The Witching Hour//BYOA

Oct 06, 2011 22:06

Well, this was interesting. The entire hotel decided to play dress up, it seemed. She'd noticed some of the other 'guests' running from a few of the demonic beings chasing them earlier... not that she had much to worry about. She had stopped fearing things that went bump in the night a long while ago. Of course, that tended to happen when you lived ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, series: hellsing, pairing: f/m

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Comments 64

vamp!Integra all teh waaaaaay tamemywings October 7 2011, 05:13:59 UTC
Chilling right besides her is the man himself, Alucard. He's all velvety darkness, a pair of glowing orbs for light, and those hellions were drawn to him like a magnet. He didn't mind it much. Hanging from his lips is a well-lit cigar.

"This Hotel is haunted, Master." He said in that growly Romanian voice of his.


HEE~ bastaaaaaards October 7 2011, 05:16:34 UTC
She hummed, lightly wrapping her arms around one of his as they walked together. She was ever so pleased that her Count had decided to come join her out here.

"A little, yes," she admitted, watching as God only knows what dragged itself across the hallway. "My, my... how very interesting, don't you agree?"


tamemywings October 7 2011, 05:19:59 UTC
Before Alucard can answer, a little demonic imp was crawling toward his boots for a curious sniff. Alucard looked annoyed and pissed. He kick the thing right in the face and it went flying down the hallway and as the result, the landing crushed it skull. But the creature regenerated itself, so not guilt there.

He blow out a steady stream of white smoke. "I'm still bored. Perhaps there should be a zombie apocalypse theme. Now that would be an interesting challenge."


bastaaaaaards October 7 2011, 05:24:11 UTC
A pale, slender brow arched as she watched her Count kick the poor little thing across the hallway. While it was somewhat amusing [because despite her current vampiric status, she STILL considered herself a Protestant], it was a little disappointing to see it regenerate.

"Perhaps, but with our luck they'd be unbeatable and that would create even more boredom," she replied, a childish looking ghost appearing next to her. She wailed blood and reached out for the heiress, and the woman sighed, lightly placing a hand on the child's head the best she could as she passed. The child herself sniffled, but was pleased by the attention, and as such, quietly disappeared.

"Some of these lost souls are somewhat sad, don't you agree?"


Surprise me! shatteredshield October 7 2011, 05:20:28 UTC
Shannon had definitely had her share of haunted floors, and right now, she was trying to find a place where she could rest in peace. There were some growing dark circles under her eyes, and her uniform was a bit worse for the wear. However, this event had brought back another small bit of her fractured memories. Namely, an ability that she hadn't realized she had.

As another ghost advanced on her, she gritted her teeth, a glowing red barrier forming before her and sending the ghost shrieking away from her. However, using it was proving more and more taxing. Her vision swam, Shannon leaning against the wall and panting. Her fingers curled into fists, the full-figured woman pushing herself off the wall. No... She could do this. Just until she found a safe place...


Vampire!Tegra it is. 8D <3 bastaaaaaards October 7 2011, 05:27:34 UTC
Integra blinked, glancing over at the woman who had suddenly popped up in her line of vision. Well, well. This one seemed normal for the most part, which was good -- despite her current vampiric status, Integra still considered herself somewhat human herself.

Still, something was wrong with this one. She didn't seem well at all... perhaps she needed assistance. Hopefully, her own dark aura wouldn't scare the other woman off too quickly.

"...Are you quite alright?" she asked quietly, a pale, slender brow arching in question. Her crimson gaze focused only on the brunette; unlike most, her vision was better in the dark, and in this state she could tell that this one was quite attractive. How interesting.


Yay. <3 shatteredshield October 7 2011, 05:36:49 UTC
To Shannon, the other woman looked and seemmed normal, and she was thankful for that. At her question, Shannon managed a small smile. "I'm fine, really... Just a little tired, that's all. I haven't slept in a while... Too many spooky things." The elevators and stairwells were no good; they liked to swarm there, due to the lack of exits. She fought to stay upright as she walked, determined to at least make it down this hallway.


bastaaaaaards October 7 2011, 05:43:20 UTC
"That's understandable, yes," she replied with a small, thoughtful hum. "Perhaps I should escort you? I can assure you, while I am around, they will not bother you."

Because they'd be too busy backing the hell away from her. Integra was scary in life, but she'd become somewhat more intimidating in death.


li_amaranth October 7 2011, 05:48:48 UTC
As Integra continued down the halls, a strange noise sounded. The little demons and over creatures scrambled to hide as the sound became more noticeable.. the sound of hooves running through leaves? And it wasn't just one set either. There were three ( ... )


bastaaaaaards October 7 2011, 06:02:46 UTC
What. The. Hell. The stoic Draculina had been quietly wandering the halls, and then BAM. A mare and foals. Running like hell down the hallway. Seriously, what the hell man. She felt her left eye twitch.

Well, what the hell. With a hum, she followed after them; she wasn't a fool, she knew who they were, and any anger she'd once felt had diminished long ago. For her, it had been years since she'd lingered in the hotel... besides, things had ended up quite well at home, especially between her vampire and herself, so she had no reason to remain angry for the events that had occurred here.

