Intro//Non-Event//Medium - Heavy Aphro (Your Choice)

Feb 16, 2010 00:33

Tidus knew that being in a strange place without really knowing how he got there should freak him out, but once you lived through it the first time it seemed like the second time wasn't all that exciting. At least this time he hadn't been transported via a gigantic swirling vortex of water and stone and metal that was pretty much destroying his ( Read more... )

series: final fantasy x

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/please ignore the first mispost....for I am fail genjiblade February 16 2010, 19:17:22 UTC
Auron had learned long ago that Tidus liked to whine. Half the time he didn’t even believe that Tidus actually cared about what he was whining about. Then again, he had to admit that the kid had a rough life (or whatever people wanted to call it). His father had left him and his mother had passed away, he couldn’t blame him for how he handled things. But, deep down Auron had known that Tidus would be the one to finish the cycle ( ... )


S'all good - though Ashura would sure like to get with that Dante ;) blitzingblade February 16 2010, 20:43:53 UTC
Small heart attacks are not healthy, no matter your age, and Tidus seemed to be suffering from them a lot lately: pretty much ever since he landed in this god forsaken world. First it was those ruins and that bloody lizard thing that tried to eat him, then the octopus under the water cause had to pay for passage on Riku's ship, then all the monsters, becoming a Guardian, being told Zanarkand was long dead and scared...

Well, enough time to wonder about that last bit later. He was currently attempting to get his heart under control and find something to give him the semblance of decency besides his small towel, though since it was only Auron that latter part was currently taking a back seat to his natural curiosity.

"Auron?" he blurted aloud in his usual way. "What are you doing here?" Though that was probably a stupid question, wasn't it? Auron was always around. He was a Guardian. "Is Yuna okay?" At least his head was partially in the right place.


Could always be arranged. >=D genjiblade February 16 2010, 20:55:15 UTC
Considering the state of things when he had left, he could only imagine that Yuna was fine. She was resilient and had come a long way during her pilgrimage. “Yuna will be fine.” Was all he could answer, as far as he knew this was just the farplane, a sick and twisted part of it, but still the farplane. He had faded away at the time he was supposed to, when his job was done. He had hoped, of course, that he would be able to return to the dream of the Zanarkand of the past. As much as he tried to deny it, the old city was his home for a good number of years.

“Put your clothes on.” A man could only handle so much of this hotel’s foolishness before he snapped, and the way the water was playing along Tidus’ body was Auron’s snapping point. The air was definitely thicker than he was used to and in all honestly, he hadn’t believed that being sent was going to feel anything like this.


I'd love you darlin' ~ <3 blitzingblade February 16 2010, 21:10:39 UTC
"It's what I'm trying to do!" Tidus shot back, suddenly very aware of his almost naked state before the other ( ... )


Just point me to a place, and I'll be there. :D genjiblade February 17 2010, 00:16:34 UTC
Auron sighed faintly, so this was the game this place was going to play. All he wanted was to rest, and they throw yet another curveball in his direction. There was only one course of action and that was to help Tidus look for his clothes and completely ignore the way the light danced off certain parts of the teen’s body ( ... )


Well, either I can set up an Ashura post or you can set up a Dante post. Whichever blitzingblade February 17 2010, 00:28:39 UTC
Which was going to be easier said than done, that was fore sure. Already the towel was coming loose around his hips from all the movement, and he really couldn't tighten it again without undoing the towel. But, if Auron wanted it stay on....

He took a deep breath, gripped the towel, unwound it, slung it off and then quickly rewrapped it around his hips. His only hope was that Auron had not gotten an eyefull (even though that thought sent a blush rushing to his cheeks and blood running down to... well, somewhere it probably shouldn't have been going with only his towel to hide it). Trying to save some face he went to the bed and sat, which allowed him to angle his legs down and thereby keep himself from flashing Auron again.

"So, uh, where are we again?" he asked, having the good graces to sound sheepish, licking a stray droplet of water from his lips as another dripped off his cheek and wound down over his chest and his stomach.


I can post up something for Dante; it'd be a couple of hours, since I'm at work genjiblade February 17 2010, 01:34:05 UTC
Of course, when it came to Lady Luck, Auron seemed to be on her bad side. His eyes widened slightly behind the dark sunglasses as he was suddenly thankful for the fact that he tended to keep them on even when he was inside of a building. Impure thoughts weren’t something he was used to, and he was getting increasingly frustrated with the situation. But, he knew that he shouldn’t take it out on Tidus, there was simply no point in doing so.

“One of the Fayth has a weird sense of humor.” That or they were just a twisted fuck (not that Auron would ever use words like that to describe anyone, but he would admit that it seemed decently accurate considering the situation). Eventually, he found himself leaning up against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.

“Either way, we may be here for some time, and there is something… odd about this hotel.” Odd was an understatement, and Auron could not stand the idea that he couldn’t put a finger on what was clawing at the back of his mind.


Sounds good. Just link me when it's up ~ blitzingblade February 17 2010, 03:24:05 UTC
"No offense, but it doesn't seem like any of the Fayth have any sense of humor," he snorted, leaning back in a position that was subtly sexual, and thus he didn't notice he was even producing such a thing with the way his body arched and dipped, displaying the smoothness of his belly down to his hips, the towel starting to loosen once more ( ... )


genjiblade February 17 2010, 03:55:45 UTC
The religion was a little ass backwards, in fact Auron himself had given up on it the faithful night of Braska's death. A religion that did send people out to the slaughter wasn't something that you could trust or count upon. Just as someone could not count on the hotel to be somewhat forgiving.

"It's rather strange..." was all he said to Tidus' comment, there were so many things the hotel was doing that was beyond something as simple as the decorations. Slowly the monk took in another deep breath, trying to calm down his jagged nerves. He couldn't remember the last time that his body reacted so heavily to anything, let alone something along the lines of sexual attraction.

