ADMIN: Rules Update

Jul 13, 2008 21:13

The rules have been updated. There were some changes and tweaks made to the rules as follows:

RULE #7: Active participation is a requirement. Game speed varies from very high paced to medium-paced to slow. Whatever the pace of the game, you are required to and expected to actively participate. In order to be considered active, you must update at the current rate of play or a minimum of ONE post per week PER CHARACTER. An update means that you will respond to a thread in the main community or you will start a thread in the main community.

If you want to post more than that, no one is going to stop you, but the above is the minimum.

Visible, active character(s) are those with whom other players will wish to interact. If your character is not visible and not active, then chances are the game will be not be enjoyable for you because no one will be willing to risk involving you in threads for fear of grid-locking their own characters.

If you will be inactive or unable to post for an extended period of time (ie, more than a long weekend), you must make a note of such an occurrence in the Hiatus Thread on the_lifeboatooc. We know that Real Life often has a way of waylaying people unexpectedly, so if you post pretty regularly and suddenly disappear, we'll probably assume you got into a head on collision with Real Life. However, if several weeks go by and there is no post, nor any response to emails or prodding, we will assume you have dropped the game and your character(s) will be put up for adoption.

If your character is silent for a week, you will be sent an email. You will be given a week to respond to the email. If you do not respond to the email, your character will be put up for adoption. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, or an AFK or Hiatus notification is made, you will be expected to make a game post within three days of responding to said email. If it seems that such disappearances are habitual and regular, and you require regular reminders and prodding, your character(s) will be put up for adoption.
RULE #17: Update: All characters and all fandoms are welcome in the game. However, in keeping with the modern and contemporary theme of the Stargate universe, characters from incompatible timelines and universes (as judged by the moderators) will be arrive from alternate universes via an alien device per Stargate canon.

This means that characters might find their abilities changed or altered in some way so that they fit well in the game and do not unbalance it. Any such changes will be presented to you in advance and will not come as a surprise.

And while we have not in the past, the moderators will be enforcing RULE #11: Inactivity and Need Rule Addendum: If your character has been tagged and it has been seventy-two hours and your character has not responded, the Game Master/Moderator(s) reserve the right to NPC your character to keep the game moving. In addition, if necessary to keep the game play moving, the Game Master/Moderator(s) may designate another player to temporarily NPC your character until that interaction has been resolved and/or you have returned to the game.

The Game Master/Moderators reserve the right to NPC inactive and MIA players as needed, when required to further plot lines and maintain game movement. You will be notified of what your character has done, been involved in, etc, if this happens.

Please remember, you are always permitted to make a note that you will be absent, or need additional time (within a reasonable time frame) to respond to a post. However, when the game is moving quickly, it's unfair to other players to make them wait more than a day or two for a reply from your character.

There is no grandfathering in, gang, sorry. These new rules are officially in effect on August 1, 2008. However, the moderators will be invoking Rule #11 effective immediately, as needed, to keep the game progressing.

rules update, admin

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