No Event ♥ While the daughter's away the cougar will play ♥ Aphro variable~

Oct 09, 2010 19:05

"Well, hello there, aren't you just a pretty little thing." The smirk was practically written all over the woman's tone as she stopped her newest victim in the hallway. She was an older woman who appeared to be in her late thirties, with a few wrinkles around her eyes-- laughter lines she would have called them --and obviously not as young as half ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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anotherargeneau October 9 2010, 22:25:17 UTC
Between his boyish good looks and his mental abilities Lyon was used to girls hitting on him, but it was rare for a woman to do so. He wasn't complaining though. The dark haired beauty poured into the skimpy red dress currently showering him with attention was seriously hot. Sure, she had a few wrinkles here and there, but for someone from a race as long-lived as Lyon's was, age wasn't really an issue.

"Sure babe. But I have to warn you - I play rough." Lyon lifted his chin away form Kata's finger and grabbed her wrist with startling speed. His grip was painless but unbreakable as he tugged her sharply forward. "Are you sure you can handle me?" The young Immortal's grin was devilish as he blatantly ogled Kata's shapely form.


mr_chekov October 9 2010, 22:43:35 UTC
The curves were a Chekov family trait, and the youngest Chekov female with said curves wasn't far off screaming with anger. Oh fuck no. Pasha could feel a tick in her cheek beginning, it was bad enough that it was her damned mother but with Lyon of all people? Why did she only ever pick on the hot ones? It just wasn't fair.

Kata smirked deviously in response, oh goody, this one was fun. It was so dull when they just blushed and flailed for responses, this one at least had a little fire in his belly. She was just about to make a lewd response when a phaser blast (Stun rather then kill for now) knocked a hole in the wall next to where she had been standing only moments ago. Kata rolled her eyes. There was only a few people she knew capable of doing that ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 9 2010, 23:57:55 UTC
The sudden blast of energy that blew a whole in the wall caused Lyon to release Kata's wrist and jump backwards with a startled expression on his face. He certainly hadn't expected that! He hadn't expected to see Pasha emerge from around the corner pointing what was probably the source of said blast at Kata's head either. The fact that they obviously knew each other only made things even more confusing, at least until Lyon's sharp eyes noticed the obvious family resemblance between the two girls.

"Uh, Pasha? Are you sure you should be pointing that thing at your sister's head like that?" Lyon had no idea what was going on, but one thing he did know was that he wasn't too keen on people waving around guns around that could take a big chunk out of the wall like that. So he quickly decided that is was in his own best interests o do what he could to help defuse the situation.


mr_chekov October 10 2010, 00:14:42 UTC
"She isn't my sister!" Pasha was quick to protest angrily while the older woman laughed, clearly amused beyond belief and unconcerned by the gun still being pointed at her. "Pasha. Stop waving your toys around. You'll hurt yourself." Kata scolded playfully before grabbing the girl's wrist and yanking the phaser out of her grip. "It's so cute that you still think that you're smarter then me." She made a point of puling out the energy pack before throwing the empty phaser back to Pasha. "You can have it back when you calm down, dear." She smiled at her daughter.

Kata then took that opportunity to wink at Lyon before smirking as she added. "No, little Pasha and I are related, but not sisters."

"This witch is my mother." The contempt in her voice was clear and the insult to her height only made the girl want to punch the woman more. "She's also the mother to sewen sons, all of whom she abandoned. Seen any of Dimitri or Piotr recently, Kata?" She practically hissed. "You won't be aware that Thomas got married either, will you?" There was ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 10 2010, 11:52:58 UTC
"Ah, shit," Lyon muttered to himself. He didn't have many scruples when it came to sex, but one of the things he'd quickly learned never to do was to bang a girl's mom at the same time that he was banging her. Even though he hadn't actually done so and he and Pasha weren't exactly "together," Lyon knew he was still treading on thin ice. The fact that Pasha and her mom obviously didn't get along only made things trickier.

