Orgasm Triggers // Massive Aphro // Locked to anotherargeneau

Aug 18, 2010 17:01

Anybody who knew Pasha Chekov knew that she only slept one way. Her head buried in a mound of pillows and resting on her stomach with her legs tangled around the sheets, it never looked quite comfortable but it was the only way the young woman could sleep properly. So it was easy to imagine her displeasure at waking up, propped against the head ( Read more... )

series: argeneau family, series: star trek

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anotherargeneau August 18 2010, 20:09:01 UTC
When he'd decided to swing by Pasha's room to see if she wanted to grab some brunch with him, one of the last things Lyon had expected to see when he arrived was her door standing slightly ajar. Even though he hadn't been here very long he still knew that an unexpectedly open door was never a good sign. Hell, it wasn't a good sign even back home! Moving cautiously, his eyes and ears open for anything out of the ordinary, Lyon slowly opened the door and stepped inside ( ... )


mr_chekov August 18 2010, 21:46:14 UTC
Pasha had been spacing out of the normal world, escaping into the confines of her mind and working her way backwards through all of the prime numbers starting from a million from sheer boredom. It had either been that or counting figures of Pi and that, she found, got really dull after a while. That was the reason for her jolting slightly when she noticed Lyon entering the room.

"Oh, uh well--" This was as far as she got into explaining that she was alright before a sudden and unexpected flash of heat broke through her body and she tensed, arching forward. Pasha gave a small moan, shuddering and panting lightly before relaxing once again, her eyes wide and confused. "What the fuck!" She muttered, glancing at Lyon before both blushing and flushing a mighty shade of pink.

"F-Fine, just fine." She suddenly became very interested in the patch of wall directly in front of her. How mortifying. What the heck had that been? Pasha wondered, trying to figure out how that had even been humanly possible.


anotherargeneau August 19 2010, 01:07:56 UTC
Lyon certainly hadn't been expecting that kind of reaction to his question. It was both surprising and incredibly arousing. Watching the sexy little Russian arch and moan like that, her breasts straining against her bra while her arms strained against their bonds, had Lyon's heart racing and his erection straining against the fabric of his jeans. Sitting down gingerly on the edge of the bed, the silver in his eyes moving sluggishly through the blue, Lyon gave Pasha a questioning look.

"Do you just, ah..." Unless he was very much mistaken Pasha had just orgasmed right before his eyes. It hadn't been the first time, and it had definitely been fun to watch, but since he hadn't so much as laid a finger on her - either physically or mentally - he was baffled as to how it'd happened.


mr_chekov August 19 2010, 01:27:42 UTC
Pasha flushed a stunning shade of red, horribly embarrassed by the whole thing, eyes kept on her lap now. There was being premature but that was just ridiculous. "Uh. I-- Um. Y-Yes. I beliewe I did." It hadn't been particularly strong or intense as far as orgasms went but it had taken her by complete surprise, enough so that she was beginning to wonder if this was just some type of bizzare sex dream. 'No, there would be more naked girls if this were a dream' She noted astutely. 'Or nakedness in general.'

"That doesn't normally happen!" She felt the need to blurt out. Pasha then felt the need to bang her head off a wall or at least facepalm, which was easier said then done given her current position, in total humiliation. Great. Now even her brain was working against her to make her look stupid. "And that sounded so much more intelligent in my brain."


anotherargeneau August 19 2010, 11:13:48 UTC
The way she blushed just made Pasha look even more sexy than she already did and Lyon suddenly had an intense urge to rip his clothes off and take her right then and there. He held himself back for the moment though, still just curious enough to ignore his raging hard-on and see if he could figure out what was going on.

"Hey, a girl should never apologize for coming," Lyon admonished her, sounding slight amused. "Believe me, guys love it when they do, even if they can't always figure out why it happened." He gave Pasha a reassuring smile and reached up to brush a lose curl away from her pretty face and run his fingers briefly through her hair. "Besides, I've been in your mind, remember? I know how intelligent you are."

