Today is no day like any other. Not only as for what happend in 2001 but for some more positiv reasons!
Okay, so today one year ago I was flying to china for the first time, for my first three-months stay. ALready one year, can you believe it? And I have been back there for a second time. I really can't believe it was a year ago. Feels like forever and yesterday at the same time. But definetly not a year!
And most importantly today is my twins birthday!!!! *woot* Happy, happy Birthday my beloved twin
deanandsam ♥ all the luck to you, may your wishes come true and may Jared Padalecki be one of them! (hugs and kisses). She is that adorable that she even made a twin LJ
the_ladyk *giggles* so cute!!! And oh do you remember this one
Love you so much darling, and I am really grateful I met you!!!!
Take care
*hugs and kisses*