A Fairy Tale Nightmare (Red Riding Hood) | Moderate Aphro | Locked to misamisal

Aug 22, 2011 16:41

Living a rugged, "outdoorsy" life in the heart of the forest was not Lyon's thing, but he didn't have much choice. With his race feared and hunted wherever they went it was just about the only option available to him. Thankfully he'd found an old abandoned hunting shack that hadn't taken much to make livable again, so things weren't as bad as they ( Read more... )

series: death note, series: argeneau family, series: original character

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anotherargeneau August 22 2011, 22:54:13 UTC
Lyon's eyes followed the girl's hand when it flew to her chest and then lingered there, drinking in the sight of her impressive cleavage. It made the urge to fuck her hard and fast even stronger, threatening to surpass his need to drink her blood. Her pretty little blush made both needs spike and forced him to bite back a groan. There was definitely no way he was letting he was letting such tasty little morsel leave before he'd had a chance to thoroughly enjoy her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, not sounding sorry in the least. "But when I saw you walking all alone in the forest, well..." Lyon took a step towards the girl, deliberately staying in the middle of the path so that she would have a hard time getting past him. "I thought I should warn you; it's dangerous here. Haven't you heard the stories?" He took another step closer and grinned, making his fangs even more obvious. "There's a big scary wolf that roams the forest and preys on pretty little travelers like you." Lyon paused and regarded the girl hungrily, his desire for her written plainly across his handsome face.

"What's your name beautiful?" he asked in a low, sensual voice.

[OOC: Love the dress! Thanks for the link. It might get a little "rumpled" by the time Lyon's done with her though, LOL...]


misamisal August 22 2011, 23:18:15 UTC
Misa noticed the way he looked at her, from her cleavage to her face...then the step towards her making his teeth even more prominent. She could tell by his tone of voice that she might have some trouble getting out of this situation. But, surprisingly she found herself thinking of him taking her roughly right here in the forest. It's not like any of the people in town came through here...
At his words, she smirks slightly.
"Oh, let me guess; you're the thing I'm supposed to be afraid of, right? I've heard the stories, the people in town warned me not to come through here, but it's nice. I'm thinking of taking a walk through here every day, actually."
Surprising herself, even, she took a small step forward to peer at his teeth.
"Misa...are those real? Or are they some sort of caps you put in to scare unsuspecting people in the forest?"
Laughing, she tilts her head, stepping even closer to peer at those lovely teeth. Why were they so attractive? She even felt a slight wetness come to her as she thought about those teeth sinking into her skin.
"You probably could play the part of the big scary wolf with those teeth, they'd be enough to scare normal people away."

((ooc: Totally fine by me, tear that shit up if you have to! LOL))


anotherargeneau August 23 2011, 01:58:03 UTC
"I'm not the wolf, no," Lyon said with a low chuckle, "but yeah, you should definitely be afraid of me." The fact that the girl clearly wasn't was a bit of a surprise at first. The way she smiled and laughed and moved in even closer implied that she was far more intrigued by him than anything else. It only made him want her even more, and with a wicked little grin Lyon reached out to push the hood of the cloak away from her face.

"Oh they're real alright Misa. If you're not careful you'll find out just how real." Lyon reached out to finger a lock of Misa's beautiful blonde hair as he closed the renaming distance between them. "I guess I really could play the part of the big scary wolf if I wanted to, huh?" Lyon's hand slipped behind Misa's head and tilted her face up towards his as his other hand shot out and grabbed her arm.

"The question is..." Lyon pulled Misa in close, pressing his body tightly to hers and then dipping his head so that his lips hovered over hers. "Are you willing to risk a run-in with the big bad wolf?"

[OOC: Lyon may not totally ruin her dress, but at the very least Misa's panties will be yanked off and her bodice ripped open. Lyon really enjoys ripping off girls' clothes. And stealing their panties. XD]


misamisal August 23 2011, 02:13:41 UTC
At his warning, she raised her head, standing her ground, eyes staring him down as if daring him to try something.
"I'm not afraid of you."
But when he moved in closer, her eyebrows drew closer together. What was he doing?! People fantasied about this sort of thing, but she never thought it would actually happen. Besides, most people were all talk, this guy was actually threading his fingers in her hair, tilting her head up. Misa was so surprised that her body simply went with it, but when she was pulled tightly against his body, she felt his hard arousal and gasped, eyes widening. All she could do was stare at his face, his eyes, those teeth...
His question had her speaking quietly, testing him.
"And you're the 'big bad wolf,' hmm? Just what do you intend to do with me, Mr. Wolf? Get me in bed then devour me?"
Her question seemed to have a double meaning, tone just questioning enough to hint at something more. She didn't even know who this was, and yet she found herself wanting him to do just that and she shivered slightly at the tight grip on her arm, wondering if that roughness continued in other places...

