings, and the pool of shadow under her feet.

"Off you went to call the king, you wish to hear the Devil sing..."

She stopped where she was when she realized she wasn't alone anymore, he black eyes focusing on the stranger.


iustiviri December 9 2011, 18:47:27 UTC
The echoes of song gave him pause as he rounded the corner -- another long empty hallway, doors open and closed, noises from some and silence from others. The closer he approached the clearer the woman down the hall became, so he quickened his pace. If there were other people here besides himself he was sure they'd need help, would be frightened and wanting to leave. He halted abruptly at the state of her gait, her stilted movement pulling up all manner of alarms in his head, and only then did he noticed the shadows at her feet.

He raised his shotgun and held it level, backing up a few paces. He didn't know what to expect here -- or even where here was, or what it was for that matter. Didn't know who or what else might be wandering these halls; demons? shifters? something he hadn't yet encountered in his lifetime? Quite possibly.

"Catchy tune you had goin' there, mind tellin' me where the hell I am?" He asked, hoping this wasn't a demon he was engaging conversation with -- he didn't have any of the usual weapons with him.


broswagonist December 9 2011, 19:14:30 UTC
"I'd say it's pretty creepy ( ... )


iustiviri December 9 2011, 20:17:09 UTC
Dean snapped his attention to the other voice, gun raised immediately but dropped it a moment later when seeing it was just another person -- a human .. hopefully. He hadn't yet encountered anything not-human, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything floating around somewhere. After all, something dragged him here.

"No shit, you think?" Dean grumbled, then glanced back into the room he'd come out of which looked normal enough, though eerily quiet. "Somehow I really don't doubt that."

"So where am I? 'Cause this sure as shit wasn't where I went to sleep."


broswagonist December 9 2011, 20:24:59 UTC
Even as the gun was raised, Souji didn't recoil or try to dodge out of the way, staying calmly in place until the other man calmed down. Those sorts of things kind of lost their effect when you were used to things jumping out at you or things attacking without a moment's notice. Instead he tilted his head a little, expression unchanging.

"I don't know." He admitted, with a slight shrug.

"Same thing happened to me. I was on a train and then suddenly I was here." He said, a hint of a frown on his face. He'd been wandering around for a while now, and he was sure people back home were worried about him. "All I know is that this place is weird."


iustiviri December 9 2011, 20:32:24 UTC
"Well that's lovely." He muttered, frowning. If there was one thing he hated it was going into something blind and unprepared -- though sometimes thems the breaks and you had to deal with it. Like now. "What do you know about this place? Anything? Who runs it, where it's located?"

"How long you been here anyway?"


siswinchester December 18 2011, 06:13:18 UTC
Dana wakes up to the sound of someone shouting her brothers name. Blinking her eyes open blearily, she stares up at the ceiling seemingly confused. "...the hell...?" She mumbles, pushing to sit up and listening hard. She doesn't hear anything, though she is fucking confused to where she is. This isn't the crap motel she fell asleep in last night. And Dad isn't around she notices as she takes survey of the room.

Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she pushes up, still in her tank top and shorts that she fell asleep in. Suddenly on high alert, she reaches to grab for the gun usually stashed beneath her pillow, only to find it isn't there. "Motherfuck..." This isn't good, she's really awake now, thinking the worst. Moving for the door, she yanks it open, only to be met by a long hallway. And is that a man standing there...? And here she is with no weapon, for the love of God...this morning blew.


iustiviri December 18 2011, 06:35:08 UTC
Dean grinds to a halt when the door swings open and without hesitation he brings his sawed-off up, level with his gaze as the woman steps out from the room. He lowers the weapon only slightly, still unsure of what's really going on though he's got the gist of it at least, knows where he's at and what kinda place this is, just no fucking clue how to get the hell out.

He nods to the woman -- and damn, she's pretty hot to boot -- making a motion with his gun. "You alright?" He asks, more so because he hasn't encountered anyone else here yet and isn't sure if she's real, some sort of weird ass hallucination or you know, a demon or some shit. He's only got his sawed-off, a plain silver knife he nicked from one of the other rooms and his beretta, both of which were tucked into the back of his jeans beneath his shirts.


siswinchester December 18 2011, 06:40:50 UTC
Her first instinct is to grab for her gun, though remembering herself, she curses and is about to make a dodge out of the way when he seems to stop. Blinking, she stands wearily in the doorway, eying the familiar weapon in his hand.

"For the love of God, you go around pointing that thing at everyone? You're lucky I don't..." She pauses, probably threatening the guy not the best idea. Though after a moment, she finds herself staring at him thoughtfully, and maybe a bit appreciatively. Damn, well, at least he was attractive.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just...fuck, I woke up here and swore I heard someone callin' my brothers name." She says puzzled, rubbing at the back of her head. "Where the hell are we?"


iustiviri December 18 2011, 06:46:28 UTC
"Lucky you don't what, shoot me?" He asks, waving his shotgun back and forth a bit. "You're lucky I didn't pump you full of rock salt just then, Christ. It might not kill you but it hurts like a bitch. Jesus, you don't just barrel out of a room like that." Scared the shit out of him, honestly. He's been so damn on edge since he got here and fuck, he can't find Sam either, not knowing if he got left behind or if he's somewhere in this fucking place, wandering around like his dumbass brother.

"Your brother?" Cause that's got his attention alright. "Yeah, m'lookin' for mine too. We got split up, or somethin', I don't know. But he wasn't there when I woke up." A slight shrug at that, and yeah sorry, her face is up higher, right. "Some sorta ... love hotel or some shit." God he hates saying that, it sounds so damn tacky.


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