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Comments 209

healingslayer_x October 23 2011, 01:27:07 UTC
The Hotel, despite all its wicked themes lately, did seem like a fun place this time around. Each of the poems described a sibling, from someone who topped to someone who'd take force. She figured it was not going to end without sex, so her best bet was to go full hog and take...

...Door number one!

Gripping the darkest of the doorknobs, she opened it without much trepidation, albeit slowly, as to not startle who might be on the other side. Whoever this was, the promise of domination, and submission, was more than enough to get her excited.

[[So, favorites drew me in. Feel free to paralyze her with drugs and bondage her to your content. She's a switch so she might wait to turn the tables as well, if you so choose!]]


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 01:35:50 UTC
Konoka would see a room that looked much like a normal hotel room at first glance. However, instead of red, the room was draped in deep blues and blacks, with the same dim light. Once Konoka stepped further into the room, she would find her arms suddenly pinned behind her with one strong arm, the other wrapping around her front and squeezing a breast. "Ah, so big! Someone must like me today~." The sweet, girlish voice giggled, finger and thumb tugging the nipple through Konoka's clothing.

[OOC: Konoka trying to turn the tables is a-ok with me!]


healingslayer_x October 23 2011, 01:51:37 UTC
The deep blues and blacks were slightly unsettling, but the demon girl was hardly affected by the darkness. However, it did nothing to prepare her for the sudden attack from behind. She felt her arousal spike at her sudden helplessness, and the hand squeezing her generous chest through her silky kimono.

"Kya~!" Konoka cried, struggling fairly weakly. Being untrained in physical power, it was surprisingly easy to limit herself to human weakness--even more so when the woman played with a nipple under the fabric. She never really wore a bra, anyway.

"W-wait, can't we at least introduce ourselves first?!" Manners first, no matter how horny kidnapping scenarios made her.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 01:57:13 UTC
"Sure, sure! Just one sec..." Blue silk wrapped around Konoka's wrists to keep them behind her, nice and tight, but not enough to cut off her circulation. Finally, her captor moved, and Konoka would see the face and body of the one who had nabbed her. Leather boots hugged long, shapely legs, a matching black leather leotard barely covering a curvaceous body. Hands were gloved, holding a riding crop, and it was all offset by a youthful face, bright blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a disarming smile. "I'm Shirayuri Kumi, youngest of the Shirayuri sisters." She bowed slightly.


shiningwind October 23 2011, 02:12:13 UTC
Fuu took her time, reading the poem on each door, and weighed her options.

For starters the third poem only mentioned men, meaning choosing its door was a waste of time for her. The two remaining poems spoke to different sides of her, one to the budding submissive, the other to the loving nurturer. Hmm, which to choose...

...well, she might as well go for a fellow lover of tea. She took the onyx key to open its door, entering cautiously yet without fear.

((Getting bound, drugged, hypnotized... Fuu is cool with it all.))


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:19:45 UTC
The room of deep blues and blacks would greet Fuu, a welcome change from all the red, certainly. What was perhaps the most off thing about the room was at the same time the most normal: a blonde young woman in a robe, sitting at a table, having a cup of tea. As the other blonde girl enters, she looks up, surprise on her face. "Oh, goodness... I wasn't expecting you for another hour." She stood, smiling. "You have my utmost apologies, miss."


shiningwind October 23 2011, 02:40:38 UTC
Fuu gave the young woman a friendly smile. "I should apologize as well, I found my way here earlier than expected." She took the fellow blonde in, a figure of graceful beauty that seemed to go against the poem's description. "Perhaps we could get to know each other a bit before it's time? My name is Hououji Fuu," she bowed as she said this. "What might yours be, Miss?"


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:46:49 UTC
Still all smiles, the blonde bowed as well. "I am Shirayuri Kumi. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, sit and have some tea with me." She pulled out a chair for her guest, playing her game already, even if Fuu didn't realize it. The tea was a special blend, meant to heighten arousal and sensitivity, while at the same time making the mind more willing too be bent and manipulated. Kumi was fully planning to enjoy her guest. But naturally, the effects would all be temporary, and Fuu would have a clear memory of everything, once they were through.


#1 greatbigblah October 23 2011, 02:13:05 UTC
Well, that was great. One wrong turn, and it looked like Mai was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and without any weapons on her at all. There wasn't any way to get out of this without, what else, having sex, so it was a matter of choosing which way she'd go. Number three was right out, that one didn't seem into men, so that left the first two. Her hand lingered on the key for the second, but honestly, she just didn't have the patience or energy to work with someone that wanted something tenderness and cuddling. Too much effort.

And besides, Mai preferred to be ruthlessly dominated. Call it a weakness. She took the key to the first room, unlocked it, and stepped inside to embrace destiny and, unless that was false advertising, enjoy a little punishment. With any luck, whoever she was would be good enough Mai wouldn't even complain.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:23:34 UTC
Mai would find her vision greeted with blue and black, a room that looked surprisingly calm for what it was advertising on the door. However, that calm would soon be interrupted by a strong arm pulling Mai's own behind her back, a sweet-smelling cloth covering her nose and mouth. "Take a deep breath for me, okay?" The voice sounded quite young and girlish for the body that held her, but it was what it was. "When you wake up, I promise you'll start feeling really good." Hopefully, she would be a good girl and take the cloth route; this woman had other ways of knocking her out, after all.


greatbigblah October 23 2011, 02:31:45 UTC
At first, there was disappointment. The sign had promised whips and excitement, nothing like this boring and flat little room. Next came surprise, however, as she felt herself being attacked from behind, so easily taken into a surprisingly-strong grip and pulled back. The cloth pressed against her face made her eyes go wide, and not even knowing what the consequences are, she breathed deeply. Head-swimming, instinct kicked in, in the form of her going for a knife up her sleeve, but Mai's clouded mind forgot she didn't have one there. Another breath, and her vision went dark, shortly before she felt herself going limp.

