intro ✝ zombie outbreak ✝ little to no aphro

Oct 22, 2011 17:10

There was a throbbing in her head as she cracked open her eyes. The cold, hard ground was her first clue that she was not in Bureau, but the smell of smoke and rotten flesh hanging thick in the air was her second that she was nowhere familiar. Groaning softly, Liz gingerly pushed herself up and pinched the bridge of her nose, inhaling deeply -- but soon found out that was a mistake; the pungent smell of death assaulted her sense and had her go into a coughing fit. No, this was definitely a place she did not know. What was more was that she could hear the distant sound of rolling waves and the rustle of trees as a warm breeze swept through.

"Red? Abe...?"

She called out several times, hoping that they would hear her, and even used her communication device to call them. However, the device was only picking up static. The more Liz tried the more frustrated she became. She did not remember going on a mission, especially one that called for a location that seemed so far from civilization, but this wouldn't be the first time she had been separated from her friends. If anything, Red was no doubt looking for her right now. It would only be a matter of time before she would hear him thundering towards her, calling her name and possibly shooting some rounds into the night, killing off whatever enemy stood in his path. The idea of that put a small smile on her lips.

But those minutes passed and her throbbing head was not getting any better. She did hear some noise, but her muggish brain did not want to discern the sound. Though, the closer it got, she realized that it was neither Red or Abe... rather, it didn't sound remotely human -- or anything she had heard before. Moaning? Who or what moaned in such a chilling voice? Getting up slowly, her body gently swaying from the disorientation, Liz tried to strain her ears to pick up that sound again.

It did, and much to her horror, what lumbered towards her on shuffling feet was not what she was expecting. Zombies... dozens of them. Their rotten flesh and blank eyes and torn clothes smeared with blood, grime and entrails made slow, mechanical steps towards her. Panicking, Liz gropped her legs, trying to grap her gun, but realized that it was not on her person -- neither were her rounds. Not bothering to check to see if she misplaced it, Liz ran, hoping to find a shelter or safehouse -- anything that would put up a strong barrier between her and these beings shuffling after her.

It seemed like a good hour before she came to a church; abandoned but it looked safe, however it was boarded up with pieces of wood and reinforced steel. Finding an entrace seemed impossible. The firescape had been damanged, possibly done deliberately to ensure that those things would not scale the wall and make their way inside. The side door seemed to be unblocked, but when she tried the handle it wouldn't budge. Banging on the door, Liz called for help.

"Open the door! Let me in!"

[ooc: Liz Sherman from the Hellboy series. She is a new muse so I'm going to take some time with her and attempt to get her voice right. A thread limit will be in place as well. Smut is very unlikely, even if you are a castmate, so CR is pretty much all you're going to get from her. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM.]

series: hellboy

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