Re-Intro | No Event | Rising Aphro

Apr 10, 2011 18:23

"Damn it, get back here with that!" Ciiel Phantomhive screamed as he chased the person dressed in the blond haired wig and purple/white dress. He rounded one corner, then another, and another after that. All the while trying to find the Trancy brat because he had stolen his eyepatch. This was getting aggravating. Ciel however did notice the change ( Read more... )

series: kuroshitsuji, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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kurobutler April 11 2011, 05:33:28 UTC
Intuitively Sebastian turned to his little master and he saw the boy's sensitive body and nervous system can't stand the dosage of drugs. He kneel down and picked him up in his arms. He pressed his small body close to his chest, holding him like he's a rare treasure. A precious, delicate, fine, and one of a kind porcelain doll.

"Young Master. Just hang on a little further."

The demon picked up the pace on his black heels and stride down the corridor and found the door with his energy signature on it. His demon eyes can see his mark which is the violet Tetragrammaton with the pentacle inside a circle. The demon just tapped on the door trhice, the door opens, and he stepped inside.

Once the door behind them slammed shut and disappeared by magic, they ended up in a different dimension. They ended up in a beautiful fantasy garden filled with vibrant colored flowers, where the air is aphrodisiac free. In their line of sight is a decent-sized Victorian style manor, which is not the Phantomhive's manor, but of the demon's own making.

"Here we are." The demon said in relief. They're in his sanctuary at last.

[OOC: Need sleep! ;; See ya tomorrow bb! ♥]


followmywill April 11 2011, 07:00:55 UTC
He was pleasantly surprised when Sebastian scooped him up into his arms. It was nice not having to walk since his feet and legs felt as though they were being weighed down so much. As he was carried off in the arms of the demon, he leaned his head against his chest and closed his eyes.

Even though there were times in the past when Sebastian had been late in saving him from those darkest hours, he knew he could still count on him to pull through the toughest situations and get Ciel to safety. This time was no exception. The little Earl closed his eyes for a handful of seconds and when they finally made it to Sebastian's door and he opened it, stepping in with the boy in his arms, he was in awe of the surroundings.

"Sebastian..." He said with a pleased smile upon his face. "Thank you, Sebastian." He said and nuzzled his face against his butler's chest.

To be able to depend on him. To be able to count on him for protection and whatever else came his way, it was truly wonderful. And even if Ciel didn't show those feelings outright, deep down he was incredibly grateful.

[ooc: Have a good evening!]


kurobutler April 12 2011, 00:00:25 UTC
The surroundings and environment was indeed beautiful and serene, in contrast to the lewdness and vulgarity of the halls of the hotel. The flowers are fragrant and sweet. The moon is bright with a few bright shining stars out. Truly a beautiful night that calms and soothes a restless soul. The faint calls of the crows and ravens, who are Sebastian's friends and magical familiars echoed across the property as they roosted in the shadows of the trees. The entire land sings of Sebastian's power as the Demon Lord of the land. Of course, Ciel didn't know this Sebastian is no longer a servant, but returned as a hellish demonic lord with full reign of his dark powers.

My, my a compliment from his favorite little Earl? The demon is pleased. "You're welcome." He then carried him across the flowers fields and goes on the path toward his modest manor, where the statue gargoyles guard the black gate with gaping wide jaws, their sharp teeth and claws are nightmarish rows. Should they ever come alive by magic, they can tear apart their intruders with no mercy. Their eyes show a hellish ferocity.

As Sebastian comes closer to the tall black gate, the gate creaks open wide by itself, welcoming their masters home.

[OOC: Welcome to a small part of Sebastian's Hell, m'boy. Now you're SAFE. :D *shot! shot!*]


followmywill April 12 2011, 03:09:38 UTC
The new scenery was certainly a much better change from what the hotel had originally presented them with. Ciel didn't enjoy those promiscuous paintings nor the tacky red decor. This however was quite a lovely change. Everything from the delicate looking flowers to the beautiful stars. Ciel was highly impressed. "Sebastian... This place..." He said as he looked up into his butler's eyes.

"Does this belong to you? This residence?" He asked of him. Curiosity was taking hold and not letting go. Had Ciel already lost his soul to Sebastian? Was this what was to become of him now? A part of himself was a bit confused and did truly want to know what was going on.

