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Apr 09, 2011 15:36

Lyon sipped his water as he waited for Claire to arrive. He'd chosen a table a little off to one side of the restaurant that let him see the entrance while still providing an illusion of privacy. The place was nice but not too fancy, coming in somewhere between "family dining" and "snooty." While he could have afforded the latter it was so not ( Read more... )

series: argeneau family, series: original character, series: heroes

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indestructigirl April 15 2011, 06:28:10 UTC
Knowing Lyon was already fighting his arousal, the first thing Claire did was pick up a breadstick, taking a slow bite and making a satisfied little noise. Her eyes glinted with mischief as she did so, and she gave an appreciative smile as she chewed and swallowed. "Delicious," she announced, grinning.

But then she was distracted from her distracting by Lyon's question. She paused a moment to think it over before responding. So much had happened in her life so far that it was difficult to figure out where to begin. To begin at the beginning would take her all night.

"Hm. Well, most recently I had left college, gotten out of a relationship that was going nowhere, and was driving around the US. Before that I had always had people protecting me and trying to keep me in this little bubble, and I was dying to get out and do something on my own." Claire cut up her steak as she spoke, mostly to give her hands something to do. "One night I went to bed in my crappy side-of-the-road motel, and I woke up here. And now... I'm really happy I'm here, to be honest."

Of course, that mostly had to do with Lyon, though she didn't mention it. She didn't really feel the need to, figuring he'd guess it was his own doing. "But that's a really condensed story, I've kind of been through a lot of really crappy experiences in the past few years. What about you?"


anotherargeneau April 15 2011, 17:54:13 UTC
It was all he could do to keep from growling and dragging Claire across the table and into his lap as she ate her bread stick with enough sensuality to make his blood boil. The fact that she did so just to get a rise out of him - literally - just made it even hotter. He grinned at her with molten eyes and muttered something that sounded like "naughty girl" under his breath as he tightened his grip on his silverware to try and calm himself down.

He didn't let his body's reactions distract him from following Claire's story though. It was interesting to hear that she had attended college for a while, as he hadn't been sure if she'd gotten that far yet or had still been in High School. He felt a weird sense of relief when she mentioned no longer being in a relationship. The comment shouldn't have had any affect on him at all given the fact he normally couldn't care less about stuff like that, but for some reason knowing that he didn't have to compete with some far-off boyfriend was some of the best news that Lyon had heard in months. The rest of Claire's story made him a little sad though, and he reached out to take her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm sorry things have been rough for you babe, but I'm glad you've been happier since ending up here. It may not be home, but it's actually a pretty cool place." Lyon's smile was soft as he added, "Especially when it let's me hang out with you." Mentally grimacing at how utterly dorky that last bit had sounded to him, Lyon released Claire's hand and cleared his throat self-consciously before answering her question.

"I was actually doing the same kinda thing you were before I woke up here. After I graduated from High School I spent the summer hanging out with my buddies until they left for university. I, uh, hadn't actually applied to any schools yet myself, so I was kinda at a loss as to what to do after they left." The truth was that his grades were so poor that only community colleges would accept him, but he didn't want to look stupid in front of Claire so Lyon kept that bit to himself. "Dad and mom were pushing me to do something with my life, but I was sick of classes and homework and studying and all that crap so I didn't want to start taking classes yet. Thankfully my aunt Marguerite was visiting us at the time and overheard one of my, uh, discussions, with dad and suggested that I do what they do in Europe and take a 'Gap Year' and do some traveling." Lyon paused to eat a bite of steak and sip more of his drink before continuing.

"So I packed my things a few days later and left Toronto to spend some time in L.A. with my cousin Vincent. I spent a few months with him before heading out to New York to see my other cousin, Bastian, and see the headquarters of the family business. I spent another few months in New York before packing up and getting ready to fly to Italy to hang out with my long-lost cousin Christian and see the sights." Lyon set down his knife and fork and gave Claire a wry grin. "Like you I went to sleep in one hotel room and woke up in one that was very different from the one I'd been in the night before. I still had my suitcase and the stuff I'd packed in it, but that was all. That was about nine months ago..." It had never really sunk in until just then just how long he'd been at the hotel, and for a moment Lyon looked a little stunned before his expression returned to normal.

[OOC: Holy crap did this tag get away from me! XD Sorry! Obviously I don't expect you/Claire to directly respond to all of it.]


indestructigirl April 15 2011, 20:41:56 UTC
"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better now. As weird as this place is sometimes, well, I've been through a whole lot worse." She grinned at his comment, it was sort of dorky but it was mostly sweet, and she really appreciated it. "And of course, the company is awesome."

