reintro kinda thing. there be tentacles here!

Nov 28, 2011 16:11

There wasn't anything too out of ordinary looking about this pool.  The water was mostly still save for a few small ripples here and there that disturbed the otherwise glass like surface.  There was also some sort of reddish ball, almost like an eye, drifting  aimlessly beneath the surface.  Though itwas only about the size of a basketball and could easily just be some sort of pool toy carelessly forgotten there by another of the hotel's guests.

Though in truth that ball was the brain of a much larger creature.  A creature that had taken up the entirety of this pool.  The water itself was it's body, and it was free to manipulate it into any form it choose.  Though it was a terribly simple creature, and the forms it twisted itself into were usually tendrils of any length or thickness it required.

For the moment though it calm, resting, at peace.  Like all simple creatures though it was very territorial.  Should anyone wander into or even close to it's 'domain' it would do with the intruder whatever it pleased.   Usually it attacked, however something in this hotel had altered it's mind in a subtle way.  It's attack would be quite different then usual...

((ooc: This is a reintro of sorts.  I wasn't able to get very far with any threads last time so I'm just reusing the same scene I attempted.  Hope no one minds.

Semi-sentient amoebas are none too picky so males or females are welcome~  Also if you want to turn tables Morpha can actually be defeated in the same way it can be in the game, which is striking it's eye/brain/ball thing.  If your character can figure out that it's core is it's weak point as well as a way to actually get to it that is.

I may put a thread limit on if I get a lot of responses))

pairing: */m, series: the legend of zelda, pairing: */f

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