Every time Tidus leaned back, Auron caught himself staring just a bit more. There was no way a body should be allowed to move like that in public, especially in such a state of dress.


blitzingblade February 17 2010, 04:01:23 UTC
Tidus shifted when he caught Auron staring, at once shy and wanting to... he didn't know, entice Auron to stare more. The thought brought him up short with a gasp, his entire body jerking: which was the final straw for that towel. In a whisper it slipped off him, leaving him bare to Auron's gaze, including the beginnings of the arousal between his legs.

Letting out a very un-Guardian like sound (maybe something akin to a squeak, though he refused to admit that's what it ended up sounding like), he bent forward and snatched up the towel, fumbling pathetically to get it back around his hips. Damn it! Why did it have to fall? Towels didn't normally fall like that. No towel he'd ever used had fallen like that! He gave Auron furtive glances, licking his lips as he tried to contain his blush (though it wasn't really working, mind).

"Or uses such tiny towels!" he complained as he continued to fumble, fingers suddenly feeling numb and clumsy despite his skill with them when it came to blade and ball.


It's up in all it's glory. genjiblade February 17 2010, 05:06:04 UTC
Whatever Tidus was saying, Auron was not paying attention to at all. Eyes were still shifting under the glasses, he couldn't help but lower his gaze to someplace that it should obviously not be at. He kept trying to tell himself that this was Jecht's son, and that he should have more respect than to take a moment to stare at the young man's body (and he was definitely a man...).

He found that he couldn't hold back as he shifted off the wall and made his way towards Tidus. Despite the little voice in the back of his head screaming at him to stop, his body would not listen. "Leave it off."

He wasn't sure what he meant by that or now he could cover such a blatant order. There was absolutely nothing he could do to hide any thought about Tidus that had been running through his head now that he had spoken those three words.


Excellent ~ blitzingblade February 17 2010, 05:30:24 UTC
Fumbling ceased. Those dark eyes stared at Auron is something close to shock, though maybe it was more dumbfounded than anything else. His mouth worked like a fish gasping for air, no sound coming out though his tongue wagged as if it meant to fling out words. The towel remained clasped in one hand, covering his most private of areas though the rest was left uncovered to show gleaming skin and rippling muscle.

Had Auron really just said that? And was he... stalking towards him that way on purpose? Cause, really, that was the only way to describe what the man was doing - stalking. He was reminded of those dog like creatures they met on the plains, the way they slinked out through the grass to attack without warning. There was something feral about the way the man approached him, totally different from his normal stoic come and.... and oh shit, it was arousing.

He finally clicked his mouth shut and gulped, his cheeks blushing brightly now. "O-okay," he stammered quietly, though to Auron's ears it might have been purred.


I aim to please. genjiblade February 17 2010, 06:06:08 UTC
He wasn't sure where it was coming from either, he himself didn't even think that something like that would come from him. The hotel seemed to have an odd pull on him. Pulling him in a direction that was obviously dangerous and he wasn't sure if it was even wanted. His mind was taking everything that Tidus was doing and twisting it all into something more sexual, like Tidus was doing it all to attract his attention.

"It's nothing... I haven't seen before." He tried to regain some form of composure and logic in the situation. Yet, he still moved closer, arm snaking out to wrap around the blonde's waist, pulling the young man flush against his body.

A slow ragged breath was taken in as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do next. His head was heavy, almost like he had been drinking sake the entire night, yet he felt mostly in control of his senses. His body on the other hand, was completely in the moment.


;) Well I commented ~ So you pleased xD blitzingblade February 17 2010, 06:35:47 UTC
The sudden tug shook his balance, and on instinct he reached for the nearest thing to steady him - which happened to be Auron. The youth's arms slid around the older man's shoulders, tightening their hold without even thinking. He gulped audibly at the sudden press of their bodies so close, a shiver running down his spine that turned into an extended quiver.

"Ah... Auron," he murmured, licking his lips a bit self-consciously now even as his fingers dug into the hardened muscle of his backside.

Slowly his head crept in till their lips were brushing, breath mingling in the tight space that was left. Was he really thinking of doing this? Cause he wasn't so naive as to not understand what would happen if this continued. Of course he knew. He was his father's son and a celebrity after all. But did he want? His body... god his body said yes, but a part of him was saying that this was wrong, very wrong. Yet, almost disturbingly, that voice was growing quieter and quieter, drowned out by the wash of heat that whispered something entirely


genjiblade February 17 2010, 07:21:23 UTC
Auron wasn't a man that gave in to things like lust and attraction, but he couldn't resist it any longer. The short distance that was between their lips was gone in an instance as he pressed his lips against his friend's son. Whatever was wrong about the situation was completely ignored as he gave into the hotel's desires.

He couldn't deny that there was some attraction, if there wasn't there would be no way that he could have even considered what was going on at the moment. Tidus was against his body, nude and not exactly in the best state when it came to being dry. On any other day, Auron would have lectured Tidus about what was going on and why and how he shouldn't have done any of it.

He pulled away from the blonde slowly, a small frown gracing his lips. The frown was directed more at himself and what he was about to do, something that he now craved that he may not have before. There a part of him that found the situation ironic, and the other part that didn't was screaming at him to throw Tidus down onto the bed.


blitzingblade February 17 2010, 07:49:03 UTC
Holy shit.

Those were the first words to flutter through his mind when Auron kissed him. Never in his wildest dreams would he have ever thought of Auron kissing anyone, much less himself. Though, you know, Auron was a guy so Tidus supposed the man would have those manly urges now and then. But still, that those urges would come out being practiced on himself? it was a bit of a shock ( ... )


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