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quiblet October 23 2011, 02:47:02 UTC
When Luna read the directions on those signs, she stopped immediately after the second. There was no point in even looking at the third, she'd found exactly what she wanted if there was going to definitely be something intimate ahead. Someone sweet, who wanted to be held and loved, was just right for a girl that had spent most of her years as a little bit of an outcast. Serene and with a little smile on her face, she unlocked the door and went right in.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 02:51:51 UTC
The room that greeted Luna looked like a room for any teenage girl. There were both sports awards on the shelves, and stuffed animals on the fluffy bed. It looked like a spring day, the window showing a bright sun and a normal, neighborhood view. On the floor was a girl laying on her stomach, reading a magazine. She was in what looked like her school uniform, a pair of yellow-framed glasses on her face. At the sound of her door opening she looked up, seeing the blonde, and immediately snapped to attention.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize the time...!" She hurriedly set her magazine on the desk as she stood, smoothing out her short brown hair and managing a smile. "My name is Shirayuri Aya... N-nice to meet you." She bowed in greeting, scolding herself for not paying attention to the time. Jittery, nervous, shy... That was the second Shirayuri sister in a nutshell.


quiblet October 23 2011, 02:58:23 UTC
As far as Luna knew, this room was entirely normal, indeed, for a non-magical girl. Sports items and little stuffed animal dolls, how cute! And, lying over there looking darling and as sweet as they come was the girl herself, exactly what Luna had been hoping for. It was a curious outfit, nothing like her own slim and relaxed black robe, but the glasses were adorable on that large-eyed, trusting face.

"Oh, don't apologize," she spoke softly as she came in, "I hope I wasn't interrupting." This hotel made her think this was all a play of some kind, but who knew if Aya here was really stunned by her arrival? "My name is Luna Lovegood. It's nice to meet you, too, Aya," she spoke the girl's given name, thankfully knowing enough of Japanese customs to know which is which. The nervous but genuine way the girl carried herself was refreshingly honest, and Luna wanted to make her as comfortable as possible.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 03:13:23 UTC
"Luna... Such a pretty name..." Blushing and smiling, Aya motioned to the bed. "Please, make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything?" The girl was sweet and accommodating, especially for a pretty blonde like Luna. Aya considered herself blessed that her client for the night was someone who seemed absolutely perfect. Despite her clothes, it was easy to see Aya was slender and tall, with enough curves to turn the heads of boys - attention she never wanted.


quiblet October 23 2011, 03:24:33 UTC
The compliment made Luna beam, but she wouldn't start blushing just yet. "Thank you, I think it's a nice name. Yours is quite lovely, too." She moved swiftly to sit down on Aya's bed, removing her wand from behind her ear and crossing her legs at the ankles before settling her hands on her lap. "Just a glass, please," she cryptically answered Aya's question, thinking that a little magic trick would be an impressive thing to start some dialogue with. In a magical place like this hotel, it wouldn't break the rules, surely, and she wanted to impress this cute and overwhelmingly nice young lady doing everything she could to be accommodating.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 03:41:04 UTC
The request was odd, but not something she had trouble filling. Wit a nod, Aya moved into a small kitchenette that was attached to the bedroom, pulling out a glass from the cupboard. Moving back, she sat down on the bed next to Luna, offering the glass. "Here you are." She smiled, curious as to what Luna was planning.


quiblet October 23 2011, 03:48:50 UTC
Luna took her glass with a smile before picking up her wand. She waited for Aya to settle in and look comfortable, if not curious, before tapping the tip against the rim. "Aguamenti," she chirped, and a small stream of water appeared from nowhere to stream into it. A few moments later, she cut off the spell and raised the glass to have a sip. Clear and tasty as ever, but with a distinct aftertaste of aphrodisiac, of course. "I always love it fresh."


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 04:01:42 UTC
Aya's eyes went wide as Luna did that trick, seeing the glass fill with water that seemed to come from nowhere. "Wow... That's amazing! How did you do that?" Her amazed look melted into a smile as she scooted a little closer, getting a good look at the water. This girl really was amazing.


quiblet October 23 2011, 04:09:27 UTC
Seeing all that amazement made Luna feel good about choosing to show off a little; it wasn't really like her to try to be the center of attention (though she was by accident, often enough), but right now it just felt right. "I'm a witch," she said like it was the most normal thing, "There's a whole lot of spells I could show you, sometime." That included several not in her old schoolbooks, such as tricks to make lonesome nights so much more tolerable...


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 04:22:41 UTC
Blushing, getting the innuendo without even trying, Aya nodded. "I... I'd like that." She smiled again, curling her legs up on the bed. "I'm not used to having people in my room, so I'm sorry if I seem nervous." Aya was the least picked of her sisters for obvious reasons; nobody really wanted sweet, cuddling sex, after all.


quiblet October 23 2011, 04:27:24 UTC
That sweet nervousness just made Aya looks more and more to Luna like a girl craving to be told it was alright, and that she was wanted. Remembering that sign outside, she was pretty sure the brunette would certainly be told all that and more, and soon. "Excellent. I'll show you all I can do," she said quietly, and after placing her wand aside, she reached for Aya's hand. If this bespectacled sister really thought no one wanted things sweet and affectionate, she was about to be taught a valuable lesson.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 04:33:04 UTC
Pushing up her glasses with one hand, Aya reached forward with the other, trusting Luna completely as she took the hand, curling her fingers around it lightly. She couldn't fight her blush, the sporty girl always getting a thrill from any physical contact.


quiblet October 23 2011, 04:41:50 UTC
Now that they'd finally made contact did a faint pink color come over Luna's pale cheek. She gave those fingers a little squeeze as she turned toward Aya, her smile grown a little wider. "You're a nice person, Aya," she said, voice still quiet, "That sign out there said you like to be treated gently. I can do that." Not seeing any point to being coy, she leaned in closer. "Forgive me for being forward, but would you like to start?"


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 04:48:55 UTC
Aya nodded, lacing her fingers in Luna's. "I don't mind... May I kiss you?" She always tended to ask before she could do anything; the curse of being the middle child, after all. That and she really didn't want to do anything to screw this up, Aya still feeling like a ball of nerves.


quiblet October 23 2011, 04:53:39 UTC
That was exactly the right response Luna wanted to hear. Instead of saying anything, she slid her eyes closed and pursed her lips, inviting Aya to come right in on her own time and as hard or soft as she wanted to start things off. As far as Luna was concerned, this couldn't go wrong, no matter what Aya did.


erotic_trifecta October 23 2011, 04:58:08 UTC
Soon enough, Luna would feel Aya's lips against her own, the touch not featherlight, but not pressuring either. Aya's confidence slowly grew, and as it did, the pressure gently increased as Aya pulled herself closer. Shyly, the tip of her tongue darted out, brushing Luna's lips briefly.


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