No Event | locked to viiinote

Jan 29, 2011 10:51

A moan erupts behind a door, and Isa finds himself blushing hard ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m, series: kingdom hearts

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/leeches off of viiinote January 29 2011, 00:17:20 UTC
Axel happened to show up on one of the couches this time, in a lobby of sorts, surrounded by red and rather ambient music. In a way it has a sort of cozy feel, and if anything he should be taking a nap, but the problem with this place is that it always manages to keep him on high alert--awake. There's too many distractions; too many noises and sights clouding his senses and making it near impossible to even look at one spot for a second, and yet here he is, sitting still, one leg over the other with a magazine open and set on his knee. He may look collected, bored, even, but on the inside Axel's practically going insane.

Too much going on. Too much going on.

So. When in doubt: read. Or in this case ignore the articles and just stare at the pictures inside. Hmph. Can't they at least have a decent horoscope magazine around here? There's a sigh as he flips the page and once again comes across rather risque photos. Naked women, naked men, red red red red. This hotel just really loves to rub it in.

"What a joke."


/buries head under pillow somniummoon January 29 2011, 02:39:54 UTC
When Isa finds himself in a lobby, while it's really hardly any better then the halls in terms of decor, he still finds himself sighing in relief at the larger space. Not to mention no bedrooms, and the sounds of gasps and moans are far off behind him now. Tugging at his jacket, he looks around, hoping for a face that even looks remotely friendly.

For one second, he misses the one other figure here, but that's because his hair blends in so well with the wallpaper. It's the black coat that helps him stand out, like a blotch of ink on paper. It's a relief, that's what it is. Cautious- what sort of people would be in a place like this? - he steps over, approaching from behind the couch. "Hey." Isa's hand settles on the stranger's shoulder, and for a moment, he think how much Lea would like that kind of crazy hair style, would love the attention that sort of thing would bring.

"I need to know the way out. I'm really not supposed to be here."


/SHAKES viiinote January 29 2011, 04:24:50 UTC
Axel's busy flipping through the pages again, actually finding some...decent photos, when suddenly he hears footsteps approaching from behind. He's about to look over but the sudden hand on his shoulder causes him to stop...and the voice nearly makes him stop breathing. No. That's not--Is it?

Eyes wide and fingers suddenly still on the page Axel doesn't say anything until a few beats later when he slowly glances over at his shoulder, first to look at the hand--it...really is?--and then follow that hand up to none other than Isa's face. Isa...



/is sick ;A; somniummoon January 29 2011, 15:43:14 UTC
Red Flag number one: the awkward pause before he gets an answer. Red Flag number two: the slowness it takes to get that answer. Red Flag number three: he knows his name.

But Isa doesn't know him.

Even though his face doesn't show anything but the same serious look as usual- and perhaps a glimmer of nervousness flashing through his eyes- Isa quickly lets go of the man's shoulder and takes a few steps back. The familiarities to Lea are insane; this guy could be his older brother. But Isa knows he's never met him in all of his life in Radiant Garden.

"How do you know my name?"


D8 /mother hen's and baby's all day viiinote January 29 2011, 21:09:43 UTC
...Hm. This one's a little different from the first Isa he encountered here, so that makes the situation a little more difficult. There are so many things he has to take into account just because this is Isa alone. A past friend, a best friend--no, Lea's best friend.

But if Axel doesn't even identify himself as his the heck is he supposed to answer a question like that? Where does he begin? Would there he any easy way to go about saying that Lea lost his heart to the Darkness and this...thing is all that's left? To be honest, telling the truth has always been nervewracking for Axel, and now that Isa's here asking such a simple yet complicated question, well, his body is about ready to snap. But he does little more than look back towards his lap, sigh, and create yet another awkward pause between the two of them.

How does he say this. How? ...In the end, the simplest way is the only choice he has ( ... )


;A; /absorbs attention somniummoon January 29 2011, 21:50:13 UTC
"No you're not."

He doesn't really even think about the words before they come out; it's just automatic. If this is some sort of prank, some stupid joke, he's really not gonna be happy. Narrowing his eyes, Isa says simply, "For one thing, Lea's my age. You look like you're twenty."

There are other things, too, that he could rattle off, all that makes the situation simply not logical. Lea has short hair. No tattoos- not yet, although he sometimes says how he's saving up for some. He smiles more, he wouldn't hesitate at flashing a grin at him. He doesn't do black- bright colors, something to grab the attention, that's Lea.

Lea isn't... whoever this is, with bright green eyes which don't meet his and a long black coat and... something which Isa can't place but doesn't feel right nonetheless.

"I'm really not in the mood for any funny business. I just need to know how to get out of this place so I can go home."


viiinote January 29 2011, 22:14:45 UTC
"Figured as much." But it was worth a shot anyway. Isa always was the stubborn type. Maybe not as stubborn as Lea, but still stubborn nonetheless.

...And, ok, he's going to smirk a little at the 'twenty' comment, because he's definitely older than that, but, hey, it's nice to know that he looks younger anyway. Axel, you can be such a tool. There's another pause before he sighs again and stands up from the couch, leaving the magazine on the floor. Can't let Isa see him looking at something like that; might creep him out even more.

