Who: Everyone
Where: Inside and Outside of Moe's
When: May 31, night
Invited: All play!!
The party was going strong. The band had taken a short break and had come back stronger than ever. The drinks were flowing, the dancing on the makeshift dance floor was only one of many 'hot spots' of the area, the second stop of a new couple
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He turned away again, and headed towards the bar, a hand coming up to smack his friend on the shoulder, "Just make sure they're on time for work tomorrow. Sometimes being petty can be fun. You should try it once in awhile."
Daniel's acknowledgment of those down the bar caused Jack to look in the same direction, and he smiled and offered the pair of doctors who are seated down the bar a nod of greeting. "Makes you wonder who is minding the store," Jack considered, his voice set low, but just enough to carry to his friend in the noise of music. "Don't get hurt."
(Oh who the hell are you kidding? You of all people know that the rules don't apply here and that everything is different, changing. You just feel awkward seeing them outside of the box.)
They finally made it to the bar and Daniel sighed, "There are other qualified doctors around, too, Jack." It was nice to see Carson and Jennifer actually away from the infirmary for a change. They both worked too hard.
(Pot. Kettle. Black.)
Daniel barely listened at Jack placed the order, he knew what to order Daniel and then it was just a matter of time before the ladies arrived. Leaning against the bar, Daniel's attention was drawn back to the dance floor again and he blinked to clear his vision.
Yes, that was exactly what he thought he saw: Cassie was dancing. That wasn't so much what got his attention, but rather that Cassie was swooning and swaying with a beer in her hand with a marine. She looked happy enough, and Daniel slid his attention away before the tableau caught Jack's eyes.
He'd keep a careful watch on the young lady … just in case.
Twisting around, two glasses in hand, Jack handed the one off before bringing the one left up and took a little off the top, just to be sure that he didn't inadvertantly spill any of it. Dark eyes looked over the rim of the glass in the direction they'd come, waiting for the girls to catch up from their side jaunt. 'We'll catch up, you go on ahead..' they'd said.
It only took a moment before he returned his attention to his best friend, his brows rising. "Hey... what's up?" Daniel had a look on his face, distracted... He turned around, almost reaching a full 360' before he looked back to the archaeologist. "One of your people growing a second head now?" Well, Daniel had remarked how odd it was to see people out of their 'usual' environment. "Just think of much more they'll be able to do."
Jack took another swallow of his beer and checked his watch-- not that it kept 'perfect' time. Still, he used it for time passage rather than hours of the day. He was here for a couple of beers, then off to the cabin. He'd hoped that he could get an hour or two in the company of his friends before he left for the cabin for the weekend... Sam hadn't given him an answer, which, of course, was an answer. At least she was with Elizabeth. The two could use the time out.
"Hey--" Jack turned to his friend, "up for fishing this weekend? Bringing beer back for the batter for frying them up."
"Who?" Callie asked, turning back to pay attention to Alex. She'd been admiring a guy who'd walked by a moment ago. Or maybe she was admiring his girlfriend. Or both. Alex had no idea which.
"Her," Alex said, pointing out the young woman dancing not far away. She was holding a beer as she danced--and not her first, to judge by her movements.
Callie's laugh surprised Alex. "What?"
"He's in for a disappointment," Callie said. "She's got friends--and relatives--in high places. Anybody tries to put the moves on her and he'll be in for a world of hurt. Especially a soldier." Callie gestured at Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill, who were keeping an eye on the girl and her dance partner.
Alex followed Callie's pointing finger. "Huh," he said and swallowed his beer. "Poor bastard."
"Ow," Alex said a minute later when Callie smacked his arm to get his attention. "What?"
"Check those two out," Callie said. She pointed to a couple who were slow dancing together with no regard for the music. Alex frowned, trying to place them. It took a moment. Then he recognized the girl. Valerie Syence--one of the science nerds. A real genius by all accounts, though Alex thought she was borderline retarded, socially at least.
Cute, though. Alex had hit on her once and though she'd turned him down, the wide-eyed, deer in the headlights way she'd reacted had been entertaining enough to compensate for it. He'd come away thinking she had to be a virgin. He said as much to Callie.
"Not anymore," Callie said. "Look at them. Look at her. She's got a serious case of Disney Chemicals."
"Disney who?" Alex asked.
"Disney Chemicals," Callie said. "You know, the first flush of young love."
"Serious lust, you mean," Alex said. He studied them a little more. Callie was right. Whoever the guy was, he'd seriously rung her chimes and she wanted more. Alex grinned, thinking of all the possibilities for entertainment there.
