Oct 14, 2005 01:06
I mean this in all seriousness and do not intend to offend anyone:
I should have fasted today before I ate dinner. I am so freaking full of food it hurts to...exist. Super burritos from Taco Del Mar + HUGE slice of hot apple pie a'la mode (I know that's completely wrong, but I'm too lazy to look up the correct way to organize those letters) + basically the entire carton of orange juice + 1/2 a Jumbo bag of chips = too much food. I feel like a beached whale.
In other news, my mom just made me stare at the tiny font and pictures of various colleges for about 4 hours straight. So now I have this amazing headache right behind my eyes, and the realization that I should have worked so much harder (or taken easier courses).
Urgh... I might not be able to eat breakfast tomorrow.
Hope your weekends all go well.
-Whale boy