[ooc: Oh, forgot to mention, absolutely anything goes.]


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:42:09 UTC
When Mai came to, she would find herself naked on the bed, on her knees, her body tied in a most intricate way. Silken rope went from her neck to her thighs, wrapped tight around her breasts. Clamps dug into her nipples, enough for little jolts of pain, but nothing excruciating. Arms were completely immobile behind her back, making it arch and push her chest outward. The rope continued around her stomach and hips, between her thighs, leaving her pussy and ass exposed for all manner of abuse. A bar kept her knees apart, further ensuring that her dominatrix had full access to her target. The way she was tied allowed her to bend over or stay upright, but never free herself.

"Ah, are you awake?" The blonde came into view with a smile. "My name is Kumi, and suffice to say, you're mine for the evening. You can tell me your name if you want, but if all goes well, you won't remember it before we're through."


goringwildbull October 23 2011, 02:31:23 UTC
It didn't take long for Gilgamesh to decide. A woman dominating him, of all people, was absurd, and the second outright said only women need apply. He briefly considered going through it anyway, but that thought vanished when he read the third.

It suited him best, of course. By mere right of his birth, all things in this world belonged to him, and that included the woman behind the door. The hint held the promise that she might be briefly amusing, and, of course, the handle was made of gold, as if it was made for him. Of course, in Gilgamesh's mind it absolutely was made for him.

So he threw the door open with some degree of grace, stepping into the room and waiting for the woman to approach him.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:47:57 UTC
The room was half elegant library, half bedroom. It was all rich mahogany, ornate woodwork, and gold detailing. The bed was also luxurious, and though at first it seemed innocent enough, the loops in the headboard and the telltale bedside drawer told otherwise. From another door on the opposite site (presumably the bathroom), a girl with short red hair and glasses walked out, dressed in a pantsuit. Seeing the blond male, she frowns, adjusting her glasses. "Can I help you?" This was her role, that of the unfeeling, cold tsundere who wound up utterly bottoming in bed.


goringwildbull October 23 2011, 02:51:53 UTC
More gold. Gilgamesh found himself enamored with the room, appreciative of it's construction. A perfect place for him to take this woman, he figured. He gave Reiko much less scrutiny than he'd given the room, merely stepping forward silently and pushing her against the wall.

She was attractive enough, he supposed dismissively, though something had to be done about that outfit. And the hair. Only one woman had the right to either of those things, and this certainly wasn't her. "You may." Gilgamesh spoke as if it was a great honor, though he didn't do anything yet. He was curious to see how she'd react.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:56:51 UTC
"Wh-what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Even as a blush crossed her face, she tried to wriggle free of his grasp, the wall digging into her shoulder blades. Her teeth grit as she tries to force his hands off her, glasses slipping down her nose slightly.


quiblet October 23 2011, 02:47:02 UTC
When Luna read the directions on those signs, she stopped immediately after the second. There was no point in even looking at the third, she'd found exactly what she wanted if there was going to definitely be something intimate ahead. Someone sweet, who wanted to be held and loved, was just right for a girl that had spent most of her years as a little bit of an outcast. Serene and with a little smile on her face, she unlocked the door and went right in.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:51:51 UTC
The room that greeted Luna looked like a room for any teenage girl. There were both sports awards on the shelves, and stuffed animals on the fluffy bed. It looked like a spring day, the window showing a bright sun and a normal, neighborhood view. On the floor was a girl laying on her stomach, reading a magazine. She was in what looked like her school uniform, a pair of yellow-framed glasses on her face. At the sound of her door opening she looked up, seeing the blonde, and immediately snapped to attention.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize the time...!" She hurriedly set her magazine on the desk as she stood, smoothing out her short brown hair and managing a smile. "My name is Shirayuri Aya... N-nice to meet you." She bowed in greeting, scolding herself for not paying attention to the time. Jittery, nervous, shy... That was the second Shirayuri sister in a nutshell.


quiblet October 23 2011, 02:58:23 UTC
As far as Luna knew, this room was entirely normal, indeed, for a non-magical girl. Sports items and little stuffed animal dolls, how cute! And, lying over there looking darling and as sweet as they come was the girl herself, exactly what Luna had been hoping for. It was a curious outfit, nothing like her own slim and relaxed black robe, but the glasses were adorable on that large-eyed, trusting face.

"Oh, don't apologize," she spoke softly as she came in, "I hope I wasn't interrupting." This hotel made her think this was all a play of some kind, but who knew if Aya here was really stunned by her arrival? "My name is Luna Lovegood. It's nice to meet you, too, Aya," she spoke the girl's given name, thankfully knowing enough of Japanese customs to know which is which. The nervous but genuine way the girl carried herself was refreshingly honest, and Luna wanted to make her as comfortable as possible.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 03:13:23 UTC
"Luna... Such a pretty name..." Blushing and smiling, Aya motioned to the bed. "Please, make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything?" The girl was sweet and accommodating, especially for a pretty blonde like Luna. Aya considered herself blessed that her client for the night was someone who seemed absolutely perfect. Despite her clothes, it was easy to see Aya was slender and tall, with enough curves to turn the heads of boys - attention she never wanted.


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