Floor 58,075,167 (Pollination) | Mild Aphro

Aug 17, 2011 22:30

[Now and again, there was a day that the temperature was just too perfect. The air too sweet. Even though doing a good job in the garden was at the top of Finnian's priority list, now and again the overwhelming urge to take a nap amongst the plants hit him.

This time, however, he awoke to find himself somewhere that was decidedly not the Phantomhive Estate.

There was a ceiling of glass, made up of many square panes. It was a greenhouse, that much he knew. But it was filled with so many flowers he'd never seen before, and no matter which direction he went there didn't seem to be any exit. To make matters all the worse, he didn't quite feel himself either. It was difficult to put a finger on how, but he felt extremely lonely. Even moreso than wanting a way out of the endless greenhouse, he found himself very much wanting to come upon SOMEONE. Anyone.

Finally, he dropped to his knees amongst a bed of pink and purple flowers, sending clouds of pollen up in yellow swirls. His ache intensified. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. Never before in his life had he needed someone so badly.]

((ooc: Oops, probably should have added -- male and female smut welcome!))

series: kuroshitsuji, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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