[ooc: gasp!]


blackcrowsings April 12 2011, 03:24:07 UTC
"Indeed it is, Young Master. A small part of it." The demon answered, continuing to play the Master and Servant game until the time is right. "This is the first layer of my realm created out of my own energy. I intend to use this place to go whatever world I wish. Call it a pocket in space or dimension."

When he walked up to the front steps, there are diabolical symbols and carvings of hideous demons on the front door of the manor. They are served as magic symbols as a shield against intruders. The door slowly opens and the demon stepped inside.

They were greeted by two female servants, invisible to the human eye. Sebastian saw them as floating maids with no shape or form.

"There's much to explain later, my Lord. But first, would you like something to eat or drink before your evening bath?" The demon's first concern is how much aphordisiacs is going to effect his body, and he's going to observe the side-effects.

[OOC: Otay, still same Sebastian. Just need moar icons. :| With Ciel in them. :D]


followmywill April 12 2011, 04:16:43 UTC
He was completely unaware that Sebastian was not his own demon butler. He didn't think it was possible to even have something such as that type of situation occur. And so he went a long with things contently. He thought about the question for a moment before answering.

"I'm not hungry or thirsty. But my usual morning tea would be nice when I awake from my evening slumber." He said with a nod. He observed his surroundings as Sebastian continued to carry him.

And even though the air in the dimension was free from the aphrodisiac, Ciel's body was still polluted by traces of the drug he had inhaled at the establishment. His eyes half lidded and his skin was more sensitive than usual.

[ooc: no problemo <3]


blackcrowsings April 12 2011, 04:24:08 UTC
"Morning tea it is." The demon nodded carried him up the grand stairs to the floors above.

The entire hallway was pitch-black and dark, but upon Sebastian's return, the lights flickered on automatically by his presence. "Let see..." He walked through the long-winded corridor with many doors. He just picked one door, "This room should be good for you, my Lord." And laid Ciel on the bed.

It has been so long ago that Sebastian used to serve him like this, preparing him for his evening slumber. He'll admit he used to miss it. He gets on his knees to untie his shoe and took it off his foot.

"I'm opening to questions now." The demon said, and then began to roll down his socks.


followmywill April 12 2011, 05:17:52 UTC
"Sebastian, tonight... Don't leave my side." He said to him in an asking voice more so than an order. He didn't want to be alone even though it was Sebastian's own realm. He was somewhat afraid of certain things which his eyes had caught sight of, but he would never admit such a thing. He was too full of pride to do that.

"First off, this feels... Odd. Whenever we are around one another, there's this feeling. One of connection. But I'm not feeling that right now. It's not present." He took a moment to think things over. A brief pause before he continued on.

"This isn't the afterlife, is it? I... I'm not dead, am I?" He wondered what would become of those back home if he did in fact meet his end. He didn't want to think about it because it was something very unsettling. He had yet to exact his revenge on those who wronged him. Or so he thought.


blackcrowsings April 12 2011, 22:31:30 UTC
With the shoes and socks off, the demon worked on untying the ribbon tie. He was so articulate to details (an eternal habit of his, a demonic perfectionist) that he took off the jacket and then unbutton the buttons, so the boy can be a bit more relax.

Once the demon put the articles away, he then sit next to Ciel and wrap an arm around him.

"I will stay with you until the very end, my Lord. To answer your question, no, this isn't the afterlife. Everything here is still physical." Ciel intuition is quite right about the connection he felt. It's because Ciel can feel his other soul of likeness near, which is merged with the demon's heart and soul along with many others that the demon consumed in the past.

The demon then proceed to explained more about the Hotel and it's evil side and good side, and more details on the aphordisiacs. He then explained how it can pull people from different worlds and different timelines in history into one place.

Which then lead to, "I'm not sure what point of time you come from, but in my time, in my universe..." Sebastian removed his gloves to reveal his pale hands. There is no mark of the Faustian mark on his left hand. "I succeeded in achieving your revenge, thus completing our contract. I already devoured your soul. That event happened roughly over a 100 years ago. Here in this world, I am not your butler. I am one hell of a demon lord."

And in a demon lord's life, 100 years seemed like yesterday.


followmywill April 13 2011, 00:57:40 UTC
The last thing I remember before arriving at that hotel was chasing that Trancy maid down the hallway because she took my eye patch." Ciel explained and stared at the floor for a moment or so. His eyes fixating on it in silence before saying anything further. He was letting all the words that Sebastian had told him sink in. There was a bit of a frown and a pout upon his face.

