Orgasm Triggers // Massive Aphro // Locked to anotherargeneau

Aug 18, 2010 17:01

Anybody who knew Pasha Chekov knew that she only slept one way. Her head buried in a mound of pillows and resting on her stomach with her legs tangled around the sheets, it never looked quite comfortable but it was the only way the young woman could sleep properly. So it was easy to imagine her displeasure at waking up, propped against the head ( Read more... )

series: argeneau family, series: star trek

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anotherargeneau August 20 2010, 17:18:34 UTC
Lyon nodded, his expression thoughtful. Pasha was right; the second time she'd come unexpectedly he'd just finished running his fingers through her hair. It annoyed him that it probably meant that she wouldn't allow him to play with it then. Although it wasn't like Pasha could exactly stop him from doing it if he really wanted to. At least not easily. Her handcuffs would see to that. It was hard to keep from smiling wickedly at the thought of it as Pasha continued.

"Believe what?" Pasha's logic had been too fast for him to follow, but Lyon quickly caught up when she said his name. He immediately felt a tightening in his groin and looked down to find himself rapidly getting hard. A split second after that he was biting back a groan as he started to come even though he wasn't fully erect yet. It was an interesting sensation, and not all together unpleasant either, but it still surprised him.

"Well shit," he swore when his body started to relax. "Our names do it too? What the hell am I supposed to call you then? Ensign Lolita?"

[OOC: That only counts as one. :)]


mr_chekov August 20 2010, 18:45:49 UTC
Pasha bobbed her head, throwing him a slightly amused glance. Well. She could have fun with that. "That is my the--" She broke off into a startled yelp as she was pulled through yet another unexpected orgasm, her eyes wide and confused again as she froze with a groan before wilting. The little navigator panted for her breath once more, wetting her lips, the scraps of lace and the bedsheet covering her now just seemed to make her skin prickle and she could very clearly feel that her panties were soaked.

"I think we might be able to add nicknames to that list as well." She commented, resting back against the headboard of the bed, sighing heavily. This was either a blessing or a curse. Either way, she half-heartedly wished the Hotel would stop getting up to such nonsense.


anotherargeneau August 20 2010, 20:03:59 UTC
"Yeah, I guess so. Sorry about that." Lyon's apology sounded earnest but wasn't entirely sincere. Being able to make Pasha come with only a word or a touch was making him feel rather devilish and he wasn't sure he could resist the temptation to do so. He'd have to be careful though; apparently Pasha could do the same to him, at least verbally, so there would likely be retribution if he did it too much. He could always try gagging her though...

Filing that away for later, Lyon moved to kneel in front of Pasha. He was going to figure out a way to fuck her even if it killed him. The two hotel induced orgasms he'd experienced had been decent enough, but they didn't compare to the ones that came from actual sex.

"I guess we'll just have to view this as a challenge then, huh?" He reached out to cup Pasha's breasts once again, kneading the soft flesh in much the same way he'd done before, only this time rubbing his thumbs over Pasha's lace-covered nipples as well.


mr_chekov August 21 2010, 16:47:51 UTC
Pasha highly doubted the truthfulness of his apology, her own mind far away thinking of how she could use such a trick and how it could also be turned against her. So evidently her name, nickname and hair were no-gos, not that she could put up much of an objection with her hands immobilised, but at least she could gain vengeance with the verbal triggers she had discovered. But it did make her curious as to whether Lyon would come from the nickname that she had chosen for him without him knowing about it already. It would seem unfair if she had three triggers and he only had two.

She was jolted out of her own thought with a sharp gasp when she felt Lyon's hands on her breast once again, the combination of the lace pulling over her sensitive skin and causing delicious friction and the kneading soon enough had her pressing her thighs together and moaning softly underneath her breath.


anotherargeneau August 22 2010, 11:59:40 UTC
Lyon made a low rumble of appreciation deep in his chest at the way Pasha responded to his touch. It seemed she felt the same way he did - that the forced orgasms she'd experienced weren't as satisfying as normal ones. At least her body seemed to think so. Lyon doubted that he could have evoked such an arousing reaction after three orgasms otherwise.

"Un-uh, legs open," he admonished Pasha. "I want to be able to play with all of you." Lyon briefly released her breasts to gently but inexorably force her legs apart. He then moved to straddle one shapely thigh to prevent her from being able to close them again. Once he was settled Lyon resumed stroking Pasha's breast and nipple with one hand while the other slid down her flat stomach to nestle itself against her sex. The scrap of lace separating his hand from Pasha's slick folds was damp with the evidence of her arousal and the feel of it made Lyon grin.

"Apparently those orgasms were pretty good." Lyon stroked Pasha's sex roughly through her panties. "You want another one while we wait?" His body was starting to come around again but it would still be a few minutes before he was back to full hardness.


mr_chekov August 22 2010, 17:01:07 UTC
She completely shamelessly arched into his hands with a low moan. Pasha wasn't quite sure if she could handle four in such quick succession but the first three had been shallow and only left her wanting for more. "Please, da, yes." She gasped, rocking her hips forward against his hand, her head ducking a she allowed her curls to obscure her flushed face.