((ooc: Fine by me! :D Heehee! ))


anotherargeneau August 23 2011, 15:27:16 UTC
Lyon just grinned at her defiance, impressed and turned on all at the same time. Even though she looked all soft and innocent Misa clearly had a feisty spirit and didn't scare easily. He returned her wide-eyed stare with one of his own, his swirling silver eyes boring into hers with a hunger that was more than just carnal.

"That is exactly what I intend to do with you beautiful." Lyon's voice held a rough edge to it, and he tightened his grip on Misa's head and arm as his tongue darted out to swipe teasingly against her lips. "Although this wolf is too hungry to waste time dragging you back to his bed." With a low growl of desire Lyon captured Misa's mouth in a crushing kiss, his fangs pressing up against her lips as he claimed her as hsi own. His fingers twisted themselves into her hair and held on tightly, preventing her from pulling away, while the hand on her arm kept her body pinned firmly to his.


misamisal August 23 2011, 19:22:51 UTC
The swipe of his tongue over her lips has her gasping softly, eyes half closing. Then his words hit her and her eyes widen slightly, gasping against his powerful kiss.
Misa found herself arching against him, eyes closing tightly as she pressed back with just as much force, tongue sliding out to trace over those sharp teeth, moaning at the feel of her his chest rubbing her nipples through her dress as they pushed against him, hardening almost painfully.
Presses so tightly against him, her arms pinned without much movement, all she could do was scrabble at the sides his torso with her nails through his shirt. It may seem she may be trying to scratch him, but not in an attempt to get away; perhaps just as payback for the rough way he help her arm. If he was going to be rough, she could dish it right back.


anotherargeneau August 23 2011, 21:04:09 UTC
The feel of Misa's breasts pressing against his chest had him growling into their kiss as he deepened it further. With their bodies mashed together Lyon couldn't fail to notice when Misa's nipples hardened into tight little peaks not long afterward. It left no doubt in his mind that she was seriously turned on, especially since her attempts to scratch him lacked the desperation of trying to get away.

After taking a moment to force her to drop her goodie basket Lyon released Misa's arm and forced his free hand between their bodies. He groped her roughly through her dress as he pushed her off the path, walking her backwards into a nearby copse of pine trees. Once they reached it he broke their kiss to gaze down at her with that same hungry expression from before. "That's a cute little dress," he said as his hands came up to grasp the garment's bodice, "but it's in the way." Lyon then yanked hard, tearing the bright red fabric away from Misa's chest and causing her breasts to spill out into his waiting hands.


misamisal August 23 2011, 21:23:02 UTC
The kiss deepening and his growl caused a high pitch, short whine to squeak from her. When he forced the basket from her hands and began backing her up, she futilely reached her hand out for it.
Misa was about to say that if anyone dared to come looking for her and saw her basket on the path, they might orchestrate a search for her. However, she was cut off by his hands on her breasts, so rough she gasped and continued walking backward until the path was out of her sight and her back hit a tree.
Though he did say it was in the way, she hadn't expected him to actually rip the fabric. Gasping, her back arching as her breasts spilled out, she quickly tried to cover them on instinct, wanting to cover the fact that they were hardening further in the delicious cool air, goosebumps spreading over her skin.
Her cheeks were bright pink by now and she was panting harshly.
"W-what's your name?"
A small smirk crossed her lips.
"Or should I just call you Mr. Wolf?"


anotherargeneau August 24 2011, 00:28:37 UTC
"You shouldn't hide such beautiful breasts," Lyon said softly as he pushed Misa's hands away from her chest, forcing her to abandon her attempts at modesty. With the lush mounds fully bared Misa's rising arousal became even more obvious, and it wasn't until she asked about his name that Lyon was able to drag his eyes up to hers.

"It's - " he paused, a sad look briefly flashing across his face. "It's safer if you just call me 'Mr. Wolf.'" The idea seemed to please him, and Lyon's expression quickly cleared, his desire returning in full force and his lips quirking up into a small grin. "I am going to devour you after all..." He cupped Misa's breasts with his hands as he leaned into her, trapping her body between his own and the tree behind her. His palms slid back and forth over her taut nipples as he kneaded her soft flesh, and he pressed his lips to hers in another hard, toothy kiss, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth to probe its depths.