Claire listened, enjoying her meal as she did so. She was a little intrigued as he mentioned having so much family, having never been very close to her extended family - her adoptive family or her birth family. "Wow," she said, sipping at her cocktail, "you have a lot of family. I've got a birth family and an adoptive family and I've hardly met anyone from either."

It was also interesting to learn he'd been at the hotel for so long, and as she thought about it, she realized she'd sort of lost track of how long she'd been there. It had to be a few months at least, right? Time was flying, she was having fun and for once in her young adulthood she wasn't worrying about anything. It was nice.

(OOC: Ha, my tag before almost got away with me, I was trying to rein it in. No worries. XD)


anotherargeneau April 16 2011, 14:11:04 UTC
"Yeah, there's lots of Argeneaus running around out there. My dad's the oldest of 5, and most of his siblings had tons of kids. Then there's the Italian branch of the family that they rediscovered just before I was born. Although technically they're Nottes and not Argeneaus. It was Christian Notte that I was going to see before wound up here." Lyon took a break to polish off more of his dinner. His eyes kept straying to Claire as he did so though. She looked so pretty that he couldn't seem to help it anymore than he could help his mind conjuring up all kinds of erotic images of her.

"I didn't know you were adopted," Lyon said after a few moments of companionable silence, his voice and expression betraying only honest curiosity. "That must have been hard. When did you find out?"

[OOC: And I go from super long to super short. *facepalm* Still, I'd rather the tags be on the shorter side and end on logical breaks than be novellas that are difficult to keep up with.]


indestructigirl April 17 2011, 00:11:20 UTC
"I've always known," she said simply, not sounding upset about it at all. "My parents were honest about it ever since I was a kid. I have a brother who was also adopted, we both have always known. I found my birth mother when I was sixteen, just after my ability manifested. That got me curious, wondering who they were and if they had abilities, too. Turned out my mother could manipulate fire, and my father could fly."

Claire paused, thinking of what to add to that, taking a few bites of mashed potatoes. "I was given to my family as a baby because I was unplanned, but honestly I'm glad for it. I just wouldn't be me if I'd grown up with them. I'm happy with how things turned out."

There was a satisfied look on her face, and she was stealing her own glances at Lyon from her side of the table. She couldn't wait to get him alone.


anotherargeneau April 17 2011, 11:10:20 UTC
"That's cool that your folks were always honest with you about it. I'm glad it wasn't a major freak out for you either. I've heard that finding out you're adopted can be really rough." Lyon was clearly impressed with how comfortable Claire was with being adopted, and there was admiration mixed in with the ever present desire as he gazed at her over the basket of bread sticks. He was glad he was almost finished with his meal, because he was finding himself getting more and more distracted by a hunger of a different sort, and he was eager to wrap things up and take Claire back to his room.

"I like how things turned out too." His goofy grin was back, although Lyon didn't seem to notice it. "I mean, I know things were really hard for you for a while there, so that part sucked, and now you're stuck here, which can be kind of a pain sometimes, but, well, you're a pretty awesome girl Claire, and I'm really glad we got stuck in that cabin together." It finally seemed to sink in how mushy he was being, and while everything he'd said was absolutely true it still embarrassed Lyon to hear himself say it. So to cover it up he pushed away his plate and quickly changed the subject.

"What do you say we get desert to go? This has been fun, but I'm thinking we should continue this discussion someplace more private." Even though there were a few bites left of his dinner Lyon had no intention of finishing it. He was full enough for now, and food was the furthest things from his mind. And while he definitely wanted to talk with her more, he also wanted to do things with Claire that didn't necessarily require it, and those things were starting to drive him to distraction.


indestructigirl April 18 2011, 02:30:10 UTC
"I'm glad we did, too. And I also think dessert to go is a good idea," she said with a nod. Though really, she wasn't even sure she wanted dessert at the moment, dinner had filled her up enough, and all she really wanted was to get Lyon alone.

The conversation was nice but she wanted to kiss him, to touch him, and even if they weren't going to have sex right away, she sort of wanted to get out of her dress. Of course, it'd be a filthy lie if she said she would've minded an after-dinner snuggle, too.

"Also, you know," Claire added, smirking, "once we get upstairs I can thank you properly for dinner." Her fingers twitched as she pushed her nearly-empty plate forward, she longed to unfasten all those buttons, one by one...

Without even realizing, she licked her lips as she looked at him from across the table.


anotherargeneau April 18 2011, 11:42:52 UTC
He gripped his drink so hard he nearly broke the glass. Knowing that Claire was just as ready to get out of here as he was sent his mind racing off in several very erotic directions, thanks in no small part to the way she licked her lips as she looked at him. It was amazing how fast she could go from sweet and cute and seriously sexy. Lyon loved it though, even if it did almost drive him crazy with lust every time she did it.

