Intro//Non-Event//Medium - Heavy Aphro (Your Choice)

Feb 16, 2010 00:33

Tidus knew that being in a strange place without really knowing how he got there should freak him out, but once you lived through it the first time it seemed like the second time wasn't all that exciting. At least this time he hadn't been transported via a gigantic swirling vortex of water and stone and metal that was pretty much destroying his ( Read more... )

series: final fantasy x

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Sounds good. Just link me when it's up ~ blitzingblade February 17 2010, 03:24:05 UTC
"No offense, but it doesn't seem like any of the Fayth have any sense of humor," he snorted, leaning back in a position that was subtly sexual, and thus he didn't notice he was even producing such a thing with the way his body arched and dipped, displaying the smoothness of his belly down to his hips, the towel starting to loosen once more.

In fact, that whole religion seemed kind of screwy. Seriously, what sort of religion was perfectly okay with sending these young women off on these dangerous journeys with just guardians all in the hopes of stopping some great evil? Yeah, he understood wanting to stop Sin, but the way they made these summoners travel, it all smacked of... something just felt wrong, that was all. Especially they Seymour guy. He left a sour taste in one's mouth for sure. But maybe he didn't get it because he was from a different time, a different place.

He lifted his arms and stretched, sighing. "And yeah, I noticed. What hotel owner decorates their hotel in monochrome?" he huffed, blinking at the reds that decorated the room in such a garish way that even Tidus' senses were appalled.


genjiblade February 17 2010, 03:55:45 UTC
The religion was a little ass backwards, in fact Auron himself had given up on it the faithful night of Braska's death. A religion that did send people out to the slaughter wasn't something that you could trust or count upon. Just as someone could not count on the hotel to be somewhat forgiving.

"It's rather strange..." was all he said to Tidus' comment, there were so many things the hotel was doing that was beyond something as simple as the decorations. Slowly the monk took in another deep breath, trying to calm down his jagged nerves. He couldn't remember the last time that his body reacted so heavily to anything, let alone something along the lines of sexual attraction.

Every time Tidus leaned back, Auron caught himself staring just a bit more. There was no way a body should be allowed to move like that in public, especially in such a state of dress.


blitzingblade February 17 2010, 04:01:23 UTC
Tidus shifted when he caught Auron staring, at once shy and wanting to... he didn't know, entice Auron to stare more. The thought brought him up short with a gasp, his entire body jerking: which was the final straw for that towel. In a whisper it slipped off him, leaving him bare to Auron's gaze, including the beginnings of the arousal between his legs.

Letting out a very un-Guardian like sound (maybe something akin to a squeak, though he refused to admit that's what it ended up sounding like), he bent forward and snatched up the towel, fumbling pathetically to get it back around his hips. Damn it! Why did it have to fall? Towels didn't normally fall like that. No towel he'd ever used had fallen like that! He gave Auron furtive glances, licking his lips as he tried to contain his blush (though it wasn't really working, mind).

"Or uses such tiny towels!" he complained as he continued to fumble, fingers suddenly feeling numb and clumsy despite his skill with them when it came to blade and ball.


It's up in all it's glory. genjiblade February 17 2010, 05:06:04 UTC
Whatever Tidus was saying, Auron was not paying attention to at all. Eyes were still shifting under the glasses, he couldn't help but lower his gaze to someplace that it should obviously not be at. He kept trying to tell himself that this was Jecht's son, and that he should have more respect than to take a moment to stare at the young man's body (and he was definitely a man...).

He found that he couldn't hold back as he shifted off the wall and made his way towards Tidus. Despite the little voice in the back of his head screaming at him to stop, his body would not listen. "Leave it off."

He wasn't sure what he meant by that or now he could cover such a blatant order. There was absolutely nothing he could do to hide any thought about Tidus that had been running through his head now that he had spoken those three words.


Excellent ~ blitzingblade February 17 2010, 05:30:24 UTC
Fumbling ceased. Those dark eyes stared at Auron is something close to shock, though maybe it was more dumbfounded than anything else. His mouth worked like a fish gasping for air, no sound coming out though his tongue wagged as if it meant to fling out words. The towel remained clasped in one hand, covering his most private of areas though the rest was left uncovered to show gleaming skin and rippling muscle.

Had Auron really just said that? And was he... stalking towards him that way on purpose? Cause, really, that was the only way to describe what the man was doing - stalking. He was reminded of those dog like creatures they met on the plains, the way they slinked out through the grass to attack without warning. There was something feral about the way the man approached him, totally different from his normal stoic come and.... and oh shit, it was arousing.

