No Event ☫☫☫ I don't even know AGAIN ☫☫☫ Bring your own aphro if you want

Oct 07, 2011 21:08

In his entire life, something which had lasted for over eight hundred years, Asura had never been on a single date. His paranoia and cowardice simply didn't allow him to. The absolute terror of being turned down prevented him from attempting to ask a girl soon turned in his twisted mind to contempt at a rejection that hadn't even happened. It was one of the reasons his attitude towards women was less than stellar. In the manner of the truly insane, he had begun to see all beautiful women as cruel teases who liked to excite men's desires but never satisfy them. All things considered though, Asura had always wanted to try dating. Somewhere in the back of his dark and mysterious head, something just said to him 'men go on dates with ladies.'

Two things had changed the demonic deity's approach to the issue of not being able to get a date. The first was while he was still terrified of being rejected and laughed at, a long time had passed since his awkward teenage years and with it his attitude: these days, if someone did something he didn't like, he could change that by force. That was what being a god was all about, after all. The second was his time in the hotel. Whilst he never felt exactly safe or comfortable, hotel life had always been good to him. He was somewhat more relaxed (by his standards at least) in the hotel that regular allowed him to relieve himself of stress than he was in the world where he was literally the enemy of everyone. So he had arranged this date.

His first date. To say he was nervous would be to completely underestimate just how much of a coward the Kishin was. It had taken him five hours just to choose his shoes. Ultimately, the tall and slender man had chosen to stick to his tried and tested style, with a bit of a causal flair. He wore five suit shirts, one over the other, with an extra button undone on each layer, meaning it was possible to see each colour-in order, they were red, yellow, green, blue and indigo. Over the top, he wore a black suit jacket, completely open. An incredibly baggy pair of trousers that completely conceal his foot wear and dragged across the ground was chosen for leg wear. Finally, he wore the scarves he was never without-two around his neck and countless others wrapped around his body under his clothes. The white fabric was incredibly lengthy, the four ends each at least twice his considerable height, and yet mysteriously curling up to not touch the floor, trailing behind him like so many tails. His hands remained exposed, incredibly pale and slender fingers revealed, along with the tattoos that marked them. Around both middle fingers was a ring of criss-crossing lines, and across the backs of his hands were three eye markings.

Eventually, Asura's mood had changed when he examined himself in a mirror, noting that he looked damn fine. He had regrown a good portion of muscle since he had arrived, and was no longer the completely skeletal figure he used to be. In particular he noted that he could fill out those trousers of his very nicely. With the confidence boost of a man who is completely certain he's sexy, Asura had somehow managed to stick to his plan and arrived at his date's room. Pausing to run a hand through his hair (black, yet with white markings that gave the illusion of a ring of eyes around his head), he knocked loudly, a soft smile already finding its way to the lips of the three eyed god.

This could be fun, after all.

((ooc: So, I've wanted to do this for a while now, a Kishin style date.

1) Somehow Asura managed to convince someone to go on a date with him, the poor fool.
2) The hotel has arranged a blind date and your character just go really unlucky. Unless they're into freaky weirdoes, then they got lucky.
3) It's less of a date and more of a hostage situation, with Asura forcing the character to play along with his game. In this scenario, he'd likely also force them to dress up in something ridiculously slutty, so note if you don't want him to do that.
4) Asura has used his powers of inflicting insanity to convince the victim to come along-either by making them think of him as god, or by causing them to hallucinate that he's someone they actually want to go on a date with.
5) Something cooler than I thought up, go ahead, rock my body.

Obviously with some of these options, non-con/dub-con is very likely, but tell me your boundaries! Since Asura can be really dark sometimes, please tell me if you want a light thread (without Asura being scary), a medium thread (with mind fuckery but nothing major) or a heavier one (a heavy thread could feature up to and including Asura murdering everyone in a restaurant right in front of his date just to get some privacy) Also, finally, a kink post..))

pairing: m/f, series: soul eater

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