We wish you challenge, success, joy, and memorable moments!"
Well, middle school yearbook, I guess we could say all of those have been achieved. In fact, there were so many challenges, successes, joys, and memorable moments than I can keep track of. But you know, it's funny: looking through this yearbook of mine, I've realized just how many people I've gotten to know in high school. I hardly looked outside my little group, but now I know half of the junior and sophomore classes along with the tons of seniors I know. It's truly incredible. It has been an experience like no other. Crazy? Yes. Frustrating? Of course. Spectacular? You know it.
The coolest part about any yearbook is the comments people leave you. It's a snippet of what that person was like and how well you got along. The people you didn't know so well simply said "H.A.G.S!" and left it at that. The others...well, those are a lot more fun.
Lorelei (sp?)
I'll miss ya so much! We can always do stuff during the summer though. : ) So many terrible classes together too! If ya want, you can come to TCBY this Thursday with me, amanda, and yals. So happy to get out of HCMS. Well, I'll see ya during the summer and at WLHS! Have a great summer!
-- Anna Burgio
Hey Laura,
remember when you wore that Blue HCMS Drama shirt.
--Mike Keefer
Hey Laura! Fun times in band...lol DLC was fun too. Too many inside jokes...neways cya next year + HAGS!
--Michelle McGrain
Hey Laura!
Have a good suma! Finally out of HCMS! YAH! GO WL! <3
-- Stephanie Pazornick
Hey Laura,
LOL I break all of ur stuff, Ha!
-- Gus Da Bus
Hello laura
Keep playing flute. Noice.
--Blair Burnett
Laura -
8th grade was so fun! I remember meeting you when I first came here which is cool cuz I only remembered the NICEST ppl...lol I remember you in Alice in Wonderland too yaaaay...that was cool...luv ya
--Bethers (Bethany Wynn)
Have a great summer! C ya over the summer when ur not on ur cruise and im not in Detroit. 9th grade!!
-- Libby AKA "The Bird Lady"
"Yeah well...what ever
--Ryan Carey (no joke, that's what it says)
Laura!!! HAGS
cum out and play with us ova da summa aight
-- Danny Nairn
Hey Laura,
It's been fun hanging out this year. It will be even more fun this summer. Cya soon.
--Daniela Beall
-- Trasan Lobster Bobster (I don't even know....)
Have a great summer! Good luck nest year ~ I know you will be very successful next year! Keep up with the drama!
-- Ms. Morrison
Hey Laura! So many inside jokes! Talk to you online and see you next year
--Jessica Goldstein
It's funny isn't it? I always imagine what would happen if went back in time and had a chat with my middle school self and told her what to look forward to. What would she say if I told her I would be a choir girl and a band girl and a drama girl? That I'm in madrigals and wind ensemble and Mr. Ellis is no longer at HCMS? That I got to sing and perform on the JRT stage just like I always wanted to? And on the Hippodrome stage for that matter! How about how my first boyfriend was JP and that my best friend was always Jess? Or how I would become so close to so many people in high school? How about how I know all the 7th and 6th graders and how I'm going to prom with that seventh grader I had never talked to before in my life? I'm VP of Shakespeare Club? I'm in college? That I'm friends with people I never talked to or that I don't talk to some of my middle school friends? That I've become one of the seniors I had looked up to for my whole life? What would I say?
I never expected this ride to take the turns it did. I cried, I screamed, I closed my eyes, I laughed, I wished it were over, I never wanted it to stop. You held my hand, told me roller coasters were fun and would not allow me to sit on the bench with the purses. For that, words will never be able to express how grateful I am. In fact, even these words don't do it justice, but it's the best I can do. You are the hand I squeeze until it's blue. You are my friend and I will never forget you.
As long as I live.
And that's the truth.
Congrats seniors.
Please lift the safety rail of your car and go live.