He finally clicked his mouth shut and gulped, his cheeks blushing brightly now. "O-okay," he stammered quietly, though to Auron's ears it might have been purred.


I aim to please. genjiblade February 17 2010, 06:06:08 UTC
He wasn't sure where it was coming from either, he himself didn't even think that something like that would come from him. The hotel seemed to have an odd pull on him. Pulling him in a direction that was obviously dangerous and he wasn't sure if it was even wanted. His mind was taking everything that Tidus was doing and twisting it all into something more sexual, like Tidus was doing it all to attract his attention.

"It's nothing... I haven't seen before." He tried to regain some form of composure and logic in the situation. Yet, he still moved closer, arm snaking out to wrap around the blonde's waist, pulling the young man flush against his body.

A slow ragged breath was taken in as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do next. His head was heavy, almost like he had been drinking sake the entire night, yet he felt mostly in control of his senses. His body on the other hand, was completely in the moment.


;) Well I commented ~ So you pleased xD blitzingblade February 17 2010, 06:35:47 UTC
The sudden tug shook his balance, and on instinct he reached for the nearest thing to steady him - which happened to be Auron. The youth's arms slid around the older man's shoulders, tightening their hold without even thinking. He gulped audibly at the sudden press of their bodies so close, a shiver running down his spine that turned into an extended quiver.

"Ah... Auron," he murmured, licking his lips a bit self-consciously now even as his fingers dug into the hardened muscle of his backside.

Slowly his head crept in till their lips were brushing, breath mingling in the tight space that was left. Was he really thinking of doing this? Cause he wasn't so naive as to not understand what would happen if this continued. Of course he knew. He was his father's son and a celebrity after all. But did he want? His body... god his body said yes, but a part of him was saying that this was wrong, very wrong. Yet, almost disturbingly, that voice was growing quieter and quieter, drowned out by the wash of heat that whispered something entirely different.


genjiblade February 17 2010, 07:21:23 UTC
Auron wasn't a man that gave in to things like lust and attraction, but he couldn't resist it any longer. The short distance that was between their lips was gone in an instance as he pressed his lips against his friend's son. Whatever was wrong about the situation was completely ignored as he gave into the hotel's desires.

He couldn't deny that there was some attraction, if there wasn't there would be no way that he could have even considered what was going on at the moment. Tidus was against his body, nude and not exactly in the best state when it came to being dry. On any other day, Auron would have lectured Tidus about what was going on and why and how he shouldn't have done any of it.

He pulled away from the blonde slowly, a small frown gracing his lips. The frown was directed more at himself and what he was about to do, something that he now craved that he may not have before. There a part of him that found the situation ironic, and the other part that didn't was screaming at him to throw Tidus down onto the bed.


blitzingblade February 17 2010, 07:49:03 UTC
Holy shit.

Those were the first words to flutter through his mind when Auron kissed him. Never in his wildest dreams would he have ever thought of Auron kissing anyone, much less himself. Though, you know, Auron was a guy so Tidus supposed the man would have those manly urges now and then. But still, that those urges would come out being practiced on himself? it was a bit of a shock.

Yet it didn't stop him from kissing the other back. It was a clumsy attempt, showing his inexperience despite how often he flirted with girls (or maybe he was just that nervous, who knew?). His teeth nipped at Auron's bottom lip, tongue sliding over it in some attempt to be sexy and at the same time apologize if he had caused pain. When the other pulled away a whine worked up, and he had no way to hold it down. Those lips at had been warm, tasting of familiar and exotic things and he yearned for them all the more.

Closing his eyes he leaned back in, closing the gap once more. His mouth moved against Auron's, more confident, demanding, arms hugging tighter as if afraid the other might pull away from him entirely.


genjiblade February 17 2010, 08:28:57 UTC
He was a man and the urges were sometimes there and in this case they were raging in a way that he never would have thought was possible himself. However, as much as Tidus didn't want to pull away, Auron eventually had to break the kiss again. There were certain human functions like breathing that he happened to be quite accustomed of.

He opened his mouth to say something, anything to Tidus. He needed to find a way to explain his actions, but there wasn't a single reason he could think of that would make any sense at all, nor would it push the blame any place else other than his shoulders.

But, there was one thing that he noticed on both himself and Tidus, that their little bout of sin, had an obvious effect on parts of their lower body.


blitzingblade February 17 2010, 08:41:04 UTC
Yeah, breathing was good. Tidus sort of forgot about it in his sudden surge of enthusiasm, lips parted and moist as he panted. His chest heaved lightly, clinging to Auron like a true lover in the heat of love making though they had done little more than kiss. His hips wriggled as heat mounted between his legs, making him slightly uncomfortable, and yet it was a sensation he didn't entirely want to have go away either.

