Old Event: Ritual Sex | Crazy Aphro

Jul 10, 2011 00:28

Note to self: When next investigating a creepy secret cult rumored to engage in ritualistic sexual sacrifices, bring a friend ( Read more... )

series: bayonetta, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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I... I'm so happy... ;A; How I've longed for this day... /wiping eyes xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 07:35:12 UTC
[ C, by the way. Too overcome with emotion~ ]Most her travels had taken her left, right, up, down, all over the world, this way and that. Of course, there was an advantage to be had when you could phase through the planes of reality. Not being seen totally saved on airfare, travel fare and being spotted in situations like this. But then, the witch was never one for subtlety ( ... )


He's more frightened of you than the cult, Bayonetta. :| fabscarf July 10 2011, 07:39:39 UTC
Well, there were some advantages to befriending (?) an Umbran Witch. She did have the tendency to show up in the right place at the right time... or maybe it was more like her arrival caused the kind of crazy shit that made you think she was in the right place at the right time.

"It's not Cheshire, for the last time!" he whined, subtly attempting to cross his legs. Now that the major crisis was dealt with, he could go on to worry about more important things, like Bayonetta seeing him naked. Great. There was fodder for another five hundred years of taunting.

"Why is it this kind of stuff only happens to me when you're around?"


Oh shush. The taunting afterward will be expected, broseph~ xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 07:49:56 UTC
But for once, she had nothing to do with this. After all, she'd had her fair share of cultists and wanted nothing more to do with them as long as she could muster but she had gotten a little curious as to what was taking him so long in hounding her. Certainly the man had his own work to do but when one goes along with something for so long, it becomes a habit. That and he kept her busy. So did his nosing about.

She ignored his little protest, finally shimmering into view with a hand on her hip and the other resting Parsley on her shoulder. The witch's head tilted to the side slightly as an eyebrow cocked in amusement. Never change, Luka. Your little quips always were good for a laugh. A smirk curled on her lip as she started to tap a foot. "I wouldn't think you'd blame me for this entire fiasco, Cheshire." she began, leaning forward and repeating the name as if for emphasis. Yeah, just let that sink in a moment.

"After all, I'm not the one who goes sticking my nose in places I shouldn't belong, hm?"


fabscarf July 10 2011, 07:58:18 UTC
At least he could cross his legs reasonably well. This all wasn't quite so dire as he thought it was at first! "Well, I mean- I finally take a break from chasing you around, and I just so happen to end up somebody's crazy sex god sacrifice, and then you show up anyway!" he pointed out. "I'm starting to think you're the one who can't stand to be away from me."

"Besides," he added, a look of pride coming to his face. "I'm a journalist. Sticking my nose in other people's business is my job."


xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 08:19:47 UTC
"Sex god? You don't say. I'd think the decor was a touch on the gaudy side albiet perhaps close to your taste." she sighed, casting an eye on a nearby wall and trailing a finger rather suggestively over a drawing of a barely clad male before turning her attention back to the bound journalist with the same measure of indifference to his plight. She continued her travels, circling around the room and eyeing some of the more... intriguing... bits of architecture before stopping once more before Luka. It was almost as if her silence and wanderings served to merely draw the moment out longer.

"And quite a fine lot it's done, all this mucking about." she purred, drawing closer and tilting his head up with two carefully placed fingers. Just enough to meet her eyes and taunt him with the scent of her perfume. "I daresay you rather liked being bound and exposed for the entire world to see."


fabscarf July 10 2011, 08:28:01 UTC
"My taste? No way. I like my art a lot classier than this garbage." There were a few carvings of people getting very personal with what was either a goat or a dog... the artist wasn't great.

He watched her trailing around the room and took the opportunity to try to struggle against his chains. It could have been worse... he could have been strapped to the wall, or with leg irons pinning him on the altar and void of any modesty at all. At least he could sit up. The chains wouldn't budge, though, and he sighed with frustration.

Luka gave her his very best puppy eyes as she directed him to look at her. "I'm not even going to glorify that with a response. Could you just let me out of here already?"


xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 08:43:41 UTC
Of course, she regards his question with the same bemused smirk she'd held ever since she saw him this way. If asked, perhaps it was only a matter of time until he ended up like this considering how often he stuck his head into things. That hand didn't move, save for trailing slightly up his cheek and brushing through his hair. She towered over him slightly, moving to straddle his hips slightly. Of course, she was one for the teasing, the torment, the frustration and he was her favourite target. It was rare that she chose to make her teasing so evident, so out there around him but how often did one get the chance to see him chained like this?

Opportunites given and all that, of course.