He opened his mouth almost immediately to say "No," to Jack's fishing invitation and stopped himself. It wasn't like he hadn't done it before. Sure, it held absolutely no interest for Daniel, but Jack enjoyed it and Daniel - though he would never admit it aloud - liked spending time with his best friend. Even if it involved dampness, mosquitos and fishing line. Or hockey. Or any number of things that Daniel still had not managed to build an appreciation for even after so many years in Jack's company.
Instead, Daniel shrugged. "I have some stuff that I need to finish. Really. We've got teams going off-world now and returning with information about planets, ruins that I can cross -"
Daniel stopped and huffed, recognizing Jack getting that particular glazed look to his eyes. "I might stop up tomorrow sometime. But I'm not making any promises."
He looked around again, grinning to see Jennifer and Carson headed out to the dance floor and -
. . Cassie being led off the dance floor. Her dance partner held her pretty closely and she looked just this shade of . . . well, Daniel knew intoxication when he saw it and it was time to do some creative intervention.
"Um, Jack, I just saw Dr. Wayne and I really need to ask him something and no, it can't wait until Monday," Daniel took a few more swallows of beer - one thing Jack had taught him was to not let beer go to waste - "You stay here, watch my beer and wait for Sam and Liz."
The Marine and Cassie weren't quite out of visual range yet, but hopefully Jack couldn't recognize Cassie from behind from this distance. With a grin, Daniel gestured at the dance floor, "And you can think of fodder for Carson and Jennifer."
With that, Daniel hurried off, calling for Dr. Wayne although Dr. Wayne didn't work for or with him, and most importantly, Dr. Wayne was no where in sight. Fortunately, no one called Daniel on his proclamations and he made it through and beyond the throng.
"Fuck," Daniel cursed softly under his breath, once he was away from the general press. If he lost her and . . .
Cassie's head bopped into view and disappeared again, but it was enough of beacon for him to follow.
He was only underestimated once. Some never got the chance to do it again, and others were smart enough to realize they couldn't do it again.
Twisting around towards the dance floor, Jack followed Daniel's gaze and saw only Drs. Beckett and Keller... and looked puzzled, though only briefly. Daniel was the 'people watcher'; when he was off-duty, he was off. He'd missed the random movements of others in the crowded dance floor, undoubtedly to Daniel's relief.
"Um, Jack, I just saw Dr. Wayne and I really need to ask him something and no, it can't wait until Monday," Daniel took a few more swallows of beer - one thing Jack had taught him was to not let beer go to waste - "You stay here, watch my beer and wait for Sam and Liz." Jack raised eyebrows on that, his expression showing some surprise before he shook his head in theatric disappointment. "Go.. I'll wait for the girls." He wasn't about to wait all night, however-- he still had the walk to the cabin ahead of him.
As Daniel departed, however, Jack watched his friend, and watched how no one yet answered his calls as he was swallowed up in the crowds of the dance floor.
(And Cassie probably really doesn't want to deal with all of us right now,) Daniel thought.
She probably didn't want to deal with Jack, either, but there was no way around it. Daniel had to tell his best friend something even if it was an edited version.
Waving his arm to get the bar tender's attention, Daniel turned to Jack. "Sorry it took so long. I ran into Cassie. Or, actually, I found Cassie. She's had a bit too much to drink. She's with a friend," Daniel hurriedly added that part before Jack could get fired up, "I'm going to get her something to keep her hydrated and then get her home to bed."
Missive delivered, Daniel leaned against the bar, casually turning to watch the dance floor, while waiting for Jack's inevitable reaction.
"What?" Looking around, his arm hanging on the edge of the bar while his body twisted, he shook his head in prelude to a response. "I don't know. Yes, no.. probably found something that Elizabeth needed to be done right then and there. Pretty sure they'll keep each other away from anything resembling real work. I had Carter convinced that a Friday night couldn't possibly be wasted in the motor-pool." Working on her hobby... which, to him, looked too much like work. "Something about a power... something or other."
The mention of Cassie brought Jack's attention around, his brows raising, and he waited for the rest of the 'story'. "Okay... Drunk." His own translation. "Where is she?" Friend or no friend with her, he felt better knowing where she was.
It really was a 'no-brainer', at least as far as Jack was concerned. Hang out at the bar, or go check up on Cassie, even if Daniel just said that she 'was with a friend'. Thus, the question as to where she was. The fact that the archaeologist had taken it upon himself to get the girl water and get her to bed told him a lot. It wasn't new to him that Daniel offered to take care of her; he'd done it since she'd been taken to Earth. Carter and Daniel. He'd 'spell' Carter, giving her a chance to sleep, to rest, to just.. take a break.
Daniel didn't seem too put out, which either meant that things weren't bad, and it was honestly a 'happenstance', or something was really going on and he didn't want Jack to know about it. The either-or, however, only made his head hurt. He had to learn when to second-guess his friends, and when to just let it go.
