Chapter Five Part 1/?

Mar 09, 2014 22:09

My ninjas started speaking to me. Seems they've dragged the plot and themselves in a direction that I wasn't expecting. Ah well. Have at thee.

Coherent. Chapter Five Part 1 of something

Yoketron's frame was folded neatly on the floor of his dojo. He did not move. His spark was still. Not a single emotion rippled through his EM field. From all external appearances, one could believe that the old mech returned to the Allspark.
Inside his processor, however, the cyberninja studied the information he has retrieved from Lockdown. The bounty hunter had been away from Cybertron for a very long time, a good few thousand vorns. It would take Yoketron a few hundred vorns to analyse the data from every possible angle. But even now, as he began his preliminary analysis, something did not look quite right with the picture he was just barely beginning to put together.
-Lockdown,- he pinged the bounty hunter on a secure comm line.
-What?- Lockdown does not bother hiding his disgruntlement. -This better be important, old mech. I'm busy.-
-Have you reported to the Corps yet?-
-No. Was gonna stay here in Praxus and keep an optic out on that half-bit for a bit before I head off. Tell him some of my more memorable exploits and some wise circuit-su stuff. If they assign me a mission, I may not be back for a while so I wanted to get this done. Why?-
Yoketron stirred, bringing his processor back from the deep meditation he had fallen into. Light flickered in his optics. -Perhaps it would be best for you to hold off on delivering that report.-
Even though it was through comm line, the cyber ninja could almost see the other mech's sly processor working away. -The Corps has been compromised?- Lockdown demanded incredulously.
The old cyber ninja climbed to his pedes. He turned his helm towards the ceiling as though he could gaze through it to a far off planet where its occupants tirelessly plotted the downfall of Cybertron. -I do not know,- he intoned solemnly. -It's too early to tell. I need more time to study what you have brought me. Do not hide from the others but do not seek them out either. For now, you are assigned to Vibe's case. That should keep you occupied and give an excuse, at least for a short while, over the delay.-
-This is all kinds of fragged up, especially with your new apprentice floating around. What else?-
-My 'new apprentice' as you call him--
-I'm watching him too? Great, just fragging great.-
-I need you to teach him--
-Thought we weren't doing that-
-A precaution only, if I'm wrong about this. You and Vibes. Train him discretely in our thinking and methods-
-I'm not doing this, Yoketron. I will not let you do this to somebody else.- The resolution and menace in Lockdown's digital voice was adamant.
-And if I'm right?- Yoketron demanded and Lockdown faltered. -Would you risk all of Cybertron for just one mech? We will need agents, ones that we can trust implicitly. We know that he has the aptitude to be an exceptional one. I will not overlook a potential asset. Too much is at stake.-
Lockdown laughed harshly. -Every now and then, I think you've changed, you know that? That you really are just an benevolent old mech passing on the Arts to a new generation. Then slag like this happens and out comes that sparkless determination of yours.-
Yoketron retrieved a mediation crystal from near his right pede. He studied the crystal as it lay within his servos. -There is no harm in being a cyber ninja,- he answered. -And he does not need to be one, rather I propose to give him our skills and our teachings and let him go on his way, until I have finished analysing the data. Then the decision can be made. And is it so wrong to teach him skills that will keep him alive? That will make him more observant of the world around him?-
-It's fragged up when the mech in question is only a few steps short of being a spark clone and you seem to be pushing him the last steps of the way. Also, on a completely unrelated topic and out of very, very morbid curiosity, if I'm supposed to be helping Vibes and Vibes and I are supposed to be teaching the half bit, will he be coming along on our investigations?-
The cyber ninja gave a soft grunt in surprise. -You'd involve him in a investigation of the death of his previous self?-
-Frag no. This was your idea, remember? This entire situation is just about slagged up in every possible way.-
-Lockdown,- Yoketron turned the crystal over before tightening his grip and returning it to its place on the floor. -It will be vorns before I am done. The only place I will serve him as his mentor is on my dojo training floor. His spark and his mind will be yours to guide. Perhaps when you've held such power over a mech, you will realize that there are never any easy answers.-
With that, the old cyber ninja shut the comm line with Lockdown. He thought for a moment, then sent off a short ping before he settled back onto the floor, his frame folding up gracefully. His spark went still. The light in his optics faded. His frame slowly shut down non-essential systems.
And in the fathomless dark reaches of Yoketron's processor, the long vorns of Lockdown's adventures on the outer colonies and deep space flowed like a turbulent river.

