No Event | Light Aphro | Locked to indestructigirl

Apr 09, 2011 15:36

Lyon sipped his water as he waited for Claire to arrive. He'd chosen a table a little off to one side of the restaurant that let him see the entrance while still providing an illusion of privacy. The place was nice but not too fancy, coming in somewhere between "family dining" and "snooty." While he could have afforded the latter it was so not ( Read more... )

series: argeneau family, series: original character, series: heroes

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indestructigirl April 10 2011, 00:45:12 UTC
Claire was nervous. She'd stood in front of the mirror, trying on outfits, until finally she decided on a simple black dress that was casual yet stylish. It was slightly low-cut in the front, and hugged her curves nicely, but was still modest enough that she could wear it to a nice dinner without looking under-dressed. Her hair she swept over a shoulder, big blonde curls like a waterfall down her chest.

The flowers were well-received, and certainly a pleasant surprise. Lyon didn't seem like the flower-giving type, so that made her appreciate them all the more. They sat on the table in her room, making her smile whenever they caught her eye.

Finally making it to the restaurant, she found Lyon immediately, unable to keep from grinning when she saw him waving. She made her way over to the table to meet him. "Hi, babe." she said quietly, leaning up to kiss his cheek.


anotherargeneau April 12 2011, 21:43:43 UTC
"Hey Claire." Lyon leaned into the kiss with his smile still firmly in place. His eyes drifted down to admire the swell of Claire's firm little breasts beneath her dress and the soft fall of her hair as it cascaded down her front. His hands itched to touch both but he kept them firmly at his sides, not wanting to embarrass Claire by feeling her up in such a public place. He couldn't resist stroking her arm surreptitiously as he helped her get seated though.

"You look incredible babe. Even hotter than you do in those nice tight jeans of yours." Lyon loved the way Claire's jeans hugged the curve of her hips and clung to her sweet little ass almost as much as he loved getting her her out of them, but all he could think about just then was they way Claire's dress hugged her body and the way that body pressed against it as she moved. Lyon's eyes continued to admire her as he sat down across from her, and he even managed to keep his gaze on Claire's face as he did so. Mostly ( ... )


indestructigirl April 13 2011, 07:24:56 UTC
"Yes, I did, and thank you. They're beautiful." The smile on her face seemed permanent, and she had certainly been doing some admiring of her own. Idly she wondered if he pulled his outfit right out of her own head, and she couldn't help but hope she'd be getting to unfasten all those buttons later...

Right. They had to get through the date first. Claire reached across the table to brush her fingers across the back of his hand. "You look handsome." And really, he did. She was finding herself more and more attracted to Lyon every time she saw him.

The idea of getting to spend the night with Lyon in the hotel that evening, well, as much as she was looking forward to enjoying a nice meal and conversation, she really hoped they'd be going to one of their rooms after dinner.

"I- I've been really looking forward to tonight." Why were her nerves suddenly acting up again? She tried to keep her cool, busying her hands with laying her napkin out over her lap.


anotherargeneau April 13 2011, 20:34:22 UTC
"My pleasure babe. I'm just glad you liked them." After a moment Lyon realized he was grinning like an idiot and made an effort to tone down his expression. He didn't have much luck though. Hearing Claire tell him how handsome he was as she touched his hand brought his grin back to full goofiness. He even felt himself blushing a little his thoughts echoed her own about how much she'd been looking forward to tonight.

"Me too. Bumping into you in the woods is fun, but getting to hang out with you in civilization is even better." Lyon chuckled and added, "Well, as civilized as this place gets anyway." That reminded him that he was supposed to be on his best behavior, so Lyon mimicked Claire's actions and spread his napkin on his lap. A moment later their waiter arrived and took their drink orders, promising to return with them shortly ( ... )


indestructigirl April 14 2011, 10:29:07 UTC
"I love them, they're on the table in my room so I can see them and smile." Cheesy, yes, but it was absolutely true. She loved having a little reminder of him around, it had been nice. Claire's own grin was rather dorky, but she was so damn happy she just didn't care.

Eying the menu, a couple dishes caught her eye, she needed only to decide on one. "The roast chicken sounds good but I know I will be disappointed if it's not as good as mine. But I might get strak." She was absolutely not a vegetarian, not in the least, having grown up in Texas in cattle country. Meat was a way of life there. Then she laughed, grinning over at Lyon. "It comes with onions on top. Will you still want to kiss me with onion breath?"

It was nice that though they were on a somewhat fancy date, Claire was feeling more relaxed and able to joke around. It was hard for her not to be so happy around Lyon.


anotherargeneau April 14 2011, 11:35:08 UTC
"Hell yeah I would," Lyon replied without hesitation. "It'd take more than onion breath to stop be from kissing you babe." Even if she was covered in mud he'd probably still want to kiss her. That thought brought an image of Claire writhing around naked in various substances that he quickly tried to suppress, if only because he didn't want to be fighting an erection all through dinner. It did give him an idea for later though. There was a bottle of body oil tucked away in one of his drawers that he'd been trying to find a use for, and the idea of giving Claire an erotic massage with it sounding like a lot of fun ( ... )


indestructigirl April 14 2011, 17:25:02 UTC
Claire had expected he wouldn't be deterred from kissing her, but she grinned at his reply all the same. Of course, she then had to try and keep herself from thinking about kissing him, which was nearly impossible.