"She okay? When Carter gets here, should I send her back?" Guess that meant that Jack wasn't going to go check on the girl; at least, he wasn't going to check on her yet. Before he left for the cabin, undoubtedly.
That didn't mean he'd coddle her overly much.
"No, she's not okay. If she hasn't thrown up every meal that she's eaten today, she will be doing so very shortly." The bartender appeared, Daniel requested the needed water. "She's around the buildings and down the hill. Probably passed out or asleep by now, or pretty close to it.
"I'm probably going to have to carry her home." Daniel paused and thought about that. Slinging her over his shoulder would drive the lesson home, but only if it was safe to do that. "Going to make sure she's done being sick first though."
He shook his head, "Is it genetic? I mean, I remember being that stupid drunk too. They all do it. We all did it. Amazing that Darwinism doesn't kick in when that's going on." The words weren't just a comment on the tendency for teens and young adults to drink to excess, but a gentle reminder to Jack that Cassie hadn't done anything that every other teenager -- Jack included at some point in his youth -- hadn't done as well.
On his feet, Jack leaned in the direction Daniel gestured towards, but obviously couldn't see anything. Way too many people in the way. "Passed out? That bad, huh?" He whistled softly and shook his head. "Yeah.. I'll send Carter around to give you a hand if she shows."
He had to smirk, however, at his friend's caution. "Might be a good idea to wait." Jack could tell that Daniel just was not used to bodily fluids. After being a father, and being caught in wars.. a little bit of beer vomit really.. well, okay, it bothered him, but it wasn't something he'd 'ewww' over and avoid the girl for.
"I knew someone who'd told me that teenage boys died in car accidents because they were actually suicides." Couldn't have been the judge, or the prosecutor who'd sent the young Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill into the military those decades ago, could it? "So, yeah.. I think being stupid when you're young is hardwired." He looked at his friend and followed it up, "Doesn't mean we grown ups can't make their lives hell for it, though. It's our job. That's how we get to be sure they get to do their job when they're our age."
He exhaled in a sigh and grabbed a beer nut, tossing it into his mouth with a flourish. "Lemme know if you want any help."
Back on earth, he'd have gotten cupcakes out Cassie for this one. Daniel would have to seriously contemplate what the price of her transgression -- making him worry over her like a protective father -- would be.
"Before this, the worse Cassie ever did was sneak out to go to a football game," Daniel commented, helping himself to a few beer nuts. "Janet and I got cookies for that one. This is bigger than cookies."
"I remember that one. You guys didn't save any." He pointed an admonishing finger at his friend. "This time, you have to share."
Jack took a swallow of his beer, and mid-drink, he nodded and finished, putting the glass back onto the bar. "I'd make her be secretary for a week. Do you have any old, dusty notebooks that have to get copied? Office cleaned?" He paused, and added, "Cake is always good."
He took another drink of beer and imitated Jack doing the nut toss. And actually caught the tossed nut in his mouth. "Yes, I do believe I can find something extremely interesting and challenging for her to occupy herself with."
"So," Daniel considered, "Chocolate or vanilla?"
Jack was the master at ignoring boring paperwork until it started to outgrow its usefulness as a footrest. Giving the beer a final swallow that emptied his glass, he exhaled in a sigh. "You got it?" He was pretty sure he knew the answer on that one. "I'm going to head back to the tent, grab my stuff and head around before I go." Before he went anywhere, however, he grabbed a few more beernuts and held them in his fist.
"Oh.. and vanilla. Chocolate, she might enjoy." He gestured towards Daniel with the nuts, pulling them singly from his hand and popping them quickly into his mouth. Most kids liked chocolate... and to have a vanilla cake, fewer people will be looking for a piece. Besides, he liked vanilla.
Turning away, he let his gaze move over the crowd again. His attention stopped on Jon down at the far end of the bar. There was no way to know if Jon had seen he and Jack, and knowing Jack's feelings on the matter, he had no intentions of drawing his attention to his "nephew."
He'd just begun to look away when he noticed Ami's roommate Maureen and --
Daniel stared. He didn't intend to do so, and he knew it was rude, but his colleague looked --
"Wow." The word came out in slow, appreciative, exhalation of breath. Knowing that Jack wouldn't be able to resist looking around giving Daniel's less than neutral reaction, he indicated her direction with a wave of his beer bottle. "Ami looks very nice tonight." There was censorship if he'd ever heard it come out of his mouth. He could have gotten away with saying what he really thought to Jack, but then his best friend would never let him live it down.
A few heartbeats later, Daniel innocently turned away, his attention focused entirely on his beer as he pretended not to notice who Ami snuggled up to at the bar and hoped Jack hadn't noticed either.
There was an awkward conversation that he didn't want to have.
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