"Sorry Pasha, I didn't know." Lyon put what he hoped was a calming hand on Pasha's shoulder as she moved to stand between her mother and himself. If the situation hadn't been so tense Pasha's oddly possessive posture and the implication that he belonged to her would have been amusing. Lyon didn't feel like laughing just at the moment though. "If I had I wouldn't have tried to, ah..." Lyon snapped his mouth shut before he made things any worse for himself. "Maybe I should go. You two obviously have a lot to catch up on and I'd just be a third wheel..."


mr_chekov October 10 2010, 19:24:31 UTC
"Another boyfriend? Isn't it about time you got married yet? You're going to end up a dull old virgin at this rate, Pasha. Now wonder the poor dear looked so gagging for it." Kata smirked at Lyon and at the girl's defensiveness around him, Pasha had long since decided that what her mother didn't know about her was for the greater good and there was no way she was informing her of her activities with a multitude of people. That would just be embarrassing and the damned witch would probably think she was trying to mimic her ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 11 2010, 19:20:59 UTC
There was so much surprising information flying around Lyon was hard pressed to keep track of it all. Pasha's mom thought she was a virgin? She once stole Pasha's girlfriend? She thought he was Pasha's latest boyfriend? And Pasha was confirming that ridiculous statement? Lyon's mind boggled at that last one, at least until he realized that Pasha was just trying to get her mother off her back. He knew what it was like to be irrationally harassed by a parent and was very much sympathetic to Pasha's cause. Wanting to do what he could to help and preferring to be in Pasha's good graces rather than her admittedly sexy mother's, Lyon moved up behind the little Russian and leaned over to slip his arms around her waist ( ... )


mr_chekov October 13 2010, 16:51:35 UTC
Pasha blinked. Wait, what? She had been left behind in confusion now. This was exactly why she hated being around her mother, she never felt in control of any situation around her, it made the girl anxious and panicked. Pasha liked being in control of everything, it was just in her nature, it was what made her set out her clothes in the exact same manner every morning, what caused her daily ritual of running for an hour, what caused her entire life to be so scheduled and organized and what caused her sometimes to be so desperate to be controlled ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 13 2010, 18:16:22 UTC
Lyon did his best to keep the pain in his head from leaking into his smile as Kata kissed him rather lasciviously on the check. What he couldn't hide though was the distinct air of smugness in his expression. It stemmed mostly from his success with Mrs. Checkov's memories, but at least part of it came from the kiss and the implied compliment. Even though he preferred Pasha to her mother the woman was still a serious hottie, and Lyon found himself basking in the attention.

"Only the best for your daughter, Mrs., uh, Kata," Lyon replied boastfully, turning his grin on Pasha. "You'd never accept any less, right sweetheart?" Looking back at Kata, Lyon put on his best parent-friendly face and added, "I'll bet she got that from you Kata, just like her looks and her brains." He worried briefly that he was laying it on a bit thick, but his head hurt so much that all he could really do for the moment was wing it.


mr_chekov October 14 2010, 15:24:29 UTC
Kata gave a laugh at that, smirking at Pasha. "This one is a charmer, isn't he?" The younger woman wasn't far from actually hitting her head off the nearest wall, why did she always have to say the most embarrassing things? "Well, she takes after her father for brains, but you were always our little ugly ducking though weren't you Pashachka?" The last comment was directed straight at the navigator herself and was enough to make her stiffen and for her hackles to raise like a cat being dangled above a bathtub.

"I must have grown and changed a lot in the last four years." Came her clipped reply. She hated it when her mother called her that. Only Papa had ever been allowed to call her that, even hearing his old nickname for her stung. It had been born from one day when Andrei Chekov had been reading his daughter a story and she had complained about the ducking having to change into the beautiful swan, claiming if it had been smart enough to survive on it's own then it didn't need to be pretty and it didn't need the mean swans. She ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 15 2010, 13:48:17 UTC
It was hard for Lyon to believe that someone as hot as Pasha had ever been an "ugly duckling." The way the little Russian stiffened at the comment gave weight to Kata's statement however, as did her curt reply. It was obviously a sore point for Pasha so Lyon made a mental note to never call her that. She was way too tasty a lay to risk alienating her. With that thought in mind Lyon willing let Pasha pull him away from the increasingly awkward scene. He glanced over his shoulder at Pasha's mother and waved good-bye with this free hand.

