Re-Intro | No Event | Rising Aphro

Apr 10, 2011 18:23

"Damn it, get back here with that!" Ciiel Phantomhive screamed as he chased the person dressed in the blond haired wig and purple/white dress. He rounded one corner, then another, and another after that. All the while trying to find the Trancy brat because he had stolen his eyepatch. This was getting aggravating. Ciel however did notice the change ( Read more... )

series: kuroshitsuji, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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kurobutler April 11 2011, 01:54:20 UTC
And at his "Master's" beck and call, he appeared right behind him. A small smile spread upon the vagabond demon's lips, looking pleased and amused to see his favorite and most cherished soul in physical embodiment once more. Oh, Ciel isn't his Master anymore in his Universe, but he'll play this game of Master and Servant for now, to amuse himself.

"Young Master."


followmywill April 11 2011, 02:18:39 UTC
There was a sigh of frustration that passed over his lips. He turned around and pointed at his eye that was uncovered due to Trancy stealing the patch. "That maid or whatever took it. Or maybe it was Trancy himself? Whatever the matter is, I need to get it back before anyone finds out. I'd rather Lizzie and the others not know about... Well, you know." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

He glanced up at another painting on the wall off to the left hand side. "Who on earth would want to hang up such perverse artwork?"


kurobutler April 11 2011, 02:24:09 UTC
Sebastian ignored the perverse paintings, pretending the offending artwork does not exist. My, my, what a tantrum his little Earl pull off all over an eyepatch. He refrain from chuckling and kept on smiling.

"Understandable, my Lord." He said calmly, and he searched inside of his pocket to pull out a spare eyepatch by magic. Don't ask how he does it, he's a hell of a butler. He walked over and hand it to him.


followmywill April 11 2011, 02:33:41 UTC
Well now, that was something he hadn't been expecting. Then again, would he expect any less from a Phantomhive butler? No, of course not. And so with a nod of thanks, he took the eye patch and put it on.

"I have a very bad feeling about that Alois Trancy person, Sebastian. There's something... Not right about him at all."


kurobutler April 11 2011, 02:38:39 UTC
Sebastian did met one Alois Trancy in the hotel, and found him to be a very strange boy. Although he doesn't know much, he gathered enough information. The blonde was rather chatty with the right manipulation and pulling the right emotional strings.

"That boy, my Lord, he's under a contract with another demon."


followmywill April 11 2011, 04:03:13 UTC
He was needless to say, surprised at the answer he was given. "Another..." He looked up at Sebastian with curiosity. "Tell me what you know of him and his demon." He requested without haste. He wanted to know everything about him and the other immediately and then after collecting such information he would decide whether or not the boy posed as a threat to him.


kurobutler April 11 2011, 04:13:14 UTC
And without saying a word, he protectively wrapped his arms around the boy who was his Master. Although in his world, his contract with his Master is done, what of this one? This Ciel's demon is left behind in his world and any demon in this one can grab his vulnerable soul and violate it with their impurities and filth. The Love Hotel is a brothel of sin, after all.

Sebastian won't have that. Even though he's under no obligation or contract to protect this boy, the soul is still the same.

"His demon is named Claude Faustus. A very nefarious demon of hell, known for his foul deeds and his lies. I'm still under investigation in getting information, so please give me more time my Lord."

And very gently, in a fond manner, Sebastian traced his finger tips through his fine cerulean hair. No demon in this brothel is going to lay a hand on this boy. Oh no they won't. He's his to protect and no one else.


followmywill April 11 2011, 04:31:09 UTC
He allowed Sebastian to touch his hair instead of pulling away from him and let those words that he told to him sink in completely before saying anything else. He figured Trancy was a mysterious and mischievous young man, but he never thought that he too would have a demon as a butler.

"So the both of them do pose as threats." He came to the conclusion out loud and a silent sigh followed.

"I shall give you more time, but please do your best, Sebastian. I do not want to become a part of anyone's game. I'd rather discover what they are after, who their allies are, and what are their motives than spending ample amounts of time on them. After all, we do have other important matters to tend to."