"Look," he begins before he walks around the couch so that he'll be meeting the other face to face, "Look at me closely."


somniummoon January 29 2011, 22:26:50 UTC
A part of him wants to make a run for it when the other guy stands up, but... It doesn't look like he's going to do something bad or anything. Yet, anyway. So while Isa tenses up, he doesn't move. The guy is annoyingly tall and lanky, and he has to crane his neck up to look at his face properly.

It's really kind of scary how similar he looks to his best friend.

"So you look like you could be related to Lea," he admits after a few seconds of hesitation. "But that doesn't answer everything. I just saw him before I found myself in this place. I've heard of growth spurts, but this would be kind of ridiculous, don't you think?"


viiinote January 29 2011, 22:36:54 UTC
Seems like he's starting to get the picture, slowly but surely.

Axel crosses his arms and after cracking his neck he glances off to the side only to be distracted by more red and the sound of, well, thumping on the other side of the wall. Geez, this place knows no mercy wherever you are.

"What were you two doing before you showed up here?" he asks as he turns to look at Isa. There might be a distinct glimmer in his eyes, a burning that Lea always had, but it's gone within a few precious seconds. It's funny how strong his Other can become when he's in the presence of him.


somniummoon January 29 2011, 22:45:49 UTC
The glint in his eyes draws up Isa's attention for a moment, but then he throws his focus back to the discussion at hand. It's more important, anyway.

"We just got back after exploring," he answers simply, and doesn't really... explain more than that. By 'exploring', he means they were sneaking into the castle once again and, as usual, were caught by the guards eventually. But that was always their mundane codeword for when they had to give an excuse to anyone else, especially their parents.

If this guy can really back up his claim, than he should know that.

It's getting harder and harder to pat attention, however, with all the sounds that are going on around them on the other side of the walls... Especially the thumping. Trying to act cool and collected as if his ears aren't completely burning up with how red they're getting, he asks, "Is there somewhere else we can talk?"


viiinote January 29 2011, 22:56:21 UTC
"You mean getting our asses handed back to us like always, but of course we wouldn't tell anyone that, even our own parents." He raises a brow and leaves a moment or two of quiet before he responds to that question with a simple nod and a nudge towards what looks to be an open door nearby. He'd checked out that room earlier and it had been empty.

Of course he understands the consequences of this--what could happen if they're alone in a bedroom with everything going on around them--but this is a personal conversation and frankly Axel's not too comfortable discussing things out in the open like this.

Before he walks past Isa, however, and towards the room he takes note of the redness in the other's face. ...Great. He definitely knows where this could be going.


somniummoon January 29 2011, 23:16:32 UTC
He knows. Numb from shock, Isa just allows himself to follow, practically on auto-pilot. He knows. It could just be a good guess, but that would require unbelievable amounts of luck. He finally snaps to when they're in the room, where he runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head.

"But how does this even work?" Once he's in further, he turns around to look at... at Lea. "Just where are we?"


viiinote January 29 2011, 23:24:41 UTC
Axel scoffs as they enter the room and once they're both inside he shuts the door with his heel and leans up against it.

"...We're in a hotel." But not just some comfy, cozy hotel that happens to have a red fetish, as Isa has probably already guessed. "A love hotel." Isa should be old enough to know what that means, and even if he doesn't, his body should be putting the pieces together for him.


somniummoon January 29 2011, 23:32:13 UTC
For whatever reason, the first thought that runs through his mind is the ridiculously mundane My mom is going to kill me when she finds out. Stupid. It really is. Isa knows he has more important things to worry about.

Sure, he's heard about these sort of things. It's the sort of subject that gets tossed around with groups of boys in whispers and muffled laughter at the taboo nature of it all. At the time, Isa had just rolled his eyes at the sheer immaturity. But it's a different story entirely when he's in one.

"Where's the way out?" he asks after taking a deep breath.


viiinote January 30 2011, 00:22:00 UTC
If Lea were here, he'd probably think the same thing, but also how cool it would be to be in a grown up place for once. Axel grins a bit at the thought and then in response he sighs. Man.

"Well..." He reaches up to scratch his head. "...You things." It's like talking to Roxas, being as vague as possible, but different. Way different. Maybe it's because this is Isa and he was there before everyone else was...and in Axel's eyes he's always been special. Beautiful, even, in his own way. Silly to think about, perhaps, but it's true.


somniummoon January 30 2011, 00:34:00 UTC

Just. What. No. Someone please tell him this is a twisted joke or some bizarre dream that he'll wake up from. There is no way that this can be real. For a moment, Isa just stares at his best friend, heart pounding in his chest.

"Really." He had tried to go for one of his usual deadpan statements, but his voice has just a small bit of a squeak to it that Isa wishes he could murder. "But I can't do... that sort of stuff. I haven't even-" He cuts himself off automatically before he realizes it's still Lea, and he can talk to him about this sort of stuff. So, glancing to the side and trying to ignore the burning on his cheeks, shrugs as he finishes. "I don't even have a girlfriend yet."


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