Her hands were another matter though, because while Pasha may have liked being tied up more then the average girl, what she disliked was just waking up already tied up. It made things so much less fun. She couldn't even touch Lyon back like this, she was effectively stuck like this. Her fingers curled, fingertips searching along the edge of the cuff, which was as far as she could reach, feeling for a ridge or locking mechanism on the cuffs themselves. Sometimes, having seven older brothers who had locked everything in sight had it's advantages, such as learning useful skills such a lockpicking. It was an awfully good thing she could multitask.


anotherargeneau August 23 2010, 20:57:51 UTC
Pasha looked so adorably sexy with her head tipped down and her light brown curls hiding her pretty face that Lyon really wished he could kiss her senseless. He knew that would have some rather disastrous consequences though, and he didn't feel like having to wait even longer to screw Pasha, so he reluctantly held back. It wasn't like not being able to kiss her was the end of the world though. He still got to enjoy groping a seriously hot chick while she was chained to the bed, and that was something he always got off on.

Lyon grinned in response to Pasha's acceptance of his offer, stroking her through her bra and panties for a few more seconds before moving to touch her even more intimately. He tugged one part of her bra down below her breast, allowing the soft mound to spill free. He cupped it firmly, the nipple nestled snugly against the palm of his hand, and gave it several squeezes as he slipped his other hand beneath her panties. Lyon then pushed first one finger and then another between her slick folds and into her warm, wet core, to give her something to bare down on when she orgasmed.

"You can come whenever you'd like Pasha." There was a distinct note of amusement in Lyon's voice as he said Pasha's name, and his silvery-blue eyes began to swirl in anticipation as he waited for her body to react to the trigger word.


mr_chekov August 24 2010, 01:06:41 UTC
It felt odd, doing this without kissing, impersonal almost. She tried not to dwell on it, because after all, if they kissed then that would defeat the object of waiting and they would have to start the clock all over again. But Pasha still let her eyes tip closed and her felt her face heat up existentially as she gave a small whimper, pressing into his hands as she squirmed. The young Russian gave a gasp when she felt his fingers breach her opening, still sensitive to touch.

And of course, almost exactly on cue she let out a small cry, the heat flooding through her body once more, building and building until her head tilted back as she clenched and throbbed around Lyon's fingers as she came once again with a shudder. She cursed under her breath in her native language before she came back to Earth with a bump, gasping for air for what felt like a ridiculous number of times already today.

One thing she had noticed however was how to get out of these silly cuffs that were keeping her restrained. It was a push lock mechanism, just pulling on it wouldn't work, they had to be push. But she needed to distract Lyon if she was going to get her hands free without him objecting, she was aware he found her being in such a position quite favourable, despite her minor annoyances. And besides, her arms were beginning to ache from being held like this for a long period of time. Pasha pouted, flicking her hair out from her face. "You cheated." She said simply, trying her best to sound put out as she twisted her arms so her fingers could skin the mechanism.


anotherargeneau August 24 2010, 19:57:53 UTC
"I'd hardly call it cheating," Lyon protested with an air of feigned indignance. "You got the orgasm you asked for didn't you? Does it really matter how you got it?" He pushed his fingers deeper into Pasha as if to drive home his point, stroking her inner walls as he went, before pulling them out of her completely. He released her luscious breast as well, taking a moment to tuck it back into her bra before sitting back on his heels.

"Besides, watching you as you came against my hands was pretty awesome and got me nice and worked up. All we need to do now is get those panties off you and we're good to go." Turning his attention to the garment in question, Lyon began to tug it off Pasha's hips. His cock was nice and hard again and he was feeling impatient. If he wasn't driving himself hard and deep into Pasha's core in the next thirty seconds he was going to start breaking things.


mr_chekov August 25 2010, 11:27:06 UTC
"I would." She tartly replied. "O-Of course it matters. A journey to anything matters just as much as the destination." While Pasha was talking she shifted her hips upward to assist the removal of her underclothes whist she bit her lip to stop a smirk of victory slinking over her face, her lithe fingers successfully unclipping her cuffs from the headboard. There was no need to tip Lyon off just yet though. But on the other hand her arms were aching now.

"I can undress myself you know. I am perfectly able." Pasha smirked at Lyon, certain that her statement would at least confuse him, before letting her arms drop down and rubbing her upper arms ruefully. She gave Lyon a look before shrugging lightly. "Yes, I hawe been able to get myself free the whole time but I find people's expressions amusing." It wouldn't have been unfair to say that it was easy to amuse Pasha.


anotherargeneau August 25 2010, 21:40:30 UTC
"Yeah, I guess that's true. At least half the fun of sex is the stuff that leads up to getting off. Like striping the panties off a seriously hot girl while she's chained to the bed." Lyon grinned as he made short work of removing said panties, holding up the frilly bit of lace like a trophy before tossing it aside. He was about to grab Pasha's legs and settle himself between them when she surprised him by slipping out of her cuffs.

