Nov 25, 2008 21:26
I've been mulling over writing and story-crafting frequently in the past little while, and lo and behold, I think I've undergone a major paradigm shift. I used to be staunchly anti-character-killing and radically pro-happy ending. I still believe in happy endings, but I want more from my stories (not necessarily just my own writing, but also from what I read). I want hard choices. I want grit. I want sacrifice. Right now, I feel that if a story doesn't have sacrifice, it isn't worth reading (for me. Everyone wholly deserves their own preferences in what they enjoy.)
I've had RotD planned more or less since I was sixteen (that's why its plot is so awesome and flawless), though of course I've added and deviated from the original outline over the years. (I initially thought if would be four chapters-- and Good Lord, it's been a learning experience).
I don't know what this new ideology of mine means for RotD, but I certainly think it will have repercussions. And if not for RotD, then definitely for subsequent writings. There won't be meaningless or unnecessary killing for-the-sake-of-killing, but every single one of my favourite books, books which have astounded and affected me, involved sadness and sacrifice.
Must art mimic real life? I don't know, but the art that does seems to speak the loudest.
Anyway. I'm rambling and procrastinating in an attempt to stave off working on an extremely boring paper. So... any thoughts? I'm curious to know who's strictly happy-ending/no-killing and who likes a little sacrifice.