Old Event: Ritual Sex | Crazy Aphro

Jul 10, 2011 00:28

Note to self: When next investigating a creepy secret cult rumored to engage in ritualistic sexual sacrifices, bring a friend ( Read more... )

series: bayonetta, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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Comments 72

A. A A A! 8D croceamors July 10 2011, 07:06:50 UTC
Fortunately for Luka, at least the god this particular cult worships isn't fond of public shows. Once all the formalities are done with- the usual mysterious chanting in a strange language, the incense, the prostrating ones self before the altar and maybe just a bit of quick sexual acts- the cultists calmly redress and pay their respects before disappearing into the various exits. Oh, they'll still be nearby just in case... Just under the tunnels of this little arena. Just enough to hear. It is a sacred act, after all, one they are blessed to hear ( ... )


ohhh dear, lol fabscarf July 10 2011, 07:10:26 UTC
"Where the hell are you all going? You can't just- steal my clothes and tie me up and leave me here, you goddamn-" was all he got out before the cultists vanished.

"Fuuuuuck! This is so much bullshit!" All he wanted was to do his damn job and write a newspaper story. Why did things always go so badly for him?

Luka didn't have much time to whine about his fate, mentally or otherwise, before there was a flash before his eyes and a figure suddenly standing there. He stared in shock at the man, trying to figure out who he was before saying anything.

It didn't work out so well. "Who the hell are you?"


I am half tempted to go on another account and tag again. :|a y i do dis croceamors July 10 2011, 07:19:30 UTC
Hope Luka isn't expecting an answer right away. Saix's eyes glance back up to the man's face for a moment before he turns away almost completely disinterested. Instead, he goes to one of the small offerings left on the steps and picks up a fruit that is rather high in aphrodisiacs, biting into it.

He finally speaks as he licks his fingers clean of the juice. "You have a voice, then. Good. I'll make sure to use it well tonight." Whatever one normally thought a god involved in sexual sacrifices would be like, Saix certainly doesn't fit the usual passionate bill as he glances back with a cold stare. "That is my altar, so I should think it obvious as to who and what I am."


Hahaha fabscarf July 10 2011, 07:24:16 UTC
"You're the god?" He looked like just an ordinary guy to Luka. Or at least an ordinary guy with strikingly long hair, but he expected gods to be more... impressive, maybe.

"You don't look anything like the carvings," he muttered under his breath, glancing back up at the graphic decorations around the temple.

"A-and anyway, I don't have anything to do with your little robed friends, wherever they ran off to. I'm just a journalist! You have to let me out of here!"


I... I'm so happy... ;A; How I've longed for this day... /wiping eyes xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 07:35:12 UTC
[ C, by the way. Too overcome with emotion~ ]Most her travels had taken her left, right, up, down, all over the world, this way and that. Of course, there was an advantage to be had when you could phase through the planes of reality. Not being seen totally saved on airfare, travel fare and being spotted in situations like this. But then, the witch was never one for subtlety ( ... )


He's more frightened of you than the cult, Bayonetta. :| fabscarf July 10 2011, 07:39:39 UTC
Well, there were some advantages to befriending (?) an Umbran Witch. She did have the tendency to show up in the right place at the right time... or maybe it was more like her arrival caused the kind of crazy shit that made you think she was in the right place at the right time.

"It's not Cheshire, for the last time!" he whined, subtly attempting to cross his legs. Now that the major crisis was dealt with, he could go on to worry about more important things, like Bayonetta seeing him naked. Great. There was fodder for another five hundred years of taunting.

"Why is it this kind of stuff only happens to me when you're around?"


Oh shush. The taunting afterward will be expected, broseph~ xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 07:49:56 UTC
But for once, she had nothing to do with this. After all, she'd had her fair share of cultists and wanted nothing more to do with them as long as she could muster but she had gotten a little curious as to what was taking him so long in hounding her. Certainly the man had his own work to do but when one goes along with something for so long, it becomes a habit. That and he kept her busy. So did his nosing about.

She ignored his little protest, finally shimmering into view with a hand on her hip and the other resting Parsley on her shoulder. The witch's head tilted to the side slightly as an eyebrow cocked in amusement. Never change, Luka. Your little quips always were good for a laugh. A smirk curled on her lip as she started to tap a foot. "I wouldn't think you'd blame me for this entire fiasco, Cheshire." she began, leaning forward and repeating the name as if for emphasis. Yeah, just let that sink in a moment.

"After all, I'm not the one who goes sticking my nose in places I shouldn't belong, hm?"


fabscarf July 10 2011, 07:58:18 UTC
At least he could cross his legs reasonably well. This all wasn't quite so dire as he thought it was at first! "Well, I mean- I finally take a break from chasing you around, and I just so happen to end up somebody's crazy sex god sacrifice, and then you show up anyway!" he pointed out. "I'm starting to think you're the one who can't stand to be away from me."

"Besides," he added, a look of pride coming to his face. "I'm a journalist. Sticking my nose in other people's business is my job."


ms_nosy_teach July 10 2011, 14:40:10 UTC
Luka wasn't the only one who should learn to keep his curiosity in check and not dive into situations without thinking first.

When Akiko had learned of the cult through a slip-up of one of her students, she had to investigate for herself. After all, middle-schoolers should not be in a cult, especially a sex cult. So, she had to follow one of them to the temple that night, concerned for her students' safety.