misamisal August 24 2011, 01:15:00 UTC
She shouldn't hide them? Her blush deepened and she allowed him to pull her hands away from her body.
As he began to tell her his name her eyes met his and she saw the sad look. She wouldn't miss that. But the idea of calling him "Mr. Wolf" was appealing and she grinned slightly too in response to his.
The feeling of his hands on her bare breasts, the teasing against her nipples, has her moaning, back arching against as one of her eyes close, the other just barely open. Then he's kissing her, his tongue invading her mouth and Misa presses back against it with her own, rolling and massaging it desperately.
When she was able to pull back for breath, she whispered against his lips, not realizing when her hands had threaded into his hair.
"It's okay; people can't find out who I really am, either."


anotherargeneau August 24 2011, 14:29:33 UTC
Lyon swallowed Misa's moans greedily, making hungry noises of his own as she kissed him back ardently. His hands roamed eagerly over her breasts as their tongues caressed each other, stroking Misa's silky-smooth flesh and treating her nipples to little tugs and pinches. By the time she broke their kiss Lyon was panting faintly, and he was so hard that his erection was straining painfully against his jeans. He reached down and began to undo his belt, working to free his aching cock as Misa made her whispered confession.

"You can tell me beautiful," Lyon whispered back, brushing his fangs against Misa's lips as his jeans and boxers fell to the ground, allowing his erection to spring free of its confines. "I know how to keep a secret..." Lyon's hands slid up Misa's legs under her skirt as he spoke, moving past the tops of her bright red socks and not stopping until they'd reached her hips. His fingers then slipped under her panties and his thumbs began to rub themselves up and down the length of her folds.


misamisal2 August 24 2011, 17:49:48 UTC
The pinked and tugs on her nipples had her moaning louder against his mouth, continually arching against. When he moved to remove himself from his jeans and said she could tell him, she looked up at him with somewhat hopeful eyes.
Then she shook her head, a bitter expression passing over her features.
"I can't- ah-!"
Misa was effective cut off, her hips thrusting forward against those thumbs touching where she was so hot and wet. Unsure what to do, she simply raised her left leg over his hip and reached behind her to claw at the bark of the tree as she pressed bit her bottom lip gently.


anotherargeneau August 24 2011, 18:38:53 UTC
"Shhh... It's okay." Lyon pressed a gentle kiss to Misa's forehead. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." His lips then found hers once more, his kiss surprisingly tender. It didn't last long though. Not because he didn't sympathize with her but because his need for her just was too great. In short order he was attacking her mouth just as urgently as before, being careful not to scrape her delicious lips with his fangs. His hands attacked her sex just as eagerly, rubbing her hard and fast, her wetness allowing his fingers to glide easily over her sensitive flesh.

With a shuddering intake of breath Lyon released Misa's mouth and began to nip his way down her neck. His fangs didn't break her skin, but he used enough force that they made their presence felt with each bite. When he reached the spot just above her jugular Lyon stopped, readying himself to feed from her without actually doing so. His hands changed positions as well, one pulling aside Misa's panties while the other began massaging her clit in short, sharp circles.

"Would you like me to make you come Misa?" He started rubbing her clit even faster. "All you have to do is ask..."

[OOC: Oh, and don't worry; Lyon's still going to do her against the tree. He's just so hungry that he needs to feed first.]


misamisal2 August 24 2011, 20:02:24 UTC
Surprised at the tender kiss, Misa felt tears start to prick behind her eyes, the thought that she was Kira, the good one at least, still at the forefront of her mind, wanting so badly to tell him. The tears quickly retreated when he began to kiss her roughly again. As he continued faster on her very sensitive flesh, his teeth against her skin and his words...
That's all it took, she gasped loudly, letting out a loud, keen cry, still trying to keep quiet in case anyone was around, even if that wasn't likely. Her hips presses against his hand as she tilted her head back and to the side, giving him more access to her neck, wanting him to bite her so badly.

((ooc: Fine by me! :D Yay! ))


anotherargeneau August 24 2011, 20:57:49 UTC
Misa's cry echoed sweetly in his ears as she bared her neck to him. It was all the answer he needed, and Lyon wasted no time in sinking his fangs into her vulnerable flesh. His mind automatically linked with Misa's as his teeth punctured her skin, flooding her senses with a pleasure so intense it completely eliminated the pain of the bite. He groaned with satisfaction as Misa's blood hit his system, giving him a head mix of pleasure and sustenance that had him pressing up against her. The thick length of his erection rested warmly against her inner thigh as feed from her, while his hand continued its unrelenting assault on her clit, determined to bring her to orgasm with his fingers if for some reason the bite didn't do it.


misamisal2 August 24 2011, 21:11:09 UTC
The bite absolutely did it and she came, juices flowing out of her as she cried out loudly, her hand coming up to clench in his hair, arching against his teeth. The feeling of his still moving against her clit kept her climax at a high and she groaned out a small growl of a sound as she gritted her teeth at the intense pleasure.


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