[OOC: Sorry, I couldn't resist. Lyon has a thing for girls' hair, and it just fit the scene so well... XD]


mr_chekov August 19 2010, 18:21:44 UTC
"Yes, I-I remember per--" That was as far as that sentence got before a swell of heat built up from her lower abdomen once again, washing over her as her eyes snapped shut and her nose crinkled lightly, arching once again with a soft moan. As she pantingly came down from her peek once again, the inner scientist in her noted it had been stronger this time, trying to figure out what the connection was between the two incidents. It had only began when Lyon had entered the room so obviously it was linked to him. Or was it just him specifically or could it be linked to anybody in the Hotel? Her mind was working double pace ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 19 2010, 19:35:37 UTC
"I don't know what's going on here, but I don't care." Lyon slipped off the bed and started disrobing as quickly as he could. "You just look so damn sexy all flushed and chained up like that I can't resist fucking you." He stripped off the last of his clothes - a pair of black silk boxers - and climbed back onto the bed to kneel in front of the captive girl. "Don't worry; I will let you out. Eventually ( ... )


mr_chekov August 19 2010, 22:38:41 UTC
She couldn't quite bring herself to object and with her hands locked like this it wasn't as if she would have much of a choice even if she didn't want to, although Pasha found herself about as far from unwilling as a girl could hope for. She did however quirk a neatly arched eyebrow at the 'Eventually' comment ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 20 2010, 15:07:01 UTC
"Well that sucks." Lyon didn't doubt her conclusion for second. It seemed exactly like the kind of shit the hotel enjoyed doing to its inhabitants. "I mean, the handcuffs I get," he continued, "but the, uh, other thing? What the hell's the point of that?" Premature ejaculation wasn't exactly in Lyon's vocabulary, and he wouldn't have said it aloud even if it had been. It still pissed him off though, as it would seriously hamper his plans to ravish the sexy little Russian if he couldn't figure out how to stop it from happening again.

"Something must be triggering it." It seemed like a logical conclusion to Lyon. While his mind wasn't as sharp or as quick as Pasha's he was far from stupid. "I didn't lose it until I kissed you, so maybe if I avoid doing that I won't have to worry about doing that. Lyon glanced meaningfully at the sticky mess lying on the sheet between them. "Any idea what made you just up lose it like that earlier?"


mr_chekov August 20 2010, 15:22:56 UTC
Pasha bit down on her lower lip, her swift mind working at double pace as she tried to figure it all out. Then something clicked. "The second time. My hair. It only happened when you touched my hair." She astutely noted but then that left a question about the first time. Lyon hadn't even touched her then, all he'd done was enter the room and ask if she was alright.

Her forehead crinkled in thought before she glanced at Lyon curiously. It seemed it was time for another little experiment. "The first time was different. You did not touch but only said which leads me to believe...Lyon." She deliberately cut herself off to watch him curiously. This would definitely make an interesting article for one of the science journals she contributed towards. It was certainly a scientific mystery.


anotherargeneau August 20 2010, 17:18:34 UTC
Lyon nodded, his expression thoughtful. Pasha was right; the second time she'd come unexpectedly he'd just finished running his fingers through her hair. It annoyed him that it probably meant that she wouldn't allow him to play with it then. Although it wasn't like Pasha could exactly stop him from doing it if he really wanted to. At least not easily. Her handcuffs would see to that. It was hard to keep from smiling wickedly at the thought of it as Pasha continued.

"Believe what?" Pasha's logic had been too fast for him to follow, but Lyon quickly caught up when she said his name. He immediately felt a tightening in his groin and looked down to find himself rapidly getting hard. A split second after that he was biting back a groan as he started to come even though he wasn't fully erect yet. It was an interesting sensation, and not all together unpleasant either, but it still surprised him.

