I asked her all about it...

Aug 14, 2008 13:29

Evenin’ all!

Everything in the world has chosen to ambush me at once this month, which is a combination consequence of pottering around too much in July on my part and really bloody bad timing on the part of everything else. I am quite mad, mad as a pillowcase full of snakes, and running about like the proverbial blue-arsed fly, and suddenly don’t have time to mope, wallow or pity myself, which is vexing.
For those privy to the crisis two weeks ago, our girl is sort of all right and is now living with us for a few weeks. Speaking of which, I have moved house! I now live with Ally-Pally, in our Longsight love-nest. It’s odd adjusting to living with people and animals again, and it breeds vice, but we’re rubbing along nicely, despite all the animals which have come to live with us and are forbidden by contract. We are not connected to the internet yet and I can only get online at work, so my presence will be scanty in the immediate future.
The day after I moved house I started a new job at Stepping Hill Hospital, which I quite like in as much as it isn’t as boring as the last one and I get to scamper about a bit. It’s still not what I dreamed of as a nipper, but they give me money and biscuits.
Mr. Thesis lies in shreds, smeared with my blood, embedded with bits of fingernail and violated with a letter opener, but I’m going to rebuild him.
My immediate debts are now down to £400, £350 of which is to the university.
I have Hamlet this weekend, Discworld next weekend and Scotland the weekend after that, so prepare miss me, Manchester.
I shall be a little bit shafted until September, so I’ll have to see you then. In September, everything will be all right; I will be settled and less loopy. I feel sort of high! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Now, because it is the last time I will get to do one of these for a while, here is a thingy from shinji_star

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

1 Anarcho-dandyism
2 Ceilidh
3 Lookin fancy
4 Rozencrantz and Guildenstern
5 the Lydless I
6 QI
7 William Morris

1.A revolutionary concept expounded by The Chap, encompassing the multifarious ways in which we shall subtly undermine the repressive social regime in which England has slumped, as well as embracing acute louchness and unrepentant sartorial self-expression. And being comfortable with pretentiousness.

2.I like to get a bit folky, I like to dance, hence I like ceilidhs, or I used to and probably would again given the chance.

3.If I do not feel I am cutting a bit of a dash, looking sinister, vague, fabulous or unapproachable, it affects my mood and performance absolutely. Pretentious and shallow, you’re onto a winner here!

4.My boys! Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is my favourite play, one of my favourite films and one of my favourite slash pairings, and I will go and see any and all performances that are brought to my attention. I am, you see, a fandom geek, and have come to terms with this.

5.When I am without Lydia, I am like Sauron’s Eye, do you see? Also, that is one of Lydia’s Dad’s favourite jokes and I find myself eerily drawn to his approval.

6.Stephen Fry is my heathen god, and QI is the pinnacle of televisual output.

7.News From Nowhere was all right, but isn’t going to make it onto my favourites list. His prints, however, own me, and he gave me a quote by which I now govern my home: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”. By coincidence, my gorgeous housemate Ally also lives by this code, except that she was listening to The Streets and missed a bit, leaving her only with “Have nothing in your house that you know to be useful”.

Oh, also, can I show you my hat? I sort of made this when Garry and I were in Bulgaria. Well, I laid it out, but the hippies did the felting for me after I had left and sent me the finished product last week. Isn’t it just the feircest hat in the whole world?

Excuse me stupid face, I'm thinking of having it amputaited.
It is my first ever hat, and I would rather like to do more - felt is a very noble fabric.

craft, adventures, work, nonsense, hat

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