"Oh come now, Luka..." she chuckled, watching him with a near predatory glance. "Doesn't a true gentleman know how to say please?"


keywords relevant fabscarf July 10 2011, 08:47:03 UTC
OK, Bayonetta teasing him, that was one thing. Bayonetta straddling him, while he was naked... a little different. She would probably be amused by the half-panicked, half-shocked look that crossed his face before he managed to grit his teeth and go stoic.

She may have been the world's biggest tease, but she was the world's biggest tease who looked like that.

"Please let me out of here?" he muttered, most certainly not breaking a sweat. "And possibly help me find my clothes?"


Never have truer words been spoken~ xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 09:04:05 UTC
Perhaps the body was part of her urge to drive this one particular man to madness. The teasing was most certainly half the fun. He flustered so easily that it was almost worth the effort to see such an effect she had on him... especially the most over the top reactions which she was sure seemed to be so hard wired to his personality after all.

The witch leaned forward a bit more, her free hand resting on her hip as she drew herself a mere breath away from him. A slight tilt of her neck as she continued to watch him closely exposed just a touch more skin, gave a better view of cleavage and somehow managed to accentuate her already obvious form. Her fingers drew away slightly, toying with a loose strand of hair before the hand drifted away completely. Silly creature. Why bother tying it when the entire mass was a mess?

"And what if I said no?" she whispered into his ear. "Maybe I could leave you here for a while, come back, never come back, who knows?"


fabscarf July 10 2011, 09:11:10 UTC
God dammit, she was doing it on purpose. She never did anything accidentally, especially when it involved her body. Especially when it involved her body being pressed up against him and her fingers teasing his hair (which was tied up because it was fashionable, Bayonetta!)

Luka very well may have gulped, leaning back as far away from her as he could get. If only because he knew if he reacted to her, voluntarily or no, he would never hear the end of it. Don't feed the troll, Luka, don't feed the troll...

"You wouldn't do that," he replied, though he didn't sound at all sure of himself. "Who else would you torment with nicknames and innuendo if not me?"


xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 09:28:34 UTC
Finding someone who reacted as violently as Luka did was indeed like trying to find a needle in a haystack but then she never would indeed leave him. It would be too boring with only Jeanne and the occasional angelic ambush to deal with but even then, that would run its course far too quickly. She'd toyed with the idea of disappearing completely from his view but though she'd never admit it, she'd miss him too much. But indeed, this torment was fitting payback for the Chase.

Without another word, she deposited herself into his lap, an arm sliding around his shoulder for support. For a moment, she watched him over the rim of her glasses before pushing them back up with a slender finger. Her body presses against him a moment more, that hand lightly caressing the small of his back and travelling down his spine. "So you do admit to being a willing victim." she crowed, almost with a triumphant tinge in her voice. "I'd never pegged you for the masochistic type, Cheshire."


fabscarf July 10 2011, 09:38:38 UTC
"Hey, hey, hey!" So much for his vow to stay stoic. His face turned instantly red and he froze up like a deer in headlights, wide eyed and horrified. He shivered as her hand slid up his back. "I never said I was willing! You're the one who-"

OK, there was a pointless argument. Luka was the one who pursued her all these years... even if it was for revenge, or answers. It most certainly wasn't because he liked her. Her bombshell of a body was just kind of a bonus in all of that.

"I-I'm not a masochist, I'm just unlucky!" he pointed out. The look in his eyes seemed to add a whining What are you doing!? to the end of that.


Last one before I pop off for a nap! xbutterflyguns July 10 2011, 09:58:22 UTC
A masochist and a sadist made an interesting pair to say the least. Most especially so when this masochist was in denial, as he always so seemed to be. With a sigh, she crossed her legs, remaining in that position with her arms around his neck. Those eyes continued to study, to scrutinize, if only for the fact that her gaze at the moment probably made him feel uncomfortable. "You never indeed cease to amuse me, Cheshire." she laughed, slipping a touch closer to give him a proper feel for her form. In one deft movement, the chains are gathered up in her hands and she pulls herself off, toying with the length of metal as she stands.

"Now then. What say we see to getting you out of these bonds as you've been practically whining about these past few minutes or so? I daresay you're feeling a mite... stiff... at the moment?"


Enjoy your nap! fabscarf July 10 2011, 10:03:46 UTC
It was almost worse when she wasn't saying anything, just staring at him or studying him like he was on exhibit. It had the terrifying combination of making him feel incredibly self conscious, along with making him wonder what the hell she was thinking. She wasn't really coming on to him. The moment he started believing that was the moment when she strung him up and left him hanging off the cliffside for the authorities to find, just for a laugh.

He looked noticeably relieved as she pulled away, resolutely crossing his legs again the moment she had left his lap. "Ha ha ha," he muttered at her little joke. A true little joke, but that was hardly his fault, wasn't it?

"Please do? I've been like this for hours now."


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