what the heck: an SG1 friending meme

Jul 27, 2008 20:42

new and old fans welcome, of course, because the show is timeless!

Copy/paste the text below into a new comment. Have fun, guys! I hope to meet some SG1 fans who are still with the show even after all these years, because I'm a little late to the party. ;)

Age: (optional)
Location: (optional)

When did you become and SG1 fan?:
What originally made you fall in love with the show?:
Who is/are your favorite character(s) and why?:
Do you have a favorite episode? If so, explain what you like about it:
What is your favorite element of the show (i.e. the characters, the plot, a ship, etc.)?:
Would you agree that the show's cast is exceptionally hot?: (this is pretty much a rhetorical question)

Do you make artwork and/or videos, write fanfic, or do anything else creative to show your appreciation for the show and it's actors? If so, where can we find all of your creations?:

What other fandoms do you participate in?:
Any particular characters/ships?:

Tell us about yourself. What are some of your favorite activities and pastimes outside of fandom?:
Any random facts about yourself we should or shouldn't know?:

Last but not least, if you had to choose between Jack's witticism, Sam's technobabble, Daniel's political morale, Teal'c's eyebrow raise/cocked head duo, or any other characteristic of the show, what would it be?:

Please feel free to spread the word about the meme! New friends are always fun, right?

sg1 friending meme, sg1

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