No Event ☫☫☫ I don't even know AGAIN ☫☫☫ Bring your own aphro if you want

Oct 07, 2011 21:08

In his entire life, something which had lasted for over eight hundred years, Asura had never been on a single date. His paranoia and cowardice simply didn't allow him to. The absolute terror of being turned down prevented him from attempting to ask a girl soon turned in his twisted mind to contempt at a rejection that hadn't even happened. It was ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f, series: soul eater

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the muse is going to hate me forever for this but I'll go with 3 notyourdamnbird October 8 2011, 00:44:30 UTC
Well Minatsuki was definitely a new resident to the hotel. She was unaware of it's little tricks and games that it enjoyed playing on it's residents. When she awoke upon the bed in her room, she was stark naked. "What the fuck!?" She screamed as she sat up and glared around the room, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, but no one was there.

Like hell she was going to just sit and wait for some perverted creep to walk in and see her naked. Luckily the hotel had left her with something to wear. A red dress much like the one she usually wore back in her own world. She got up from the bed and threw it on.

Now it was time to find out who was responsible for this mess. She ran over to the door when she heard a knock and threw the door open. She stared up at the strange person for a second or two, deciding to throw on that fake innocent act that she was so good at playing. "E-Excuse me, Mister, but who are you and where am I?"


Sounds like a fair trade to me. strongestcoward October 8 2011, 15:44:58 UTC
Asura's multitude of eyes took in all of Minatsuki's features in one moment, analysing her body in an instant. Immediately, he decided to rank her as 'cute.' Asura liked cute things. Of course, he found psychopathic mass murders cute when he knew that's what they were as well, so either way the girl had ran out of luck.

"Ah, a new comer, huh?" The Kishin spoke in his oddly soft and sweet ones, a smooth way of talking that belied his absolutely insane true nature. "Welcome to the Love Hotel-as for me, I am The Kishin." He tended to introduce himself by his title, 'Demon God.' It was a good title, he thought. "Anyway, don't worry about it. Since I'm taking you on a date, I'll take care of you."
It seemed completely natural to the demonic god to move straight from arrival, to introduction, to abduction.


notyourdamnbird October 8 2011, 16:03:54 UTC
Her eyes widened upon being given so much information and then wait, WHAT ( ... )


strongestcoward October 8 2011, 20:24:54 UTC
"Most people would, but I just do what I want," Asura replied with a shrug, his scarves flexing unnaturally, yet subtly so. To anyone who didn't know that they could be flexed and controlled like limbs, it would just look slightly off, movements a little unusual.

He decided not to explain the intricacies of the hotel's workings yet. The demon was just more interested in the his idea of a date right now, and she could get the information from anywhere. He might spring it on her later, but for now-dating was on his mind. "Anyway, it's fine, it's fine. You're really cute, so you'll do fine."

He delivered the compliment as casually as he would mention the weather, effortlessly and without any real importance to it, like it was obvious. Despite that, he was perfectly happy to force her to as he wanted. Even if her abilities did function perfectly, the Kishin was practically indestructible. Although she might make him mad by ruining his carefully chosen clothes. "But we might have to get you into something more appropriate."


notyourdamnbird October 8 2011, 22:24:25 UTC
"Is this your place then? Are you the one who brought me here?" She asked as she looked up at him.

"I-I really didn't have a choice in the matter as far as clothing went. I just put this on because it was in the room." She admitted.

If she had a choice she would have stuck with the dress she was wearing before. That or maybe a tank top and pants a long with underwear and a bra because she didn't run around everywhere without wearing those. It felt odd to say the least not wearing them and she didn't like the feeling of being exposed.

She noticed those little movements from the scarves. How strange, so he really was a demon after all? She'd never met one of those before. Just a bunch of crazy psychotic killers.


strongestcoward October 8 2011, 23:29:12 UTC
"Not exactly," he responded casually, the tall man stepping past her into the room, his scarves trailing behind him. He certainly acted like he owned the place-when in a good mood, he always did. He was the Demon God. He was the strongest. He could do anything he wanted, so everywhere he walked belong to him.

"Huh, really? Is that all you have?" Asura asked, before without any warning and with bizarre speed, he squatted down in an instant, lifting the dress up to look what she had on underneath, not realising that she had nothing at all until he saw. "Ooh. Are you a pervert?"

The irony of the statement in that situation completely shot over the Kishin's head.


notyourdamnbird October 8 2011, 23:33:52 UTC
"W-What!?" She asked and before she knew it he was looking up underneath the dress she was wearing. She instantly moved away from him, swatting his hands away at the same time.

"I am not a pervert! You're a pervert! Whoever was in my room before took all of my damn clothes!" She snapped at him and took another step back. The audacity of that demon, really.

"You don't just go lifting someone's dress up like that! I don't belong to you!" She sputtered and took another step back.


strongestcoward October 9 2011, 10:40:13 UTC
Asura remained squatting for a few moments, looking up at the thoroughly flustered girl with a dispassionate look, tipping his head so that his eye emblazoned hair swayed side to side. After a second or two and again without any warning, one of his scarves shot out like a snake, it's tip seperating into a facismile of a hand that clamped vice like to her collar, and look remarkably like a leash.

"You do now," he stated simply. As far as he was concerned, simply deciding that she was his property made it so. He stood up, his scarf's impossible strength aiming to pull Minatsuki in front of him and force her to the ground so that he could loom sinisterly above her, a wicked smile flowing over his thin lips. "So I can do anything I want with you."


notyourdamnbird October 9 2011, 22:52:49 UTC
Holy hell she was not expecting that at all!

She jumped back yet when she tried to, her reaction time wasn't quick enough compared to his. Too slow. Damn it. She looked down at the scarf and her hands instantly went to it, trying to remove it from the collar.

She lowered her head some. Her bangs getting in the way of her eyes.

"You obviously... Don't know who you're fucking with!" She snarled at him. When she looked back up at him that sweet innocent expression she had been wearing was replaced by a murderous one. She brought her thumb to her lip and sank her teeth into it, causing an open wound. Instead of the blood dropping onto the ground, it made a pool in the air, and seemed to attach itself to both ends of her pigtails.

"I'll beat the shit out of you!" She giggled as those attachments turned into whip like figures.


strongestcoward October 10 2011, 08:38:38 UTC
Asura tipped his head back in surprise, all three eyes widening at the sight. That wasn't exactly what he had been expecting, but...

"Eiiiyahahahahahahaha!" The Kishin broke out into a gigantic manic grin, his flat teeth somehow replaced with triangular fangs, like some sort of instant shark tooth transplant. His eyes had erased all the shock from before, an absolutely endless evil void in them. His eyes began to glow a bloody crimson, his cackling ceasing abruptly. "That's a great face! Ke-ke-ke-ke! Making a face like that, you're just begging for me to grab you and fuck you to pieces, right?"

Asura's soul began to release a wave of madness, flowing over Minatsuki, creating a hallucination. The hotel room began to flex and flow, red eyes appearing in every shadow hands, a creeping sensation of hands extending from the darkness. "Dont fuck around. I'm a god and you're not."


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