Aug 16, 2005 00:19
Sophie gave me a nose kiss. I feel like I've been elevated to a higher plane of exsistence now.
I've also got Bridgette and Sophie to know when it's food time. I take a spoon and bang it against an empty tin can and Bridgette comes charging down the hallway to her food dish. Sophie's appetite is coming around finally.
I've also got them down to when it's time to take a walk/go outside. Bridgette would just get excited and start jumping around all over the place whenever she sees me put on my sneakers, but now it's when I take their leashes and make several loud clicks with the clip on the end of it, they charge to the front door and sit, waiting patiently for me to put the leash on and hear the final click before it's time to go outside.
Huzzah for I.
Also, I've learned that Loudoun, or maybe it's VA in general, has a really bitchy attitude towards dog waste retrevial. If either of the dogs did their business is someone elses yard, if I had time, I go back later and pick it up with a plastic bag if it's gonna be in plain sight, like you could be walking and accidently step in it. I was out this morning and this 80 year old man was going out to his car and bitched me out on it. "You've got a lot of balls to have your dog take a shit in that person's yard." I didn't know what to say other than I was going to come back for it. He didn't seem to care. He claims there's county and state laws against that. Hell if I know, I was pick up after them so people wouldn't get crap on their shoes! Begeezus!
Lastly, I, as of August 11st have been the store manager in GameStop Corp. for a full year. May there be many more to come, it's by far the most enjoyable job I've ever held. HUZZAH!
A year, wow, how does the time fly.
Time to dream of Heather, laterz!
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Red vs Blue Season 4 kicks off on the 29th of this month! W00T!