Aug 17, 2011 21:39

Erika woke up to discover that at some point during the night all of her shady super suspicious black overcoats had been replaced by the hotel with entirely different clothes.  Though she wasn't upset in the least.  In fact she was quite the opposite.  Her closet was chock full of cosplays.  Beautiful nicely made high quality stuff.  No cheap flimsy shiny material here.  She took her time admiring the different costumes, and tried them on one by one.  It was a difficult decision but in the end she finally picked one to wear for the day.

She looked into the mirror and grinned, smoothed out a couple wrinkles and made a few last adjustments before nodding to herself before heading out.  Ah, cosplay was so much fun! She could just tell today would be a wonderful day.

(ooc: So who is Erika cosplaying? IT'S YOU.  This is open to super cracky CR or smut for anyone (kinda prefer guys for smut but I'm flexible, also please note that Erika is kind of... a super kinky FREAK).  As always with Erika expect MASSIVE FOURTH WALL BREAKAGE.  She is the hugest otaku ever, and if you are from a game or anime, she will KNOW YOU.  That being said this post is for anime and game characters only.  I doubt she'd be cosplaying someone from a live action show.)

series: durarara!!, pairing: f/*

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