He didn't like seeing Sebastian's hand without the mark of the contract upon it. Ciel wondered what the Sebastian he himself knew was doing back in his world and if he missed his presence. He couldn't help but think of those things as he sat there with the demon. So many things, thoughts, and questions cluttered Ciel's mind. He just was growing weary of them.

"I see." He said, trying his best not to let any of those emotions show. Making his best attempt to remain neutral about the entire situation because he thought that himself being a bit upset about it was preposterous.


blackcrowsings April 13 2011, 01:04:07 UTC
The demon ruffled his hair, enjoying how silky and wonderfully blue it is under his fingers. "Although you have a contract with your demon back in your time, do realized I am in under no obligation to protect you."

He then cupped his face, stroking his cheek lightly out of fondness that the boy's cheek feels like soft pads of a kitten's paw. "However, if you wish for my protection until your demon returned...I'll leave the decision to you."


followmywill April 13 2011, 01:23:08 UTC
"But wouldn't that be forming a contract? And to form a contract, something of equality must me given, doesn't it?" He asked as he stared into his eyes. Those gentle touches were thoroughly enjoyed. Especially since the aphrodisiac was making his skin ever so sensitive.

"If I ask for your protection, then what will you want in return?" He truly did want protection from him. Especially since the hotel was more than likely full of people who would want to bring harm to the boy. The whole thought of the matter such as running into strangers without having someone to protect him was something he wasn't comfortable with at all.


blackcrowsings April 13 2011, 01:36:10 UTC
Sebastian smiled, just a little. He can see it in the boy's eyes, he truly wanted his protection and the demon has a lot to offer.

"Not exactly. I can give you what is loosely called, a proxy contract. Because your demon is missing, then another one will take his place as a substitute for the time being. I cannot take your soul, for it is not mine to take."

Sebastian removed the eyepatch, allow it to fall down loosely. "Of course, complexed laws of metaphysics aside, let's keep it simple." He stroked the boy's cheek some more. "I want you alive and close to me."


followmywill April 13 2011, 03:57:23 UTC
"Alive and close to you?" He asked and took only a second or so to think over the offer. Of course it was one he could not refuse because it was so promising. He liked the idea of not only being protected, but having constant company too and someone to take care of his needs.

"It's a deal then. For the time of my stay, I belong to you, Sebastian." He said and there was a smile upon his lips. This meant he wouldn't have to worry about anyone else trying to come a long and hurt him and if someone did manage to cause him harm then Sebastian would deal with them accordingly. He had no doubts about that.

"Tell me," He began to say, curious as to what was going through the demon's mind. "How does this feel to you? Being here with me? You were able to devour your Ciel's soul, but mine... Well, since mine is still in tact, how does it feel? Do you still desire mine as much?" Those aphrodisiacs running through his system making him a bit more blunt than usual.


blackcrowsings April 13 2011, 04:11:48 UTC
The boy did not hesitate in making decisions. The Devil only smiled, as it is expected of the soul in his body. It's so nice to experience this all over again.

"Tis done." Was all he said. Don't have to make it complicated. He knew what is needed to be done, and he knew what is expected of him as his guardian.

Ah, questions. He likes answering them. "How to explain it, my little lord?" The demon said, the tone in his voice suggested endearment and affection. "Upon my devouring of my master's soul, it is a rare unique taste that can exist only within him. His soul is truly one of a kind and I'm so happy that his soul is all mine to keep for all eternity..." He pressed his hand on his chest atop his heart. Oh it hurts as the soul within his heart beats and hums. It's a painful, but warm feeling. "As his soul is merged One within me into my being and into my heart."

He laughed, softly, and stroke the side of Ciel's face tenderly. "But for you, I can't do that. I just can't. I love you far too much, Ciel."

He leans in and press a tender kiss on his forehead. "Believe me, when I said I love you." Which explains his entire reason for protecting him without any expectations or reward.


followmywill April 13 2011, 05:34:00 UTC
"Love..." His eyes widened at the word. Those three words, I love you. Never did he ever think Sebastian would ever utter those words to him. It just about made his heart skip a beat. His stomach felt as though there were butterflies flitting about and even though he was feeling such a way, that smile remained upon his face.

He threw his arms around Sebastian and hugged him tightly. Even though he was not the one from his very own world, he was still Sebastian. The one who stayed by Ciel's side through thick and thin. Through the good times and the bad. Through everything that came Ciel's way. It was always Sebastian who was there to protect, serve, and care for Ciel. No one else.

"I love you too, Sebastian."


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