"Well shit," he swore when his body started to relax. "Our names do it too? What the hell am I supposed to call you then? Ensign ( ... )


mr_chekov August 20 2010, 18:45:49 UTC
Pasha bobbed her head, throwing him a slightly amused glance. Well. She could have fun with that. "That is my the--" She broke off into a startled yelp as she was pulled through yet another unexpected orgasm, her eyes wide and confused again as she froze with a groan before wilting. The little navigator panted for her breath once more, wetting her lips, the scraps of lace and the bedsheet covering her now just seemed to make her skin prickle and she could very clearly feel that her panties were soaked.

"I think we might be able to add nicknames to that list as well." She commented, resting back against the headboard of the bed, sighing heavily. This was either a blessing or a curse. Either way, she half-heartedly wished the Hotel would stop getting up to such nonsense.


anotherargeneau August 20 2010, 20:03:59 UTC
"Yeah, I guess so. Sorry about that." Lyon's apology sounded earnest but wasn't entirely sincere. Being able to make Pasha come with only a word or a touch was making him feel rather devilish and he wasn't sure he could resist the temptation to do so. He'd have to be careful though; apparently Pasha could do the same to him, at least verbally, so there would likely be retribution if he did it too much. He could always try gagging her though...

Filing that away for later, Lyon moved to kneel in front of Pasha. He was going to figure out a way to fuck her even if it killed him. The two hotel induced orgasms he'd experienced had been decent enough, but they didn't compare to the ones that came from actual sex.

"I guess we'll just have to view this as a challenge then, huh?" He reached out to cup Pasha's breasts once again, kneading the soft flesh in much the same way he'd done before, only this time rubbing his thumbs over Pasha's lace-covered nipples as well.


mr_chekov August 21 2010, 16:47:51 UTC
Pasha highly doubted the truthfulness of his apology, her own mind far away thinking of how she could use such a trick and how it could also be turned against her. So evidently her name, nickname and hair were no-gos, not that she could put up much of an objection with her hands immobilised, but at least she could gain vengeance with the verbal triggers she had discovered. But it did make her curious as to whether Lyon would come from the nickname that she had chosen for him without him knowing about it already. It would seem unfair if she had three triggers and he only had two.

She was jolted out of her own thought with a sharp gasp when she felt Lyon's hands on her breast once again, the combination of the lace pulling over her sensitive skin and causing delicious friction and the kneading soon enough had her pressing her thighs together and moaning softly underneath her breath.


anotherargeneau August 22 2010, 11:59:40 UTC
Lyon made a low rumble of appreciation deep in his chest at the way Pasha responded to his touch. It seemed she felt the same way he did - that the forced orgasms she'd experienced weren't as satisfying as normal ones. At least her body seemed to think so. Lyon doubted that he could have evoked such an arousing reaction after three orgasms otherwise.

"Un-uh, legs open," he admonished Pasha. "I want to be able to play with all of you." Lyon briefly released her breasts to gently but inexorably force her legs apart. He then moved to straddle one shapely thigh to prevent her from being able to close them again. Once he was settled Lyon resumed stroking Pasha's breast and nipple with one hand while the other slid down her flat stomach to nestle itself against her sex. The scrap of lace separating his hand from Pasha's slick folds was damp with the evidence of her arousal and the feel of it made Lyon grin ( ... )


mr_chekov August 22 2010, 17:01:07 UTC
She completely shamelessly arched into his hands with a low moan. Pasha wasn't quite sure if she could handle four in such quick succession but the first three had been shallow and only left her wanting for more. "Please, da, yes." She gasped, rocking her hips forward against his hand, her head ducking a she allowed her curls to obscure her flushed face.

Her hands were another matter though, because while Pasha may have liked being tied up more then the average girl, what she disliked was just waking up already tied up. It made things so much less fun. She couldn't even touch Lyon back like this, she was effectively stuck like this. Her fingers curled, fingertips searching along the edge of the cuff, which was as far as she could reach, feeling for a ridge or locking mechanism on the cuffs themselves. Sometimes, having seven older brothers who had locked everything in sight had it's advantages, such as learning useful skills such a lockpicking. It was an awfully good thing she could multitask.


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