"Auron," he breathed, lips moving eagerly against the other's jaw, the tickle of his unshaven face sending more shivers down his spine.

A hand slid up the other's neck and into his hair, the ache in his abs finally forcing him down onto his back. He tugged Auron with him though, unwilling to be parted from the delicious heat of the older man's body. It contrasted sharply with the cool of the sheets on his back, but it was a good sort of contrast, one that made him moan, lips clumsily working their way over the man's neck.


genjiblade February 17 2010, 20:30:54 UTC
It was amusing in a way, during the entire time; Auron had yet to remove his glasses. It had always been a combination of what had happened in the past and his own need to keep to himself. And yet, here he was with Tidus underneath him, obviously wanting more than just a guardian.

It was painfully obvious that Auron had given in to whatever lust he had so long ago pushed away. His pants were far tighter than what he was used to, and he could only think about why he was still dressed. The blonde beneath him was as nude as the day he was born, yet he was still fully clothed (minus his jacket, of course).

“Tidus?” He questioned, tilting his head a bit to give the blonde easier access. The position had to be a bid uncomfortable for the other man, so it wasn’t too much of a stretch for Auron to shift to make it easier. Whatever hang ups he had with the situation was forgotten as his hips met Tidus’.


blitzingblade February 18 2010, 00:03:24 UTC
The glasses were indeed an annoyance, but one Tidus couldn't find it in himself to address. Maybe it was because he was so used to seeing Auron with them that the thought of the man without them was utterly alien. Either way he was effectively leaving it up to Auron to decide what to do with them as his mouth continued its clumsy path over his jaw and neck.

The voice in the back of his mind that said this was wrong kept trying to scream louder at him, and in some ways he gave it the attention it demanded. His hands shifted to Auron's front, as if to push him away, but all his finger did was revolt against the voice and grasp the skin tight shirt and tug up. He kept repeating the gesture, whining his demands as his mouth trailed somewhat gracefully back to Auron's.

"Huh?" he managed, his tongue making it impossible to get out a coherent word as it slid back into Auron's mouth.

On their own his hips rose up, bumping against Auron's in swift, harsh gestures that might have been attempts at sensuous rolls. His toes curled, his chest heaving in sharper and sharper pants, the ache between his legs growing hotter, needing attention that he really couldn't fathom in the heat of the moment.


genjiblade February 18 2010, 06:16:58 UTC
"Do you want me to stop?"

He was sure that this was going to bite him in the ass at some later date, but at the moment he could care less. Tidus had all of his attention and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

He let out a low growl as Tidus rolled his hips upward, there was only so much a man could take. Pulling back from the kiss, he shifted back a bit so that he could sit up completely, fingers moving to work off his own shirt. He craved skin to skin contact, and the two layers that were in the way were getting to be too much.

Once the article was off his body, he tossed it to the side of the room, not caring where it landed. He was more interested in the blonde beneath him and wanted to press forward with the situation.


blitzingblade February 18 2010, 06:27:28 UTC
Oh by the Fayth... by the Fayth this was happening! He gulped suddenly, his cheeks glowing rosy despite his tan. That wickedly pink tongue licked over his lips as he shook his head in the negative to Auron's question, tugging the other back to him as soon as his clothing was removed.

Nervously, shyly his hands roamed the broad muscles, the hard back, feeling over the hint of scars he felt along the calloused pads of his own fingers. Each sweep over the warm skin drew a shudder, sometimes coaxed out a moan. He wanted to kiss the skin, wanted to command that mouth, and yet that indecision produced only sharp gasps, little whines of need.

His legs rose, wrapping around Auron's hips as some vague remembrance of a fighting move, tugging the other even closer as his hormonal instincts urged him to thrust his hips up demandingly against the man again and again.


genjiblade February 18 2010, 07:28:00 UTC
Sexual relations were not something he was extremely well versed at. He knew the basic mechanics of it, but as a warrior monk it wasn't something that he took the time to involve himself. This situation was a whole different direction anyway, it simply wasn't something that you spoke to other monks about anyway. "Tidus, you have to tell me..."

There was something to be said of being given verbal permission when it came to something like this. The battlefield he could take the non verbal cues, but this certainly wasn't the battlefield he was used to.

With a small grunt, Auron rolled to his side, pulling Tidus with him. Using the same momentum he continued onto his back, pulling the younger male on top. He was a good deal heavier than Tidus, and he hoped that this position would be easier on the blonde.


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