So I haven't updated in ages and if I did it wasn't really updating as much as posting a meme or of course a birthday greeting. But I intent to do better, I promise!!
So, one of the reasons I wasn't updating is my new/old job.
After working my ass off in july ( I worked 28 days in july!!!) I kinda crashed. Well, understandably, right? So I took 2 weeks or so doing nothing than calling my old office job to see if they want/need me back. Didn't look to good but then someone quit cause she got a better job and I was in. Yay me and yay for the otehr woman with the bette job.
Well, I wasn't too happy actually cause they told me I'd me working 10 hours a week, mondays and tuesdays and every second wednesday. I thought shit I have my semester holidays I can work a lot more and I could use the money and shit.
But then I thought well, I know this firm, it never goes the way they say. Well, after that I went in on tuesday (working 9,5 hours) and on thursday (working only 5 hours cause I had to get home to my dog cause my parents and my brother went to visit my aunt and uncle). I have been working monday through friday, 8 hours a day except for fridays since. Yeah. As I am getting paid my the hour I am so not complaining. Already talked with the bosses and all they so want me back and as I am only allowed to work 20 hours a week during the semester they want me to all those 20 hours for sure. Well, we'll see of it works out that way, but I think it wouldn't be too bad if it really worked out!
Then on monday the opera office opened again and I called to tell them I won't be able to come cause my above mentioned 20 hours will be needed in the office job. They told me I can do both (yeah difficult german regulations, I know, I know) so I said I'll sleep it over. Two jobs and university is quite a lot on my plate but the job in the opera I can plan on a month-to-month basis and cut it short if I feel like it's getting to much.
So yay, two jobs!!!