Especially when he leaned forward, wearing that teasing smile... She leaned forward a bit herself, nodding. "Yep. My mom taught me all of her best Southern cooking. And I bake, too." Yeah, she was a modern, independent woman, but there was something so appealing about cooking a good meal for people she cared about, especially a guy she was interested in. It was the Texas girl in her, she supposed.


anotherargeneau April 14 2011, 17:59:46 UTC
"That's really cool." Lyon's admiration wasn't feigned; he really was impressed that Claire could cook. "I'm afraid I take after my dad and uncles when it comes to cooking, which means I can't even boil water. We're such bad cooks that one time my uncle Victor burned an entire pound of bacon while trying to impress my aunt. She still teases him about it to this day!" Lyon chuckled and leaned in a little closer, unconsciously drawn in my Claire's nearness. She really did look quite stunning tonight, and it was only when the waiter arrived with their drinks that he was able to pull himself together and sit back ( ... )


indestructigirl April 14 2011, 18:31:27 UTC
That small moment of closeness had Claire itching to get done with dinner. It wasn't that she didn't like the conversation, it was more that she just couldn't wait to get him alone, to somewhere more comfortable, where they could touch and kiss and talk as they pleased. Not necessarily in that order.

The table separating them was a minor inconvenience, one that was sated slightly with the arrival of their drinks. Claire had ordered a whiskey sour, the first drink that had come to mind, and her signature cocktail, if she had one. Sipping it as it arrived, she was oblivious to the secret ingredient in Lyon's drink, being far more focused on the man himself.

"I would love to cook for you, long as you do the dishes. And maybe I'll just wear the apron." Her mind was very much on the same track, at the mention of her wearing one. Now that she thought about it, she really wanted to do it. She filed it away in her mental list of things to do. "I'll cook ya anything you want, even dessert."


anotherargeneau April 14 2011, 19:17:52 UTC
Lyon's expression turned distinctly lascivious when Claire offed to cook in nothing but an apron. He loved how in sync they were when it came to that kind of stuff. He couldn't remember the last time he'd met a girl who was not only smokin' hot but who also clicked with him so well on both a personal and sexual level.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you'd just read my mind babe. I'll do more than just the dishes if you'll cook for me in just an apron." Once again Lyon found himself having to fight an erection, and to distract himself he took another sip of his drink. "Although we might not make it to dessert with you dressed like that. I suppose we could always 'take it with us' though..." Lyon's eyes danced as he thought about licking frosting off Claire's naked body. He grinned a moment later and asked, "What do you think? Does that sound like fun for our next date?"


indestructigirl April 14 2011, 20:17:28 UTC
"We could absolutely take it with us." Claire had to take a sip of her own drink to push the thoughts out of her head. A slice of peach pie, her very favorite, with Lyon as her plate... her stomach was growling and she could already feel her panties growing damp.

Though amidst her growing arousal, there was a twinge of affection in her chest as she realized that Lyon was planning their second date when they'd barely even gotten through the first. It meant a lot to her, for sure. "I think it sounds perfect."


anotherargeneau April 14 2011, 23:46:48 UTC
"Then it's settled," Lyon replied firmly, looking both happy and turned on all at the same time. "You'll cook, I'll clean, and we'll have desert in bed." It sounded pretty damn awesome to him, and he was very much looking forward to it. He was very much looking forward to the rest of their current date as well, and if all of their dates were going to be this much fun then he got the feeling he was going to be going out with Claire a lot. His body definitely liked the sound of that, at least if the burgeoning erection he had was anything to go by ( ... )


indestructigirl April 15 2011, 06:28:10 UTC
Knowing Lyon was already fighting his arousal, the first thing Claire did was pick up a breadstick, taking a slow bite and making a satisfied little noise. Her eyes glinted with mischief as she did so, and she gave an appreciative smile as she chewed and swallowed. "Delicious," she announced, grinning ( ... )


anotherargeneau April 15 2011, 17:54:13 UTC
It was all he could do to keep from growling and dragging Claire across the table and into his lap as she ate her bread stick with enough sensuality to make his blood boil. The fact that she did so just to get a rise out of him - literally - just made it even hotter. He grinned at her with molten eyes and muttered something that sounded like "naughty girl" under his breath as he tightened his grip on his silverware to try and calm himself down ( ... )


indestructigirl April 15 2011, 20:41:56 UTC
"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better now. As weird as this place is sometimes, well, I've been through a whole lot worse." She grinned at his comment, it was sort of dorky but it was mostly sweet, and she really appreciated it. "And of course, the company is awesome."

Claire listened, enjoying her meal as she did so. She was a little intrigued as he mentioned having so much family, having never been very close to her extended family - her adoptive family or her birth family. "Wow," she said, sipping at her cocktail, "you have a lot of family. I've got a birth family and an adoptive family and I've hardly met anyone from either."

It was also interesting to learn he'd been at the hotel for so long, and as she thought about it, she realized she'd sort of lost track of how long she'd been there. It had to be a few months at least, right? Time was flying, she was having fun and for once in her young adulthood she wasn't worrying about anything. It was nice.

(OOC: Ha, my tag before almost got away with me, I was trying to rein it in ( ... )


anotherargeneau April 16 2011, 14:11:04 UTC
"Yeah, there's lots of Argeneaus running around out there. My dad's the oldest of 5, and most of his siblings had tons of kids. Then there's the Italian branch of the family that they rediscovered just before I was born. Although technically they're Nottes and not Argeneaus. It was Christian Notte that I was going to see before wound up here." Lyon took a break to polish off more of his dinner. His eyes kept straying to Claire as he did so though. She looked so pretty that he couldn't seem to help it anymore than he could help his mind conjuring up all kinds of erotic images of her.

"I didn't know you were adopted," Lyon said after a few moments of companionable silence, his voice and expression betraying only honest curiosity. "That must have been hard. When did you find out?"

[OOC: And I go from super long to super short. *facepalm* Still, I'd rather the tags be on the shorter side and end on logical breaks than be novellas that are difficult to keep up with.]


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