He loosened his tie some, continuing to feel the pesky aphrodisiac that lingered in the air.


kurobutler April 11 2011, 04:38:34 UTC
What a lovely nostalgia to take orders from the little master once more. Oh playing this game is going to be really fun! His expression remain stoic and unchanged, taking note of his orders even though Sebastian is already a step ahead of the game of finding out the history of the little monster known as Alois Trancy. "Yes, my Lord." And he...smiled warmly at him.

Since Sebastian has been in the Hotel longer than Ciel, he knows which doors would lead to a safe place to rest. "You must be tired. Allow me to take you back to your room."

He took the little Earl's hands and began to lead the way. The aphrodisiacs has no effect on the demon, and the demon's love for him existed ever since the day he devoured his own master hundreds of years ago.


followmywill April 11 2011, 04:48:48 UTC
"Sebastian..." He began to say and paused for a moment or so after speaking the name.

"This isn't the Trancy estate is it? This place... It's somewhere else, isn't it?" He asked of him as he walked beside him. He tried to avoid glancing up at the several paintings and what not on the walls. The more his eyes caught glimpses of them, the more his cheeks turned a shade of pink from embarrassment.

"I've noticed that the decor is certainly different." He stated and kept close to Sebastian, not wanting to lose him in the brothel type hell that he found himself in. He was thankful that his butler was there with him. He took a second or two to reflect upon the matter as he continued to walk with him.


kurobutler April 11 2011, 04:58:14 UTC
"Drat, the door I'm looking is on the other side. We have a long way to go, young master. Keep up with me now." Indeed, the brothel can be quite a hell. Sebastian is proud that the master is perceptive and astute of his surroundings. After all, he can't hide the sound of couples moaning behind the doors or passing by horny prostitutes in the halls who glances at them with a hungry lust. One or two men looked like they wanted to rape them on the spot, but refrain when Sebastian gave them an ugly glare. The paintings even contains a picture or two of tentacle monsters violating the residents ( ... )


followmywill April 11 2011, 05:18:55 UTC
"A Love Hotel?....Forces..." His eyes widened at the very mention of the place and he did his best as he could to stick with Sebastian while he lead him down the halls and around the corners. Yes he did hear those noises coming from behind those doors. Every single one of them. And when he caught those people looking at him and Sebastian as though they were walking pieces of meat, well that didn't settle to well with Ciel ( ... )


kurobutler April 11 2011, 05:33:28 UTC
Intuitively Sebastian turned to his little master and he saw the boy's sensitive body and nervous system can't stand the dosage of drugs. He kneel down and picked him up in his arms. He pressed his small body close to his chest, holding him like he's a rare treasure. A precious, delicate, fine, and one of a kind porcelain doll ( ... )


followmywill April 11 2011, 07:00:55 UTC
He was pleasantly surprised when Sebastian scooped him up into his arms. It was nice not having to walk since his feet and legs felt as though they were being weighed down so much. As he was carried off in the arms of the demon, he leaned his head against his chest and closed his eyes ( ... )


kurobutler April 12 2011, 00:00:25 UTC
The surroundings and environment was indeed beautiful and serene, in contrast to the lewdness and vulgarity of the halls of the hotel. The flowers are fragrant and sweet. The moon is bright with a few bright shining stars out. Truly a beautiful night that calms and soothes a restless soul. The faint calls of the crows and ravens, who are Sebastian's friends and magical familiars echoed across the property as they roosted in the shadows of the trees. The entire land sings of Sebastian's power as the Demon Lord of the land. Of course, Ciel didn't know this Sebastian is no longer a servant, but returned as a hellish demonic lord with full reign of his dark powers ( ... )


followmywill April 12 2011, 03:09:38 UTC
The new scenery was certainly a much better change from what the hotel had originally presented them with. Ciel didn't enjoy those promiscuous paintings nor the tacky red decor. This however was quite a lovely change. Everything from the delicate looking flowers to the beautiful stars. Ciel was highly impressed. "Sebastian... This place..." He said as he looked up into his butler's eyes.

"Does this belong to you? This residence?" He asked of him. Curiosity was taking hold and not letting go. Had Ciel already lost his soul to Sebastian? Was this what was to become of him now? A part of himself was a bit confused and did truly want to know what was going on.

[ooc: gasp!]


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