"Well then, I think it's definitely time we got out of here. This is no place for you to give me the kind of 'thank you' gift I want." Since that involved both of them getting naked as soon as possible Lyon was more anxious than ever to get Claire up to his room. Because while the idea of clearing off the table and taking Claire right then and there had a certain appeal he preferred to do that kind of thing in private. "If your gift is really good I might even give you one in return," he teased, his smile mirroring Claire's and just as full of sensual promise.

Lyon then flagged down the waiter and told him that they were ready to go, and after telling Claire to order whatever she wanted for desert he handed the waiter his debit card. Lyon was glad he'd had it on him when he'd woken up in the hotel. He was also glad that his trust fund was big enough that his expenses here weren't making a noticeable dent in his finances. While he didn't like to throw it in people's faces he did like that his family was filthy rich.

A few minutes later the check was paid and Lyon and Claire were heading towards the elevators. In one hand Lyon held the small box with their desert and in the other he held Claire's hand, his fingers interwoven with hers. It felt more natural than ever, and he gave her hand an affectionate squeeze as they waited for an elevator to arrive.

"It'll be nice to end the evening in my room instead of out in the wilderness somewhere." He pulled Claire a little closer to him as he spoke. The silver in his eyes was already turning molten as he gazed at her. "It'll be nice to be in an honest-to-god bed for once too." Even though he didn't come right out and say so it was still clear that Lyon wasn't going to let Claire leave until he'd taken her several times.


indestructigirl April 19 2011, 08:21:41 UTC
Claire a slice of chocolate cake that from the description on the menu, was so decadent that she simply had to try it. And anything chocolate to her was sexy enough to share with Lyon, that was for sure. She thanked him with a relatively chaste (but still quite affectionate) kiss as they exited the restaurant, then eagerly followed him to the elevator to head up to his room.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to spending the night somewhere comfortable with you. Not that I minded meeting up with you in those other places." Her lips were turned up into a playful smirk, eyes wide and dark with desire. She was fully expecting him to have his way with her before he let her go, hell, she wanted the exact same.

So, when the elevator dinged open, she was practically dragging him inside, leaning up against the wall as she waited for him to press the button for his floor. "Kiss me," she said firmly, the moment the elevator doors closed, leaving them alone inside.


anotherargeneau April 19 2011, 10:53:02 UTC
Pleased that Claire's enthusiasm matched his own - and more than a little turned on by it - Lyon hurried after her and was fulfilling her request almost before she'd finished making it. His free hand came to rest low on her stomach as he pushed her gently but inexorably backwards while lowering his lips to hers. The resultant kiss was hot and hard and full of promise, and Lyon growled softly as he pressed Claire up against the wall of the elevator. He then used his body to pin her in place, his cock rubbing against her abdomen through their clothes, while his hand slid up her body to cup one firm little breast. There was a soft thump a moment later as the box with the cake hit the floor and Lyon's other hand buried itself in Claire's thick golden locks, tilting her head up towards his to make it easier for him to deepen their kiss.


indestructigirl April 21 2011, 08:49:30 UTC
She groaned quietly into the kiss, her hands moving to rest at his sides. Feeling his cock against her was the best and worst kind of tease, and it only made her kiss him harder, gripping his shirt and pulling him closer still. Her tongue pushed past his lips, greedy, eager to taste him, and one hand released its grip on his shirt to slide up and curl around the back of his neck.

Yet beneath the obvious desire, the lust, she felt something deeper, or at least she thought she was. Claire felt passion in that kiss, in the way he pinned her to the wall, gripping her possessively. Her lips faltered over his as the thought crossed her mind that she could actually fall for him.

In true Claire fashion, however, she recovered quickly, almost growling against his mouth as she pressed up against him to kiss him more passionately.

( OOC: I wanna apologize that it took me so long to tag back. I've been super easily distracted lately and I've been kind of scatter-brained on all my tags. But I have a long weekend now so I'll be getting back on track. :) )


anotherargeneau April 21 2011, 17:21:24 UTC
He answered Claire's groan with a low, lusty sound that rumbled in his chest as she pulled him in even closer. He pressed himself up against her as hard as he could without hurting her and fisted his fingers in her hair. He willing parted his lips to give her tongue access to his mouth, but was too domineering to make it any easier for her than that. He couldn't resist using his tongue to push back playfully against hers and only relented after several seconds of highly enjoyable mock battle.

