Mar 21, 2008 22:08

OMFG. TORCHWOOD. BEST EPISODE OF THE SERIES SO FAR except arguably for the first one with James Marsters which wins on the basis of the homoerotic fighting/BIG GAY SNOG. And Something Borrowed because IsecretlyfangirlGwen/Jack.




KGJKDFNGDKJNJNokayI'malright now.

I loved Gwen in this (even though I 'aww'ed when she left Andy on the jetty. I fangirl PC Andy XD), and when she saw Jack from the lighthouse I actually moved to the edge of my seat which, excuse me, is a total cliche that I never actually do. But I DID. Actually that was really because for a glorious minute I totally lost my head and thought it was the Doctor. But still. And how brilliant was Ianto, leaving Gwen the GPS package; I love that little act of rebellion after how Jack treated him in Something Borrowed. Also, the MUSIC. Bloody fantastic; I really noticed it in the bit where everyone started arriving at the support group, and when Gwen reached the island.

OH YEAH. JACK/IANTO SEX. Just in case you didn't get that. SEX. NAKEDNESS.


And just in case that's not enough head-explosion: PREVIEW. OMFG. TELL ME TOSH DOES NOT DIE. I FUCKING LOVE TOSH. IF TOSH DIES I WILL BOYCOTT except actually I won't, ever.

I can't believe BBC3-ers only have to wait 15 minutes. You bastards.


if i were a day of the week, i would be: Probably Tuesday. I would like to be Saturday, but I see myself as a Tuesday.
if i were a time of day, i would be: Twenty past eight. Best time everr.
if i were a planet, i would be: Earth ftw.
if i were a sea animal, i would be: The Kraken. Haha.
if i were a direction, i would be: Diagonal.
if i were a piece of furniture, i would be: One of those garden swing chair things.
if i were a sin, i would be: Pride.
if i were a historical figure, i would be: I AM GARIBALDI. XD No but actually I'd probably be Anne Boleyn. Even with the whole unfortunate head-chopping thang goin' on.
if i were a liquid, i would be: Vodka.
if i were a stone, i would be: A standing stone at Stonehenge.
if i were a tree, i would be: Cherry.
if i were a bird, i would be: A swallow.
if i were a tool, i would be: A stapler, if that counts as a tool. I pretty much am a tool.
if i were a flower/plant, i would be: Forget-Me-Not.
if i were a kind of weather, i would be: A heatwave!
if i were a mythical creature, i would be: FAWKES 
if i were a musical instrument, i would be: Acoustic guitar. Not original, but meh.
if i were an animal, i would be: I think I'd be a bird, but if that's not allowed then a red panda.
if i were a colour, i would be: Indigo. Heee ^^
if i were a vegetable, i would be: Butternut squash. Or a sweet potato. I just can't get enough of those root vegetables.
if i were a sound, i would be: The 'ping' when you press the stop button on a bus.
if i were an element, i would be: Potassium. Air.
if i were a car, i would be: VW Campervan in light blue.
if i were a song, i would be: Goodbye Days by Yui.
if i were a movie, i would be directed by: Gore Verbinski. YO HO HO.
if i were a book, i would be written by: JK Rowling. I would be so much better if I was written by JK Rowling.
if i were a food, i would be: A cupcake!! You knows it.
if i were a place, i would be: Japan.
if i were a material, i would be: Chiffon.
if i were a taste, i would be: Peach? Meh, dunno.
if i were a scent, i would be: Vanilla.
if i were a religion, i would be: Some obscure pagan religion.
if i were a word, i would be: Indigo again.
if i were an object, i would be: A tealight.
if i were a body part, i would be: Shoulder blades.
if i were a facial expression, i would be: This one: o__O lol.
if i were a subject in school, i would be: English Lit
if i were a cartoon character, i would be: Fujioka Haruhi
if i were a shape, i would be: A star. Don't know if that counts but I is law.
if i were a number, i would be: Aah I don't know. Sixteen.


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