"How did you do that?" Lyon asked in disbelief, leaning forward to eye Pasha curiously as she rubbed some of the stiffness out of her arms. Being that close to her lovely little body, her full breasts straining against her bra, quickly set Lyon's mind back to its original track. "You know what? Never mind. You can tell me later. Right now you need to be fucked good and hard." His silvery gaze hot on Pasha's pretty face, Lyon quickly closed the distance between and put his hands on her shoulders and started to firmly but insistently push the petite Russian down onto her back.


mr_chekov August 25 2010, 23:09:02 UTC
"Girl genius with sewen older brothers." Pasha shrugged as way of quick explanation, she'd had lots of experience over the years getting out of tight spots as well when she was kidnapped by some alien or the other because she was the smallest and assumed to be the weakest of her crew. Being a part of Starfleet could be dreadfully dull once one had heard the 'The girl will be killed if the cause of the blah blah blah isn't taken on by the Federation' more then ten times. pliantly allowing herself to be pushed back onto the silky sheets of the bed, hair fanning out beneath her.

"One second, one second." She batted at Lyon for a moment before leaning up, which had the rather 'unfortunate' consequence of having to press up against him and reaching her nimble fingers up her back to unclip the bra throwing it in the same direction that her panties had gone.


anotherargeneau August 25 2010, 23:52:58 UTC
"One second is all you get, sexy girl genius or not. I'm tired of waiting." Lyon growled lustily as Pasha swatted his hands away, the action reminding him a little of their sparring match the other day and just making him want her even more. Thankfully she was just as efficient at slipping out of her bra as she was her cuffs and he didn't have to wait very long. Lyon's breath hissed past his teeth as Pasha's lovely breasts spilled free and her firm stomach brushed against his erection. The brief contact made it twitch in anticipation, and as soon as Pasha had tossed away the last of her underwear Lyon was baring down on her, his strong hands forcing her thighs apart and the head of his cock pressing against her entrance.

"Finally," Lyon said in a voice rough with desire as he drove himself into Pasha. He groaned at the feel of her slick channel sheathing his cock and wasted no time in falling into a hard and fast rhythm. He slipped into her mind as well, doing no more that riding the mercurial currents of her thoughts and enjoying the feel of them sliding against his own. For someone as physical as Lyon it seemed a little weird to get turned on by a girl's mind as much as her body, but that was definitely the case when it came to Pasha.


mr_chekov August 26 2010, 21:56:26 UTC
Pasha, herself gave a clipped groan when he first thrust into her, letting her hands curl and twist tightly in the bedsheets. She could feel her breasts pushing against the hard planes of Lyon's chest, adding another low curl of desire to the heat already beginning to gather in her lower abdomen. Four orgasms may have been lucky but five, might have just been pushing her luck a bit too far but that was a risk she was more then willing to take.

She felt her eyes close and her breath grow more ragged as one of her hands unwound itself from the sheets and instead twined itself into Lyon's hair, making a tight fist in the blonde strands as she cursed the air black and blue in moaned Russian. Pasha couldn't tell if he was actually in her mind or not, but still she concentrated on her past experiences once again, never focusing on faces though, she didn't want to kiss and tell after all. Even if he wasn't in her mind she was sure as hell getting off on the thoughts coursing though her mind at least. Damn. She'd almost forgotten about that time with the pretty green girl spread on the bed with ropes, begging and whining prettily to be fucked. Hell, she had been really hot.


anotherargeneau August 26 2010, 23:32:43 UTC
Lyon made an inarticulate sound of pleasure at the feel of the little Russian's fingers fisting tightly in his hair. It hurt a little while at the same time feeling really good, kind of like when she clawed at him. He loved the way her breasts pressed against his chest as they moved together too, with her taught nipples leaving little trails of fire wherever they touched his heated skin. But what really drove him wild was the rush of erotic images flashing through her brilliant mind. Pasha was turning out to be awesomely kinky, and when her mind settled on the image of an exotic looking girl tied naked to the bed and begging to be fucked he groaned and felt himself stiffen even further.

"You do chicks too? God damn you're hot," Lyon panted as he drove himself into Pasha with extra enthusiasm. Just when it seemed like he couldn't want her any more than he already did, she surprised him with something incredibly sexy. This latest revelation opened up whole new worlds of possibilities that he had every intention of exploring in the very near future. For now though he was content to fuck Pasha good and hard until she she screamed with release.


mr_chekov August 27 2010, 00:31:46 UTC
"T-Twenty-Third century, we do not discriminate." She just managed to reply around a moan, pressing up to Lyon further. And then there was the thing multiple orgasms in girls that was just far too attractive to Pasha for her own good. Nothing was sexier to her then to have fucked out somebody else completely and utterly. "And you really hawe to start asking before you go into other people's minds." She added as an after thought. It was quite rude after all. Almost like reading their most secret diary.

That thought however didn't stop her though from curling a leg around his hips and gasping at the change of angle and the extra delicious friction it brought with it. The heat and tension was still building in her and she could feel her thighs trembling slights as she moaned and rocked her hips back against his rhythm. And then-- "Yebat!" She hissed, arching up to Lyon closely and her hand tightening in his hair once again as her inner walls tightened and throbbed, clamping down on his cock inside of her.


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