Toadwarts ♥ Floor 12,222,886 ♥ High Aphro

Aug 28, 2010 22:26

Pasha readjusted her tie, blue with golden stripes with one hand, the other holding her wand (Rosewood, Springy. 12 inches with core of Unicorn hair) in front of her that shone a light into the darkness of Toadwarts' halls as she patrolled. Sometimes it was horrible being a prefect. She wanted nothing more then to crawl into bed and go to sleep but this was her day to check that nobody was out of bed or the common rooms out of hours. The little Russian was half tempted just to slip off to the Prefects bathrooms and have a long hot bath to relax but no, she was too duty bound to allow herself to do that.

She scowled as she rounded another corner. There was supposed to be somebody on duty and patrolling the corridors with her, but they hadn't even shown up,  no sign of the other person what so ever. Bah. They were probably some Slytherin slob anyway. Oh well, she glanced at her analogue watch, there was only two more hours of patrol left until she could go and have a well deserved sleep. Pasha pulled a hand through her curly hair, down and bouncy around her shoulders for once rather then in the strict ponytail it was normally scraped into. Her mind wandered as she did, back o Potions this afternoon and the odd potion she had spilt on herself by accident whilst riffling about in the cupboard for ingredients for a Sleeping Draught. It had been a noxious pink colour and smelt horribly sweet.

Thankfully she'd managed to keep her head down for the rest of the lesson and kept quiet when the professor asked about the mess. There was no need to give herself a bad reputation for being clumsy after all. She'd gone straight to her room, avoiding eye contact with everybody, eager to get back to the new novel her mother had sent her and only leaving just in time for patrol, forgoing dinner in favour of reading. Pasha sighed, turning into a flight of stairs and bouncing up them, thoroughly bored.

[OOC: Obviously silly Pasha has spilt Aphrodisiac potion on herself and it'll snap into affect with the first person she sets her eyes one, whether it's a student out of bed, a teacher or the missing Prefect very late for patrol with her causing her to peruse them immediately. Males and females 16+ are welcome! The more cliche the situation, the more I love you! Previous threaders are loved with the force or s thousand suns. Feel free to PM me :)]

series: star trek

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