Lyon was too caught up in their kiss and the feel of Claire's sweet little body rubbing against his own to notice when she became momentarily distracted. Especially since he had been rather intently focused on the task of working his hand inside her dress at the time. It took a bit of doing given how close they were to each other, but Lyon eventually managed to pull it off, cupping one pert little breast in his hand and humming with triumph into their kiss. He then began to knead it eagerly, his palm covering the nipple as his strong fingers squeezed and stroked the firm flesh.

[OOC: That's quite alright! I completely understand. It happens to me far more often than I'd like, especially when work decides to kicking my ass like it's been doing lately. :P ]


indestructigirl April 22 2011, 20:29:23 UTC
It was all so perfect, the bruising force of the kiss, loved the clash of tongues, and fuck, did she love how he managed to get a hand on one of her breasts, the feel of his hand on her bare skin getting a shiver out of her. She moaned again, her hands grabbing for him desperately, wherever she could reach.

Finally she had to pull back from the kiss to breathe, but that didn't stop her hands, and it didn't stop her from arching her back slightly, pushing her breasts into his hand. There was a faint smile on her face as she spoke, "I had kind of thought we'd at least make it to the room before you'd try and feel me up." It was clear that she was teasing, between her tone and the look she gave him.


anotherargeneau April 22 2011, 21:31:06 UTC
Lyon backed off just enough to give Claire room to catch her breath but no more. He was getting too much of a kick of out keeping her trapped between himself and the elevator wall to do any more than that. The hand on her breast stayed right were it was as well and continued to squeeze it lovingly. He did however disentangle his fingers from her hair and let his hand fall to her waist.

"You're just lucky I didn't do it back and the restaurant," he teased back. "You looked so damn hot it was just about all I could think about." Lyon gave Claire's nipple a soft pinch to further tease her. "At least I waited until we were alone before I caved." As he talked he could feel the elevator starting to slow down, so with a reluctant sigh Lyon tucked his date's breast back into her dress and squatted down to retrieve the box with her slice of chocolate cake in it. He straightened up as the bell dinged and the doors opened onto his floor. Lyon then took Claire by the hand and led her down the hall.

"Not long now babe," he promised. "You'd better enjoy wearing that sexy little dress while you can, because once we get inside it's coming off an it's not going back on for a long time." The look he gave Claire was distinctly lascivious, like he was imagining her naked. Which of course he was.


indestructigirl April 22 2011, 21:50:31 UTC
"You're not the only one who was thinking about it. As good as you look in this shirt, I really can't wait to unbutton it." She'd been playing it out in her mind ever since she laid eyes on him that evening. She also had every intention of waking up in that shirt... a sight Lyon would no doubt enjoy.

She walked with him down the hallway, grinning evilly at the way he was looking at her. "Trust me, I'm very eager to get this dress off. You won't find me arguing about that." Claire's hand squeezed his, and she shifted her course to walk closer to him. Anyone who passed them by would think that she was his, and she rather liked that thought.


anotherargeneau April 22 2011, 22:40:40 UTC
"I like the way you think girl." Lyon loved how they always seemed to be in sync about that kind of stuff, and the smile he gave Claire as she squeezed his hand had at least as much genuine affection in it as it did raw lust. Even though they'd only seen each other a few times he already really liked her, which was a bit unnerving when he let himself think about it too much, so he usually didn't, choosing instead to focus on the moment and just enjoy being with Claire. "That probably means we'll be spending a good portion of the night night naked though." Lyon sounded quite pleased by the prospect and chuckled quietly as he released Claire's hand so that he could put his arm around her shoulder instead. Since she had willingly closed the distance between them there was no way he was going to let such a golden opportunity pass him by.

Lyon's body tensed and he slowed as they approached the door to his room. His sensitive hearing had detected the sounds of music coming from inside, which was weird because he hadn't left anything playing when he'd headed out to meet Claire. Worried about what he might find, Lyon handed Claire her desert and pulled away from her, placing his body between and the door.

"Something's fishy," he warned as he inserted his key card into the lock. "Stay back while I check things out." Lyon then thrust open his door and charged inside, only to stop short a few seconds later. "What the hell?" It was his room alright, decorated in rich earth tones and classy furniture, and he was the only one in it, but someone had clearly come in and messed with the place while he'd been out. A flowery scented candle was burning cheerily on his dresser, his iCard was hooked up to his speakers and playing something low and soft that Lyon was sure wasn't even loaded on the thing, there was an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne sticking out of it, and sitting innocuously on his nightstand was the bottle of citrus-scented body oil he'd been thinking about using on Claire.

Too stunned to say or do anything, Lyon just stood in the middle of his room and gazed around in disbelief.


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