Wearily, she leaned against the doorframe, a slender brow arching up. "..."

][ ooc; 'sup bb~ <333 Vampy!Tegra it is, <333 Also, that sucks. ;-; I just now got your IM but you were offline by the time I got to it... sorry my dear. ][


li_amaranth October 12 2011, 19:00:02 UTC
Li tossed her head as she watched Integra. There was something different about the woman from the last time she saw her. She smelled even more like their stallion.

After a few moments she came closer, even stretching her neck out a little to get a better scent from the woman. No, vampire. Interesting. She tilted her head a little. How did that happen? Why was Integra.. older?


For the lulz ~ reddeathbutler October 13 2011, 04:20:18 UTC
And even stranger yet, the vampire will meet her first shinigami, a Death God. She would find him being under enormous distress as he is struggling and battling with shadow figures the wall. The mischievous spirits were playing a game with him by playing a tug-of-war with his red hair.

"Ahhh~ Let me go! How dare you treat a girl this way!" And Grell kicked at the wall, trying to free himself.


I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. <333 bastaaaaaards October 13 2011, 04:24:50 UTC
Integra stared blankly at the Shinigami, her left eye twitching slightly at all the damned noise he was making with his little ghost friends. Well, perhaps they weren't friends, but...

...did he. Just call himself a girl? Sighing, the former heiress moved to his side, having had enough of the spirits insane giggling and the rather loud voice of the poor Shinigami in question. With a growl, she merely grabbed his arm and simply pulled him away from the spirits, who pouted and were about to follow, but she stopped and pointed a finger in their faces, leering.

"Don't. Think. About it." was all she stated, and they made a disappointed noise, backing the hell away from the tempermental Draculina. When they backed off, she just sort of continued to drag the poor red head with her.

"Could you have been any louder?" she muttered to him, tugging him along as though she'd known him for years. Poor Grell...


reddeathbutler October 13 2011, 04:31:39 UTC
Grell dusted off his red jacket, smoothing the wrinkles out. Cleaning himself up after the ghost ruffled him up, he looked at her and smiled with a crystalline twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh, are you my heroine? Hey there girlfriend!" And the way he talked, it was so girly even though he is clearly a man. He glomped on her around the arms. "That was terrifying, but you chased them away! That was amazing!"


bastaaaaaards October 13 2011, 04:35:55 UTC
"I'm not exactly a heroine," she supplied wearily, feeling her left eye twitch when he glomped her. Integra wasn't exactly the most -touchy feely- person on the planet, after all. Wearily, she reached up and lightly patted him on the head.

"They're just foolish ghosts, you just have to show them whose boss, that's all," she replied with a small chuckle. Well, he was feeding her ego, at least... perhaps it wasn't so bad, actually being recognized for saving someone, even if it WAS just from ghosts. The Hellsing Organization had always been a secretive one, ergo she never got any sort of thanks or congratulations.


Perhaps she'd just acquired a fanboy. Hm.


Vamp!Integra for the irony, please! freischuetzin November 1 2011, 09:07:30 UTC
Something bigger, something nastier ( ... )


Sure thing~ I'm going to be slow today because LOL I work 12 hours and I'm off to work right now. <3 bastaaaaaards November 1 2011, 11:10:05 UTC
Integra most certainly wasn't fazed by Rip's sudden appearance, nor did she really react to the other woman's words. If she was at all nervous about the gun pointed right at her head, she certainly didn't look or act it. Instead, she acted rather neutral about the situation, really.

At least she wouldn't have to actually hunt for dinner tonight. The Hotel so graciously gave her Rip, after all, and while usually she'd rather starve than drink the blood of a Nazi freak, the heiress just couldn't pass this one down.

"Rip Van Winkle," she began, turning to face the other woman completely now. "Alive because of the Hotel, are you?" Perhaps Rip hadn't noticed the sudden mood shift within Integra, the darker, far more aggressive aura about her.

Finally, she smiled slightly, allowing her own fangs to glint eerily in the faint light. "Break his vow? Don't be silly. The vampires of Millennium are all cheap copies. 'Samiel' did not fail to guard me. He is my maker, not that it's any of your business ( ... )


Oh dear, you poor thing... H-hope you make it out alive! freischuetzin November 1 2011, 21:16:37 UTC
Noticing the aura had nothing to do with it. The ideology of Millenium stated that all bar them were inferior in status. Watching Integra now was like realising the difference between a spider and a cokroach.

"Why wouldn't I be alive? Samiel tore me apart, and now I hunt the inmates of hell." Not really an explanation, but she'd been trained by the Major in obfuscating retorts.

Her head went back, tilting beyond the bounds of a normal human, before snapping back at Integra with an audible click. "Oh, you are positively adorable, Sir Integra~! It's like watching an ant lift his ball of dung, believing that if he makes it back to his lair he can become a beautiful butterfly!"

The click now was of the bolt being pulled back. "I will devour you, Sir Integra. You cannot hide from these, the Freischuetze's bullets!"

Click-BOOM!, and the first bullet whirred out of the barrel to lance at Integra's head.

[[OOC: And yes, the simile at the start is purposefully flawed. ^^;]]


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