Which was how she was caught. Akiko had never been the subtle, quiet type, so following anyone undetected was just about impossible for her. Therefore, it wasn't a surprise when a group of cultists pounced on her, capturing her quickly and shooting her with some sort of drug that made her slip into unconsciousness.

When she came to, she was naked and sitting against a wall, hands bound. A nearby cultist noticed she was awake, grabbed her arm and heaved her towards the center of the room where a stone altar awaited with a...wait, was that a naked man on it ( ... )


fabscarf July 10 2011, 17:46:31 UTC
Luka had this terrible sinking feeling the moment he saw the woman dragged into the same chamber with him, eyes widening as he got a good look at her. She was just about as terrified as he was. She must have been the helpless sacrifice victim he'd heard about!

Well, her and himself now, he supposed.

"I don't know- but don't panic, OK? Everything's gonna be fine!" Luka said in an attempt to be reassuring. "We're both gonna get out of here and everything's going to be just-"

One of the cultists appeared over his shoulder, and he nearly jumped. He held a hypodermic needle in his gloved hand, which he wasted no time in jabbing into Luka's neck. "Ow! Son of a bitch!"


ms_nosy_teach July 10 2011, 18:57:05 UTC
Sorry, Luka, but this seemed like the perfect time to panic. His reassurance really didn't help at all, especially when he was given whatever was in that needle. The prickling sensation had turned into waves of heat that rolled over her, making her shiver, but she still managed to swat at the cultist with both hands, trying to push him away from the other helpless victim. She had no idea who he was, just that he was stuck in the same predicament and was clearly unhappy about it.

"Leave him alone! What the hell d'you want with us?"

Okay, maybe an obvious question, but there was always that little bit of hope that it wasn't the obvious reason after all.


fabscarf July 10 2011, 19:20:59 UTC
Luka made an unsuccessful swing at the cultist out of frustration at being jabbed, especially as he started to feel tingly and strange as whatever it was spread through him. Taking a nosy journalist who was trespassing captive, that was one thing, but an innocent woman? These guys were heading the right way for... yeah, OK, Luka couldn't actually fight very well, but it was the principle of the thing.

The cultist backed off with the rest of his buddies, who stood around in the shadows of the room and seemed to just be watching. Nobody said anything, and the two captives were left alone on the altar.

"These are the freaks who use sex as a method of worshipping their so-called god," Luka muttered, low enough where only she could hear. "If I had to guess... and I really don't like this guess, by the way, but I think we've been picked for their next, uh..."

Couldn't finish the thought. "What's your name?"


A! With a little twist. kuro_yokubo July 11 2011, 01:08:16 UTC
The cult had been rumored to serve a earthly goddess, one they believed would bring them fertiliy and joy ( ... )


fabscarf July 11 2011, 04:20:47 UTC
Well, her arrival was certainly dramatic. But he'd expected a little more of a speech out of her, maybe announcing who she was and "you have been chosen" and blah blah blah whatever.

"H... hi?" he echoed back, staring at her with confusion. "So can I assume this is your party? I've actually got somewhere to be, I know, it's rude, I'm really sorry, but could you maybe let me out of here?"


kuro_yokubo July 11 2011, 04:24:53 UTC
Siren sighs, he didn't look very helpful...not exactly the hero she was hoping would show up.
"And here I thought I might have found a hero..." She mumbles under her breath, rubbing her temple.
"I can't let you go." She says a little louder before getting very quiet, "they won't let me go.." She states, frowning a bit.
The servants start to yell in whatever language, trying to get her to make a move.


fabscarf July 11 2011, 06:07:57 UTC
"Well... uh... if you're the god, why can't you tell them to let you go, and in doing so be able to let me go?" he asked. It sounded reasonable to him. If you were a god, weren't the worshippers supposed to obey everything you said?


A please! :D ninjainviolet July 11 2011, 04:16:46 UTC
She was the Goddess of Love and Fertility and Controller of the Elements, and her aura permeated every bit of the temple growing stronger as her followers chanted--asking her to appear. The ritual tonight was to thank her and to ask for her continued benevolence towards the group. Something she was glad to do--as long as they treated her child--the planet--and themselves with love and respect ( ... )


fabscarf July 11 2011, 04:19:00 UTC
Luka had been sitting there at the altar in the room more than likely flooded with drugs for well over three hours, so when a beautiful woman appeared before him, he stared at her for a good thirty seconds before saying anything.

"Oh, great, I'm having a spiritual vision," he whined, tugging at his chains. "Could you at least be a nice vision and let me the hell out of here?"


ninjainviolet July 11 2011, 04:31:42 UTC
Smiling softly, she returned his stare with a mild gaze of her own. The "drugs" he had been exposed to were actually her own essence imbued into the temple and centered in this room. "Pheromones" some called them. "Aphrodisiacs" others claimed. Whatever name they were given, they served their purpose.

Her smile never wavered as she drew closer to him, brushing back a few strands of his hair. She found him to be pleasing to the eye--in every respect. Her followers chose well. "Relax. You will be freed from here once we are through."


fabscarf July 11 2011, 06:07:00 UTC
OK, she was a really, really friendly vision.

"Uh..." Luka reached up to try to push her hand away. Not that she wasn't beautiful, but he wanted a bit more answers before she was suddenly all over him. "Who are you again? And why am I naked?"


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