"Perhaps when you've held such power over a mech, you will realize that there are never any easy answers."
"Who was that?" Deadlock poked Lockdown curiously in the chest plate. The bounty hunter grunted, one optic cracking open to peer down at his young companion.
"What was what?" It had been many vorns since Lockdown had seen the crystal gardens  of Praxus and he'd figure it was a good a place as any to do some long overdue catching up. The two mechs were stretched out on the ground in a seclude alcove.
"You were taaaalking to someone," Deadlock whined, now attacking Lockdown's joints. "It's been forever since I last saw you and you're not even paying attention to me."
"'was busy," Lockdown caught the other mech's servo in a tight grip. He squeezed once in warning then released Deadlock's servos back to him. "Doing my duty. You know all about duty, right? Also do that again and I'll beat the slag out of you."
Deadlock scowled but backed away, uncertain about how serious the bounty hunter was. He curled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them. "It's all they ever talk about. Atlas  'n Roadhandler 'n Yoketron. You must do your duty, young mech. To the Corps and to Cybertron!"
"And you know it so well. Look at you now. Last time I saw you, you were still using identifiers and coding in your speech and you had no more processing ability than the average datapad. Now you're fully fledged…and support rank."
There were far too many things in that last statement that embarrassed Deadlock. He didn't know which to address first. "Ugh, dear Primus, you remember that? And shut up. Support rank is nothing to laugh at. We're important."
"Keep telling yourself that," Lockdown smirked. "They shown you how to use an energon blade yet?"
Deadlock stiffened and, completely blank face and one hundred percent serious, recited, "The Support ranks utilizes the deadliest weapon known to any mech. Knowledge and information."
The bounty hunter stared. Deadlock stared back. Then, Lockdown rolled over and broke into laughter. "I don’t know you, half-bit. I refuse to know you. Go away."
"I was being serious," Deadlock huffed.
"I know. That's the scariest thing about it. I'm beginning to wonder if my spark really had anything to do with yours."
"That was aaaaall Atlas," Deadlock mumbled into his knees. He stiffened as his chronometer suddenly alerted him to the time. "Slag. I've got to go or I'll miss the shuttle back to Kaon. You've got to give me more warning next time, so I can take a longer break. How long will you be around on Cybertron?"
This close, Deadlock couldn't hide the misery that spread through his field at the thought of Lockdown leaving again. Lockdown rested a servo on Deadlock's shoulder and pushed him gently to his pedes. "Actually, I might be stationed here at Praxus for a while," he said. "We'll be sure to catch up, half-bit."
The young mech sent a pulse of gratitude then headed off, folding into his alt-mode as soon as the path was large enough to accommodate him. Lockdown watched him go fondly. It was strange really, meeting up with the young mech he'd help create with the rest of the Corps. For the rest of Cybertron, the practice of splitting was long dead but many of the Corps older ranks still remembered how it work. Deadlock's spark had been forged from the energy from some of the greatest sparks the cyber ninjas had to offer. They hadn't gone all the way though, instead they had built the frame that now housed that spark rather than tying one cyber ninja down to go through the lengthy reconfiguration process required to split a frame in half. Deadlock had been little more than freshly onlined when Lockdown had left for his deep space assignment and Lockdown was surprised that the mech remembered him even.
-Vibes?- Lockdown reached out through his own personal network, an unusually small one compared to the average Cybertronian. The cyber ninja's awareness suddenly pressed against his own. If it were any other mech, Lockdown would have either rebuffed it or hacked it but instead, he let the edge of Vibe's cloud mind brush the edges of his own.
-Somethin shaking?- the bounty hunter paused for a moment, then decided that it was not worth inquiring what was up with the cyber ninja's new speech pattern.
-The half-bit.-
-Which one?- Vibes digital tone was warm with amusement. -That's a term that describes everyone when it comes from you, Lockdown.-
-The new half-bit.-
-Not that new. The older one.-
-Deadlock?- Fortunately, Vibes had a lot of experience understanding what Lockdown was getting at.
-Yeah. That one.-
-Ah. You've finally seen the little one then. He's doing good. What did you think of him? He's adorable, isn't he?-
-...he's an idiot. Way too much of Atlas in him. Spark's in the right place but that's hardly a surprise.-
Vibes gave the digital equivalent of a snort of amusement. -He'll surprise you. He's got a bit of everyone in there, yourself included. Just admit it. You think he's adorable.-
Lockdown responded to that with an obscene virtual gesture not meant for polite company. -Frag off.-
-No, no, it's alright. I hear you've got a new charge. You may have missed out on Deadlock's formative years but at least you'll get to watch Prowl develop. Should be interesting.-
-He is NOT my charge.-
-The paperwork I just filled out and filed says otherwise. Congratulations, by the way. You've been assigned as Prowl's primary mentor, full time.-
Lockdown sat up sharply and shot the cyber ninja a digital glare. -How the slag did you--
-In case you were wondering, I'm currently hacking into the database for the Praxian citizen registry office,- Vibes cut in pleasantly. -Say, how much do you like the designation Halfwind?-
-It's sounds slagging stupid, that's what. Vibes, what--
- Well, it's your new designation from now on. Better get used to it. Also, you have a meeting in two joors with Immobilizer, the enforcer currently assigned to the new batch in Praxus. Don't be late.-
The bounty hunter flailed mentally in anger and confusion. Beside his own awareness, he could feel Vibes smug amusement at having the upper hand. -What the SLAG?- he exploded at the cyber ninja, at last.
-Orders from Yoketron,- Vibes responded chirpily. -Figured I'd get onto them right away.-
-...I fragging hate you.-

au, character: vibes, character: yoketron, character: lockdown, verse: the lost bot, transformers fanfiction, story arc: a spark coherent, character: deadlock/drift

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