"It was nice to meet you Kata," Lyon called back with false cheerfulness. He then turned away and spoke in a voice meant only for Pasha's ears. "Man, and I thought my parents were annoying. Is your mom always like that?" Even he thought it was cruel to steal someone's else girlfriend, and having your mother be the one to do it only made things worse.


mr_chekov October 15 2010, 14:55:16 UTC
"Yes, she is." Pasha replied as soon as they had rounded the corner, dropping her hold on Lyon. "Sorry about her, she's just...difficult." Difficult to be around, difficult to understand, difficult to love like she should love her mother. At sometimes she felt guilty for not actually feeling the emotions for the woman that she should but Kata made it so difficult with everything she had done.

"Sorry about...all that as well." She waved an awkward hand. This wasn't something she usually brought into situations like this. Pasha ran a hand through her hair with a sigh, she hated the Kata situation at the best of times, but when people she knew got dragged into it, it was just irritating.


anotherargeneau October 15 2010, 17:08:20 UTC
"Ugh, that sucks. Sorry babe. I guess I'm lucky that my mom and dad can't keep their hands off each other long enough to even think about hitting on any of my dates." Since his parents were Lifemates they were almost sickeningly devoted to each other even after almost two decades of marriage. Not that twenty years was really all that long given the potentially unlimited lifespan of an Immortal. There was also the almost insane level of attraction that went along with being Lifemates to consider. Personally Lyon was glad that his chances of finding his own Lifemate this young were astronomically small. He was having far too much fun playing the field to want to be infatuated with one girl to the exclusion of all others ( ... )


mr_chekov October 17 2010, 00:22:26 UTC
"I am still on the werge of shooting someone." She gave a fair warning, confused for a moment as to how the hell after seeing her mother Lyon thought she could possibly be in the mood to screw. If anything she wanted to find the closest punching bag and take out some of her locked up aggression and upset out on that instead and try to ignore the resurfacing memories of her neglect and loneliness as a child."I wouldn't recomend getting too close just now." Most of all they were keeping her most closely guarded memories of her father to surface and with it the anger she felt at Kata for finding it so easy just to forget her father and move on in a matter of months. Pasha would never be able to forget her father, regardless of the short period of time she spent with him ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 17 2010, 00:48:39 UTC
"Okay, point taken," Lyon replied with an easy smile, stepping back to give Pasha some room. He liked her well enough not to push the issue, especially when she was armed with a weapon that could blow a hole in the wall. She was obviously agitated from the encounter with her mother and not in the mood for sex. As he watched her pull all that lovely brown hair back into a pony tail it gave him an idea as to what she might be more in the mood for instead though.

"You wanna go down to the gym and blow off some steam? It's been a while since we last sparred." Even if he couldn't do what he liked best with Pasha he was still up for doing his second favorite thing with her - spar.


mr_chekov October 17 2010, 13:53:52 UTC
"Sorry." Pasha muttered, vaugely embarrassed after he had helped her out and everything with Kata and then with herself acting like such a weirdo about having sex with him even after doing it so many times prior. Today was not a good day, she thought to herself. She tweaked her ponytail once again, brushing a few stray curls behind her ear, the length of it was getting ridiculous, easily reaching her shoulder blades even when tied up.

"That would be good." She agreed. And hopefully it wouldn't end in her shooting something or someone, because really it wasn't good to go about shooting people, it could give a girl a bad reputation. And if she was correct- and it was rare that she wasn't the gym was close by. "It is nearby I believe." She noted, gesturing for Lyon to follow her, there was no point in holding onto his hand now even though she knew that was what she would have done with her friends back home the people of the West of Earth generally tended to take it the wrong way. Pasha quickly enough lead them both to the Gym, slipping


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